Descrição do Produto: Jiva USDA Organic Whole Husk Psyllium (Isabgol) 12 Onças
O Jiva USDA Organic Whole Husk Psyllium (Isabgol) é um suplemento natural de fibra que se destaca pela sua pureza e qualidade. Proveniente de fontes orgânicas, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável para melhorar a digestão e promover o bem-estar intestinal. Com 12 onças de pura casca de psyllium, ele é uma excelente adição à sua rotina diária, oferecendo uma maneira prática e eficaz de aumentar a ingestão de fibras.
A casca de psyllium é conhecida por suas propriedades gelificantes, que ajudam a regular o trânsito intestinal e a manter a saúde digestiva. Ao adicionar apenas uma colher de chá a 12 onças de água, suco, bebida de soja ou arroz, leite ou smoothies, você cria uma mistura que pode ser consumida imediatamente. É importante misturar vigorosamente e, se a mistura ficar muito espessa, você pode adicionar mais líquido para alcançar a consistência desejada. Este produto não só auxilia na digestão, mas também pode ser um aliado na perda de peso, pois promove a saciedade.
– Melhora da Digestão: O psyllium ajuda a regular o trânsito intestinal, prevenindo constipação e promovendo um sistema digestivo saudável.
– Aumento da Saciedade: A fibra solúvel do psyllium forma um gel no estômago, o que pode ajudar a controlar o apetite e auxiliar em dietas de emagrecimento.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: O consumo regular de psyllium pode ajudar a reduzir os níveis de colesterol, contribuindo para a saúde do coração.
– Controle do Açúcar no Sangue: O psyllium pode ajudar a estabilizar os níveis de glicose no sangue, sendo benéfico para pessoas com diabetes.
– Facilidade de Uso: A versatilidade do produto permite que seja facilmente incorporado em diversas bebidas e receitas, tornando o aumento da ingestão de fibras prático e saboroso.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Jiva USDA Organic Whole Husk Psyllium, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de chá do produto a 12 onças de líquido de sua escolha, como água, suco, bebida de soja ou arroz, leite ou smoothies. Misture vigorosamente até que o psyllium esteja completamente dissolvido. É aconselhável consumir a mistura imediatamente após o preparo para garantir a eficácia do produto. Caso a mistura se torne muito espessa, adicione mais líquido até atingir a consistência desejada. Para resultados ótimos, utilize diariamente como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
J. Rowland –
Seems to be working! Poo is soft and supple like mango pulp and it’s a pleasure to relax during my morning constitution. My diet fluctuates between Keto and Carnivore, so I’m alway looking for ways to add fiber; I mix this with 35oz of cold water and LMNT (electrolytes) and drink. Just make sure that you have enough water and you’ll be just fine!
The taste is pleasant and nutty. With a Citris or Orange LMNT, kinda tastes like thickened gatorade.
AMZN might want to remove the “add a photo or video” option for this product though. Too much temptation.
mansi –
I started taking this from last twelve days and I add water or milk, one date and some ripe banana to it and it tastes so much better and still works. From a childhood I have suffered with severe constipation and it used to be very painful to go but after taking this now bathroom time is not painful anymore. I still go every second day though but with ease.
Thanks Amazon for carrying this wonderful Jiva organic whole husk psyllium.
boucauteboy –
this one is a staple in my diet to add fiber. i like that it is organic
AL19 –
I was skeptical of the product but works well as alternative to Metamucil. Flavour is nutty
Amazon Kunde –
You can not find a better product even in the EU.
Nancy –
I like that this product is organic. It is also effective. In addition to that, the packaging places minimal pact on the environment and as an added bonus, the company supports a charity feeding poor children. Makes me feel even better that what’s inside the reclosable bag!
Tom M. –
This is a very straight forward, simple and quality product. I think it may be thicker pieces than you would expect, it is not pulverized but still blends well. I have no issues and I’ve bought multiple times.
A. Schondorf –
After taking this, I landed the job of my dreams, was able to buy a new house, got a new girlfriend, and started painting – it’s fiber folks. A few things first, I suppose this review is partially supporting the usage of “fiber” as a supplement to my diet, and it just so happens to be that I’m taking this particular brand. With that said, if you are already aware of the benefits of fiber in your diet you can move on to the product review below. If you’re not, then I hope you find my story beneficial.
I was suffering from irregularity in my BMs…it got annoying as I got older. At first, years ago, I just attributed it to “too much wine” or “that food doesn’t sit well with me”…. when I did go, it was loose. It didn’t have the backed up problems others might. I thought – I eat salads everyday, I think I get as much fiber in, what’s the deal. This issue got worse, so I went to the doctor for my general check up. Everything came back great, which I’m thankful for. I was then referred to a Gastro Doc., I called up, and found out it was going to be really $$$ to run tests. I was at the point where I thought – “ok, I’ll pay for it , health first right? but let me do a little research before I commit to this new doc”….along came Fiber. Everything I read started to make sense, so I thought “let me see if I can just make this adjustment first, can’t hurt”…..well, let’s just say it’s changed my life. Now, similar to what others have written online, you may have a digestive issues that are structural in nature, that won’t simply be cured by fiber. That being said, I’d ask your Dr. if you could add this to your diet, since in my opinion, I can imaging it would at least help some of the symptoms – again, just my opinion on that. This product’s a godsend since I firmly believe having regular digestive health really affects other aspects of your constituion. I find myself sleeping better, not as sluggish during the day, feeling all around great. I now go that way I’ve wanted to, and don’t really see the need to go to another doctor at this point. So, I strongly recommend adding fiber to your diet.
About the product:
What I love about this fiber is that it’s very clean, doesn’t come with any additives and chemicals. It’s neutral. To be fair, I’ve started taking the pill version of psyllium husk, and like it a little better only cause of convenience. However, this stuff is great. I haven’t tried every other brand out there, and I’m guessing the results would be comparable. I don’t really feel the need to change at this point. If down the road I for some reason do opt to try another brand and have a different experience, I’ll note the review.
Good luck!!
Amazon Customer –
This was awful. I have been taking psyllium husk for years and but ordered this brand for the first time. But I was disappointed. It felt like sand particles mixed in when I took my first bite. Upon taking closer look at the husk in a bowl, I could see shiny particles. Not sure what that was (looked like sand) but didn’t feel like consuming it
Gusto Blue –
If you are looking for extra fiber and/or regularity try this! I personally think much preferable & effective compared to say Metamucil, various fiber capsules, or the powder kind of psyllium (freaking awful!).
Takes a little getting used to, but I don’t mind the flavor now, and you should drink it fast anyway before it turns to goop, and becomes difficult to swallow. I typically drink ~2 spoonfuls with ~12oz water about 1-2 hours before dinner daily. I like this routine as dinner is typically my most ‘unhealthy’ and largest meal of the day. If you take right before a meal you will feel full quickly, but maybe thats a benefit for some. I have zero side effects typically, and this product has NO fillers, sugars, or artificial crap, just psyllium!
My other go to psyllium brand no longer sells in the whole husk variety, so I found this one. Seems like great quality so far and ok price. I will update if this changes. Note this quantity is easily like a 3 month supply for me