Jason Kids Only Pasta de Dente Sem Flúor, sabor morango, 120g, é um creme dental especialmente formulado para proteger os dentes das crianças contra o acúmulo de placa e tártaro. Com uma mistura saudável de botânicos suaves e carbonato de cálcio, este creme dental oferece uma fórmula inspirada na natureza, livre de flúor, glúten, sacarina, adoçantes artificiais, parabenos, propilenoglicol e SLS. Além disso, a Jason é uma marca que preza pela não realização de testes em animais, garantindo que o produto seja sempre livre de crueldade.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Proteção contra placa e tártaro: O Jason Kids Only Pasta de Dente Sem Flúor é especialmente formulado para defender os dentes dos pequenos contra o acúmulo de placa e tártaro, ajudando a manter uma boca saudável.
- Ingredientes naturais: Com uma mistura de botânicos suaves e carbonato de cálcio, este creme dental é inspirado na natureza, proporcionando uma opção segura e eficaz para a higiene bucal das crianças.
- Livre de substâncias prejudiciais: Este creme dental é livre de flúor, glúten, sacarina, adoçantes artificiais, parabenos, propilenoglicol e SLS, garantindo que seu filho esteja usando um produto seguro e saudável.
- Marca livre de crueldade: A Jason é uma marca que se preocupa com o bem-estar animal e nunca realiza testes em animais. Ao comprar este produto, você estará apoiando uma marca que valoriza a ética e o respeito pelos animais.
- Sabor delicioso de morango: Com um sabor de morango irresistível, este creme dental torna a escovação dos dentes uma experiência agradável para as crianças, incentivando-as a cuidar da saúde bucal desde cedo.
- Promove uma higiene bucal eficaz, ajudando a prevenir problemas dentários desde cedo.
- Fórmula segura e natural, ideal para crianças com sensibilidades a ingredientes químicos.
- Facilita a escovação, tornando-a uma atividade divertida e saborosa.
- Contribui para a formação de hábitos saudáveis de higiene bucal desde a infância.
- Suporte a uma marca ética e consciente, que não realiza testes em animais.
Para obter melhores resultados, recomenda-se escovar os dentes pelo menos duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite, ou conforme orientação do dentista. Aplique uma pequena quantidade de Jason Kids Only Pasta de Dente Sem Flúor na escova de dentes e escove suavemente os dentes e a gengiva em movimentos circulares. Enxágue bem após a escovação. Este creme dental é seguro para uso diário e adequado para crianças a partir de 2 anos de idade.
Victoria G –
Our new favorite toothpaste which no extra additives and chemicals!! Also tastes DELICIOUS
Guinness –
This may sound ridiculous, but we have had better luck with this average tasting toothpaste than with those that tasted like candy. My son doesn’t swallow the toothpaste and the tube lasts much longer now. I have bought 10 different brands of toothpaste for my 3 year old toddler and the Jason Strawberry toothpaste has proven to work the best.
I was looking for the most natural, safe, effective, and fluoride free option because my son was swallowing the toothpaste and making a mess along the way. This is certainly not the best tasting toothpaste but it isn’t that bad either. However, because it does not taste as good as the mainstream blue colored brands, my toddler has stopped eating the toothpaste. He brushes his teeth now and doesn’t use an incredible amount on his toothbrush either. The blue colored toothpaste products also left a terrible mess everywhere and I love that this one is clear colored so it isn’t as messy.
We prefer this strawberry flavor and keep it on subscribe and save every month. We use (1) 4.2 ounce tube every 30 days brushing 3 times a day and my son just had a check up at the dentist with no cavities and no signs of gum issues.
Daisy –
Not for kids only! I got this for my kids and decided to try it myself, and think I have found my new toothpaste. It leaves my mouth feeling clean for hours. Literally, hours later my mouth still feels so clean! I wouldn’t say this is the 100% most natural option because of the foaming agents, but I like my mouth feeling super clean and I can spit those foaming agents out. I’ve tried the non-foaming toothpastes and my mouth doesn’t feel as clean. I do like the rest of the ingredient list with ingredients like calcium carbonate (some natural toothpastes don’t contain this), xylitol (anti-cavity without fluoride), calendula, aloe to name a few of the good things. I like the taste too. I like that it does not contain carrageenan like other JASON toothpastes have. This is the clear winner.
Lasan Jamay –
My 2yo and 9yo will not use any other brands. They love the taste and I am happy with the ingredients. We have been using this brand for about 7 years with great results.
Deborah D. MacArthur –
Suffering from acid reflux, I was advised to stop using any mint flavors so I tried this. I have really noticed a difference in my health. I’ve switched to all fruit flavors. My mouth tastes like I’m 6 years old but I’m okay with that.
Obani –
Goofy daughter was so happy to see her “favorite toothpaste” in the bathroom ready. Others are more oddly pasty whereas this one is more simple and seemingly “fruity” and straight to the point. Not a fan of that black stripe situation on the back of the tube which indicates unknown bs. However, I had a handful of fails trying other things and this gets the job done at my place. So, I shall find a better more safe alternative later but for now, this is it! If you have a young toothpaste eater, beware it’s a little yummy.
Amazon Customer –
My son loves it as he hates the mint toothpastes. I’m not convinced it cleans his teeth as a mainstream mint version but will take it for a quiet life this month!
Stephanie –
The taste of this isn’t for me or my kids. It’s not a fresh strawberry taste, more of a fake strawberry flavor. The grit in it makes it feel like sugar is being applied to the teeth. The value for that tube is great but the product isn’t for us.
Gabriel TM –
Ma fille ne jure que par cette pâte à dent. Bon goût. Pas de risque si elle avale la pâte à dent. Très satisfait.
Lisa Riley –
I have been looking for an orange flavored toothpaste without any mint flavor at all. Loved Burt’s Bees orange kids toothpaste but it was recently discontinued & I was on the hunt for another one. This fits the bill. A natural orange flavor (not terribly sweet, mostly citrus flavor)with no mint flavoring at all. It’s not quite as tasty as Burt’s Bees was & has a slight baking soda flavor to it, but it’s still good & I will be using it regularly.