Descrição do Produto: Jive 100%% Grass Fed Protein Hydrator Clear Protein Powder
O Jive 100%% Grass Fed Protein Hydrator é um pó de proteína claro que combina a pureza da proteína de origem 100% grass-fed com a hidratação necessária para o seu dia a dia. Com 22g de proteína por porção e apenas 100 calorias, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma fonte de proteína de alta qualidade sem comprometer a ingestão calórica. Enriquecido com eletrólitos, o Jive não só ajuda na recuperação muscular, mas também mantém o equilíbrio hídrico do corpo, tornando-se uma excelente opção para atletas e pessoas ativas. Sua fórmula leve e refrescante é facilmente misturável em água ou outras bebidas, proporcionando uma experiência de consumo agradável e prática. O Jive é livre de aditivos artificiais, açúcares e glúten, garantindo um produto limpo e saudável para todos.
1. Proteína de Alta Qualidade: Com 22g de proteína por porção, é ideal para a construção e recuperação muscular.
2. Baixas Calorias: Apenas 100 calorias por porção, perfeito para quem deseja controlar a ingestão calórica.
3. Hidratação Eficiente: Enriquecido com eletrólitos, ajuda a manter a hidratação durante atividades físicas intensas.
4. Fórmula Limpa: Livre de aditivos artificiais, açúcares e glúten, atende a diversas necessidades alimentares.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser misturado facilmente em água, smoothies ou outras bebidas, adaptando-se ao seu estilo de vida.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 30g) do Jive 100%% Grass Fed Protein Hydrator em 250ml de água ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se consumir após o treino ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, experimente adicionar frutas ou vegetais ao seu smoothie. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Renee –
First time using and had good taste and was helpful in me building muscle while I workout. I only didn’t like the zippers lock bag, too much trouble to make sure sealed right each time so i poured into a recently emptied protein powder container
Courtney –
Firstly, the amount of protein in each scoop is more than normally found in a clear protein, which is amazing. I don’t find it overly sweet, it mixes well, and I find the taste pleasant. I do not find the texture to be clumpy as others have reviewed; however, you do have to shake it well as with any protein shake. I do mix mine with ice. I feel that the price point is fair considering the price of other brands. The only reason I have taken one star away is because I do not like the packaging. It does not close easily, and it’s not convenient. I would rather it be in a plastic tub or with a ziploc type closure. Overall, I find the quality to my standards, and I will purchase again regardless of the packaging being a hassle.
Amanda Lison –
I was hesitant to purchase because of the clumping reviews but gave it a shoot- it tastes good! I hate the heavier protein powders and this was I was looking for. I used a handheld fritter and didn’t experience any clumps!!
BadAndy –
For those who simply can’t stand to down another horrible Shake just to get your protein in, this might help. The taste is so much more palatable than a whey protein drink. Let’s face it, anything with protein in it is not going to taste like a Jamba smoothie or a boba drink. The more protein it has in it, the less flavorful it’s going to be. That said, I feel there is a balance in this protein powder mix. Has around 33% less protein per scoop than your standard whey based protein powders or there. The trade off is in flavor. Tastes more like an actual fruit drink than a thick smoothie that pretends to taste fruity but doesn’t because of all that protein. The texture is definitely lighter, but is still a little foamy and clumpy (I shook my mixer for a good 2 minutes nonstop). I suppose you can take 2 servings of this to get 44g of protein in, but that would get really expensive. I’m hoping that as the market gets flooded with more clear protein based drink options that prices will begin to fall. Currently this was the most affordable option out there, which is still almost twice as much as your cheapest whey based option.
So if you have the budget for this, I’d recommend this over your traditional whey based protein shakes. I still have yet to see the benefits (gained muscle mass) from this, but time will tell.
C –
I’m giving this review two Stars, quite honestly it would be one, except this freaking tastes amazing.
Problem number one, the directions say it is one scoop per 8 oz of water which means you need two scoops and almost any single blender ball bottle out there. So the serving size is very misleading on the back because you have to double it unlike most protein powders.
Problem number two this stuff does not dissolve, normally I just put some protein powder in a bottle and then I’ll add some ice water later on in the day I can leave a bottle in my desk in my car and then just add water later, that did not work. So I figured add water first throw the protein powder on top, that also did not work all there was was clumps all over my blender ball, my son, thinking I was dumb, I kid you not shook it for 5 minutes straight and it still didn’t dissolve.
I solve that problem by throwing it in the blender, however for me that defeats the whole purpose because I like to just keep some powder in a cup and then add water to it later, not make it and then go with it.
So all in all I absolutely do love the taste however I would never buy it for myself again and wouldn’t recommend it to anybody unless they wanted to use it and blended drinks.
Courtney –
The powder doesn’t mix well and leaves clumps of powder throughout the drink. The flavor has a weird after taste that doesn’t seem like blueberry. However for the price, it is worth it for 22 grams of protein. I just chugged the drink.
Heather –
I liked the idea of a clear protein that also included the hydration component. The taste was also good. But, that’s about it. I could not get this powder to mix in. I tried using a shaker bottle and a frother stir stick and neither worked. It also caused upset an stomach for multiple taste testers. We had to throw the remaining product in the garbage.
BadAndy –
I was skeptical about buying the product because I have been disappointed by protein powder for water in the past. However, this exceeded my expectations. The flavor is spot on, if you have ever tried the blue raspberry C4 pre-work out, it tastes very similar or like a blue raspberry flavored candy, it’s good. I’ve had isopure protein powders for water and they taste nasty and are nothing like this at all. After a bit of mixing like normal powders, it’s not thick or overtly sweet and if you like bitterness use less water but I can drink this all day. I will definitely be buying more once I run out!