Descrição do Produto: Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii Probiotics MOS
O Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii Probiotics é um suplemento de saúde intestinal que combina a eficácia de 5 bilhões de unidades formadoras de colônias (CFU) de Saccharomyces boulardii, uma levedura probiótica clinicamente comprovada, com a adição de MOS (Mananoligossacarídeos), um pré-biótico que nutre as bactérias benéficas no intestino. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam suporte intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável e um equilíbrio microbiano adequado. Cada frasco contém 90 cápsulas vegetarianas, proporcionando um suprimento para 90 dias, com a recomendação de uso de uma cápsula por dia, podendo ser ingerida com água, com ou sem alimentos.
Os probióticos são essenciais para a manutenção da saúde intestinal, especialmente em indivíduos que podem estar enfrentando desafios digestivos. O Saccharomyces boulardii é conhecido por sua capacidade de ajudar a restaurar a flora intestinal, tornando-se um aliado valioso para quem busca melhorar a digestão e o bem-estar geral. A adição de MOS potencializa ainda mais os efeitos benéficos, alimentando as bactérias boas e contribuindo para um ambiente intestinal saudável.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Suporte Intestinal Eficaz: Ajuda a restaurar e manter a flora intestinal saudável, essencial para uma boa digestão.
2. Ação Protetora: O Saccharomyces boulardii pode ajudar a proteger o intestino contra desequilíbrios e desconfortos digestivos.
3. Aumento da Imunidade: Um intestino saudável está diretamente ligado a um sistema imunológico fortalecido.
4. Fácil de Usar: Com apenas uma cápsula por dia, é uma solução prática para quem busca melhorar a saúde intestinal.
5. Adequado para Vegetarianos: As cápsulas são vegetarianas, tornando o produto acessível para diferentes dietas.
- Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem uma cápsula de Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii Probiotics uma vez ao dia, acompanhada de um copo de água. O suplemento pode ser ingerido com alimentos ou em jejum, conforme a preferência pessoal ou orientação de um profissional de saúde qualificado. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e consultar um médico em caso de dúvidas ou condições de saúde específicas.
Easygoing L. E. Gance –
After much research, I learned that the stomach problems I have experienced for MUCH too long were most likely due to a case of Clostridium Difficile. The condition is caused by an extreme overgrowth of Clostridium bacteria in the lower intestine. This overgrowth is generally brought on by a lack of other naturally-occurring, beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which are necessary for normal bowel function. This lack can be caused by anything from a pre-existing illness to a microbial exposure to high stress, but it is usually the result of having taken antibiotics. Simply put, antibiotics kill bacteria no matter if that bacteria is “bad” or “good”. There certainly are times in our lives when we may need to take antibiotics for one reason or another, so afterward, the intestines must be replenished with their normal level of beneficial bacteria. Oftentimes the intestines do this job on their own. Sometimes they don’t, and Clostridium bacteria can over-produce. That is how the problem begins.
As Clostridium Difficile flourishes, it produces toxins that are released through the digestive tract. The result is progressively worsening irregularity with any combination of abdominal cramping, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, nausea and/or vomiting. The hallmark sign of Clostridium Difficile is particularly foul-smelling gas flatulence, which reeks with the odor of sulphur, rotten eggs and ammonia. This gas is constant, virtually uncontrollable and actually feels HOT when it is expelled. It can oftentimes cause irritation by itself and is extremely embarrassing, because it is so frequent, impossible to stop, nasty-smelling and sometimes accompanied by “leakage”.
An overgrowth of Clostridium bacteria can be difficult to correct, because it will form spores that attach themselves to the lining of the intestines. These spores are a cunning defense mechanism. . .they encapsulate and protect the Clostridium bacteria so it can survive an antibiotic treatment for Clostridium difficile! But this is where Sacharomyces Boulardii really does its job. It not only helps kill off unnecessary microbes in the intestines, but it also keeps them from attaching to the lining! If you think you may have a case of Clostridium Difficile, please do your own research to learn the best way to combat it, and be sure to consult your doctor. 😉
To say the least, I have found Sacharomyces Boulardii to be a VERY “friendly” bacteria that is vital in the correction of Clostridium Difficile. I take one at the crack of dawn every morning (on an empty stomach is best) with a full glass of water along with my other regular probiotics (Vitacost 15 – 35) and my multivitamin. I try to avoid eating anything for at least an hour afterward, which helps ensure good absorption (avoiding stomach acid). I do try to take Sacharomyces Boulardii and my other regular probiotics anytime that I am on antibiotics. . .though they need to be taken a couple of hours beforehand or afterward to keep the antibiotics from killing them. But I ALWAYS take them for at least a couple of months beyond my having been on antibiotics. Also, Sacharomyces Boulardii is highly beneficial for other issues. . .even maintaining a clearer complexion! I will never be without it.
P.S. To help keep it active for as long as possible, go ahead and store it in the refrigerator. 😉
Vladimir Vulpe –
goed product en geweldige verkoper. Ik raad aan.
T –
My cat has been doing poorly for sometime due to IBD. But her digestion seems to have improved overnight once I started administering this product. A small amount of a capsule’s powder goes a long way.
Vigiler –
(warning: graphic talk ahead…) First, Jarrow has ALWAYS been a great company I use for their supplements. This SB stuff is the brand I always buy since learning about it 20 years back. It never disappoints. Not sure if people know it or not, but taking this stuff not only helps your body produce less gas/bloat, but also takes away the typical sulfurous smell of normal gas. PLUS it helps my digestion a lot more than that. I actually used it on my mother-in-law who had a stroke that paralyzed her left side and it left her incapable of controlling her bowel movements: constant diarrhea. After all other medications failed, I used this stuff with every feeding (via a tube they’d ran into her nose (poor ol’ girl)). It cut her BMs by at least half and solidified them enough to slow down the pains of constant diaper changes. It gave a lot of relief to her and to us caring for her for her last 4 months.
Álvaro –
Muy buen suplemento, después de probar e ir viendo la dosis adecuada, (yo lo tomo a días alternos) ayuda a regular problemas digestivos de todo tipo.
Bastante mejor que la ULTRALEVURA de farmacia.
Catherine G –
Great quality brand. It took a while to get here but is worth the wait.
L –
Of all things I’ve done to help myself, this one stands out. Mostly, because I read a research article on S. boulardii and decided any probiotic with documented proof that it helps gut inflammation had to be a good thing and decided that I had to add it, all on my own : )
Then I went to see my new doctor (functional medicine) who ruthlessly pruned my list of supplements (including my beloved Hardy’s Probiotics and Greens) but kept these.
I was stunned. More wasn’t merrier? Diversity not an issue? This flew in the face of all my careful reading on the microbiome.
The rational? When you dump who knows how many colony forming units into your gut, the new probiotics need to fight it out with the established ones for limited resources (fiber). If you have gut inflammation, then S. boulardii is your answer and it’s best to maximize its chances.
As for fiber? If you take probiotics, then you must take fiber. Quality is the key. Poorly processed fiber (metamucil) – sure they feed your probiotics but they also feed other much less desirable denizens of the gut. Apparently the best possible fiber is PGX (specially processed form of glucomannan). I was using a mixture of Metamucil mostly to get rid of it and glucomannin
Three weeks after she eliminated the junk fiber and the junk probiotics (whimper), my elimination is normal. My gut pain is gone. My GERD, gas, cramping, bloating, diarrhea is gone.
This after trying with Hardy’s (and Jarrow and Culturelle…) for close to a year, it turns out I was drowning out both pieces of the correct answer by introducing too much competition and then feeding everyone crappy fiber.
Is this the whole story? Alas no, healing a very broken GI track is a big story.
Symptoms: gas, bloating, GERD, stomach aches/heartburn, gut cramps, diarrhea.
Support for broken digestion (you’ll want to check with your doctor – it’s great if you’re under producing stomach fluids but you’ll burn a hole in your stomach if you’re fine)
HCl and digestive enzymes
Healing the gut
Probiotics (S. boulardii for inflammation – other probiotics for different issues)
Fiber (highest quality – PGX)
Glutamate – feed your gut directly – promotes gut healing
resistant starch – Bob’s red mill unmodified potato starch – feeds your probiotics, anti inflammatory, does not raise glucose levels and survived the Great Pruning of the Supplements unscathed.
Collagen; Your gut needs collagen to heal . You can get collagen either from bone broth or from collagen supplements.
Initiate protein synthesis: in order to heal, the body must produce new proteins. However, this only happens if you eat 30 gm of protein in one sitting. That would be 5 large eggs or 1.5 cups of greek yogurt. Nutritionists recommend doing this 3x per day if you are trying to heal from a major condition. I found it difficult to eat so much food so it’s closer to 1x per day. Once I began doing this, my hair doubled it’s growth rate. My other conditions have been improving as well, although not as spectacularly as hair growth.
Update: It’s been over four months on this “heal the gut” regime. Most of my symptoms of digestive difficulties are gone. I can eat normally without digestive enzymes and HCl. However, my lab tests came back and I’m borderline (no candida! none!) Too many bad bugs lurking. I notice it mostly when I take the Bob’s Red Mill potato starch – I have a strong gas reaction in the gut and the next day, elimination suddenly improves. It looks like the gut is mostly healed and I have to feed my helpful probiotics until they go forth and beat up the invaders.
Brenda Starr –
This formula is one recommended by my physician. Very helpful for a healthy gut! Worth the money.
V A. –
Correct item received Happy with the transaction