O Jarrow Formulas MK-7 90 mcg é uma fórmula de um único ingrediente dietético que fornece vitamina K2 na forma natural de MK-7 para a saúde cardiovascular*. Cada porção deste suplemento de vitamina K2 fornece 90 mcg de vitamina K2 por softgel, sendo um suplemento ideal para a saúde óssea*. Aqueles que buscam apoiar a saúde cardiovascular e/ou ossos fortes podem se beneficiar desta forma de vitamina K*. Além disso, este suplemento é livre de glúten, trigo, soja, laticínios, ovos, peixes/mariscos, amendoim/nozes e gergelim.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Saúde cardiovascular: O Jarrow Formulas MK-7 90 mcg fornece vitamina K2 na forma de MK-7, que é conhecida por seus benefícios para a saúde cardiovascular.
- 2. Saúde óssea: Este suplemento de vitamina K2 é uma excelente opção para aqueles que desejam fortalecer seus ossos e promover a saúde óssea.
- 3. Livre de alérgenos: O Jarrow Formulas MK-7 90 mcg é livre de glúten, trigo, soja, laticínios, ovos, peixes/mariscos, amendoim/nozes e gergelim, tornando-o adequado para pessoas com alergias ou restrições alimentares.
- 4. Fácil de usar: Basta tomar 1 softgel por dia ou seguir as orientações do seu profissional de saúde qualificado para obter os benefícios deste suplemento.
- 5. Qualidade confiável: A Jarrow Formulas é uma marca conhecida por sua qualidade e compromisso em fornecer suplementos nutricionais eficazes e seguros.
– Adultos devem tomar 1 softgel por dia ou conforme orientação do seu profissional de saúde qualificado. Este produto é destinado apenas para uso em adultos. Consulte um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver algum problema de saúde.
Pele 15 –
Jarrow’s MK-7 is one of the best. Delivered on time, fresh and at a great price, $12 for 60 gels or $.20 each.
I believe it works very well. I’m a 65+ yo white male, 170 lbs. and in good health most of my life.
I began having health problems back in 2015 after my PCP prescribed statin drugs (Atorvastatin 40mg/day) to lower my cholesterol (only 252). I was on statins for 6 months and the pain and trouble keep getting worse with shoulder, hand, back and even chest pains. My arms and legs would shake all day and I had a hard time standing up straight. So I stopped taking the statin drugs and switched to oatmeal and other natural supplements like CholestOff Plus.
A year ago I started taking K2 with 1 gel per day for 1st week then increased to 2 per day thereafter (now at 3 per day). My tartar deposits on my lower teeth were gone in 2 week and my gums look healthier. I haven’t had any kidney stone attacks or pain in 6 months. My joint pain in my shoulders, arms and spine are now zero. I can stand up straighter allowing me to swing a golf club faster and putt more accurately. My skin is softer all over my body. No more white flaky scaly skin on my elbows, shins, feet and toes. No more nose blood in the morning. My acid reflux is almost gone (with help of other Rx meds plus not eating tomato sauce).
I hope the MK-7 is working it’s magic on my coronary arteries but based upon all other improvements I believe it is. At my age everyone in USA has some calcium in their heart but its hard to tell how much blockage % without a CTA exam/scan. The good news is MK-7 dissolves calcium in any unwanted locations (blood vessels, organs, joints & soft tissue) and moves it into the bones and teeth where it belongs. Mk7 works from the inside out and helps all body parts. Based on everything I’ve read and my personal experience, K2-MK7 is absolutely an essential vitamin for human health. I would say this K2 vitamin is the best $.20 a day I have ever spent.
Note: I also take Turmeric: 500 mg/day, CO Q-10: 200 mg/day, Omega-3: 520 mg/day, Vit D3: 1,000 IU/day and a multivitamin. But all the above improvements occurred after taking K2-mk7.
nightsky –
I use this product for its health benefits that include heart and bone health. I realize it may not be something you can get enough of through diet alone. For people who don’t like big pills or have difficulty swallowing pills, they can rest assured that these a little gel capsules that are so easy to swallow. Their brown color helps make them distinguishable from other vitamins that you may be taking. I have used this brand repeatedly and have confidence in it
Karoleigh –
Excellent product from an excellent company.
Pele 15 –
I have been using Jarrows MK7 for 10 years. I am 61 and had bone density scan done and my Dr said I have bones of a 6 year old! My Dentist always tells me how great my teeth are! No plaque! So with all this great news I will continue taking but go to 2 to 3 times a week. If it takes plaque off my teeth and strengthens my bones then I am doing great. Broken hip led to my my Dad’s downfall in his 80s.
Merci –
My only regret is not knowing about this earlier!!!! Best sleep I had in years !!! I wake up rested and relaxed.
JSF 22 –
Like some other reviewers I noticed an almost immediate reduction in plaque on my teeth. I’ve always been in the position of brushing my teeth, thinking I did a pretty good job, then feeling fuzzy and scuzzy an hour or so later. Ugh. It was maddening! I tried different toothpaste and different brushes, but all it took was adding this little pill to my regimen.
I saw other people say that and scoffed. Really? This pill that helps direct calcium to your bones can magically fight plaque? Yeah, I guess it does. It’s the only thing I changed about my usual routine. To experiment I even went 3 days without brushing my teeth. I did use a waterpik for my gums because I’m not totally crazy. BUT I only gave up after 3 days because my mouth tasted like onions and I needed a brush. It wasn’t because my teeth were fuzzy! I look forward to my next dental check-up to see what the hygienist says.
Another benefit of this supplement is a reduction in pain. I can attest to that as well, but it hasn’t been as dramatic as I had initially hoped. I was developing weird problems in my thumb joints where they’d kind of lock up and I’d have to pop the joint to get it to release- that’s gone. I have a marked decrease in my TMD joint which had previously only been helped by the application of CBD lotion.
Those improvements are all great and I’m very thankful for them. I guess I just wish other aches and pains would improve as well. Maybe they will once I’ve taken this form more than 2 weeks.
One thing I will share is that in my research of this type of drug I found that you should NOT be taking this at the same time as your vitamin D3. So I take my D3 in the morning and this just before bed. Now I’m horrified by the products that combine K2 and D3. Something else I read says this thickens your blood so it’s best to take this when your activity levels are going to slow down.
Please give this a try and see if it’ll improve things for you.
magdalena borawska –
Pour la santé des os.
Cavicchi –
This is vital to deliver vitamin d into the bones. It is the delivery system. It’s a very good supplement.
Alie Williams –
Can’t tell if it’s doing anything, but that’s probably a good thing since I’m chemically sensitive to most supplements.
Amazon Customer –
Very good for its quality and price too.