Descrição do Produto: Jarrow Formulas Neuro Optimizer
O Jarrow Formulas Neuro Optimizer é um suplemento dietético inovador, projetado para promover a saúde cerebral e fornecer suporte antioxidante. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, cada frasco contém 120 cápsulas, oferecendo um suprimento para 30 dias. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem natural e eficaz para otimizar a função cerebral, sem o uso de estimulantes.
A composição do Neuro Optimizer inclui uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes essenciais para a saúde do cérebro, como CDP Choline, Phosphatidylcholine, Phosphatidylserine, Taurine, Pantothenic Acid, Acetyl L-Carnitine e L-Glutamine. Cada um desses ingredientes desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da integridade neuronal, na melhoria da memória e na proteção contra o estresse oxidativo. O CDP Choline, por exemplo, é conhecido por sua capacidade de aumentar os níveis de acetilcolina, um neurotransmissor vital para a cognição. Já a Phosphatidylserine é fundamental para a comunicação entre as células nervosas, enquanto a Taurina e o Acetyl L-Carnitine ajudam a otimizar a energia celular e a função metabólica.
– Suporte à Saúde Cerebral: Contribui para a função cognitiva e a memória, ajudando a manter a clareza mental.
– Ação Antioxidante: Protege as células do cérebro contra danos causados por radicais livres, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
– Sem Estimulantes: Ideal para quem busca um suporte cerebral sem os efeitos colaterais de estimulantes.
– Fórmula Completa: Combinação de nutrientes que atuam sinergicamente para otimizar a saúde cerebral.
– Praticidade: Suplemento fácil de incorporar à rotina diária, com apenas quatro cápsulas por dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem quatro cápsulas do Jarrow Formulas Neuro Optimizer uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com suco ou água, entre as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde qualificado para adequar a dosagem às necessidades individuais. Este uso regular pode maximizar os benefícios do suplemento, promovendo uma saúde cerebral ideal e um suporte antioxidante eficaz.
JustAnotherDad –
Fast delivery, 100% authentic product
Pepe Kale –
I think this helps me with alertness during the day. But very interestingly, I noticed, as I continued to use this I started waking up in the morning. Normally, I never really wake up. I just get out of bed because I have to. But normally I could sleep literally the entire day with no issues. I could sleep all day and evening for weeks. Now it’s so amazing that I find I actually wake up in the morning. So bizarre to realize that other people have probably always experienced this. Somehow, whatever is in this supplement – seems to be having a built up effect helping with waking cycles. I have absolutely no issues with being sleepy in the evening or falling asleep though. I love it.
Pepe Kale –
Out of desperation, I decided to try based on reviews and because jarrows has a good reputation on other supplements that have worked for me in the past . I can say with certainly that my memory and the ability to retain information has skyrocketed! Its been about two months and I can tell the difference. I’m taking biochemistry ( in my 40s) and I was not doing well, ( party because I’ve been out of school so long ) but I need the class to advance my career. Anyway I started taking the pills and now I’m like the top of my class from a miserable bottom !No joke ! I did not change study habits or anything, so it must be the pills . It’s worth a try guys! I used to have trouble remembering where I parked my car; not anymore. Please try especially if you over 40 and your having these kinds of problems. The only thing is that you might have to adjust the dose based on how you feel. The recommended 4 pills a day made me groggy mid morning ( I sleep like a rock btw ) 3 pills works well for me
kk –
I used few different brands to improve brain function over about 5 months; Brainergy ,KOIOS,GINKO GOLD, NEURO OPTIMIZER.
They are all effective,some brands will serve some situations better than another. Neuro Optimizer seemed to serve my needs best. My recall was certainly more effective in that it’s necessary i remember what are basically scripts.
My ability to sustain concentration is improved.
There isn’t any caffeine in NEURO OPTIMIZER so if I took it later in the day. It didn’t effect my sleep.KOIOS and BRAINERGY are both great, especially in the morning but taken too late in the day it seems that it made me overactive. Really vivd dreams that were easy to recall after waking. Not necessarily a complain but I didn’t always feel rested. And they work quickly, N.O.seems to work cumulatively, takes a week or two before Im really aware of it. But it’s just what I need. Memory and function are better for sure.
Troy –
This product is excellent however, if you start paying attention to ingredients you can save a lot of money by buying the ingredients to implement in your exercise routine. Taurine, creating, glutamine can all be bought separately and in larger quantities to help you save money. Be wise! They increased the prices too much on this one. Insane
Shelby –
I recently returned to college and had a hard time going into classes I had never taken before, more spefically computer programming. It was difficult for me, like trying to learn a new language at the same time remembering all the math I learned a decade ago. I’ve always been a fan of supplements but I don’t just buy the pretty labels either. I do my best to buy quality products with effective ingredients.
All that being said, this product was amazing. Things that caused me confusion and/or frustration, came to me much more easily. I could reason better and I when I couldn’t find the answer, I was able to step back and figure it more often sooner than later. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a super pill, it doesn’t give you more than what you have. However it definitely allows you to use what you do have in a much more efficient way. I also loved the improvement in my memory, even with my dreams.
I must mention though that I stopped taking this product because it caused me to have anxiety in social situations which I’ve never experienced before. Not in every day events, but in situations where I might get upset or sad, this product easily tripled it. It didn’t happen at first but it quickly progressed after my first bottle. Perhaps its just me and I have a little too much of something else in my system as I’ve noticed this happening with a couple other supplements since taking this product, but I’ve never had this problem before and it was definitely at its worst with this product.
So to sum it up, its an amazing product when you need your brain firing on all 8 cylinders. Add in a quality omega-3 and you’re nearly unstoppable at reaching your true potential, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re on the rocks in any relationships personal or professional.
foodie44 –
I recently went off my ADHD medication due to insurance issues and was seriously suffering. It’s easy to forget how much ADHD affects you when you have been medicated for so long. I honestly felt like it was ruining my life. Everything was so much harder for me and I couldn’t focus to save my life…I am pretty high on the ADHD spectrum. I am happy that me feeling desperate led me to this product because it has been helping A LOT. I was hoping it would give me a little boost to help somewhat lessen the effects and I was pleasantly surprised that it has significantly decreased the symptoms of my ADHD.
I assumed there would be a ‘loading period’ before I would begin to notice any effects, but I felt them the first day. I only took 2 supplements at first and good thing because I actually felt pretty wired. Now I take two in the morning and two in the afternoon. I am really hoping that I can just continue taking the supplements while pairing it with new techniques to help manage my ADHD. It would be amazing to eliminate the need for medication.
While everyone is different and has different needs, I feel this product is definitely worth trying.