Descrição do Produto: Jarrow Formulas Magnesium Optimizer
O Jarrow Formulas Magnesium Optimizer é um suplemento dietético projetado para oferecer suporte essencial à função nervosa, muscular e à saúde óssea. Com uma fórmula diária que contém 200 comprimidos, este produto proporciona um suprimento de até 100 dias, garantindo que você tenha a quantidade necessária de magnésio para otimizar seu bem-estar. O magnésio é um mineral vital que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções corporais, incluindo a regulação da função muscular e nervosa, a manutenção da saúde óssea e a promoção de um metabolismo saudável.
Este suplemento contém uma combinação sinérgica de nutrientes que visa otimizar o status de magnésio no organismo. A fórmula é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (non-GMO), sem glúten e vegana, tornando-a uma escolha acessível para uma ampla gama de dietas e estilos de vida. Para adultos, a recomendação é de tomar duas tablets uma a duas vezes por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde qualificado.
– Suporte Muscular e Nervoso: Ajuda a manter a função muscular e nervosa saudável, reduzindo a fadiga e melhorando a performance física.
– Saúde Óssea: Contribui para a manutenção da densidade óssea, essencial para prevenir problemas como a osteoporose.
– Fórmula Sinérgica: Combinação de nutrientes que potencializa a absorção e eficácia do magnésio no organismo.
– Adequado para Vários Estilos de Vida: Produto vegano, sem glúten e non-GMO, ideal para quem busca uma suplementação saudável e consciente.
– Suprimento Prolongado: Com 200 comprimidos, oferece um suprimento de até 100 dias, garantindo praticidade e economia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Jarrow Formulas Magnesium Optimizer, recomenda-se que adultos tomem duas tablets uma a duas vezes por dia, sempre acompanhadas de refeições. Essa prática não apenas facilita a absorção do magnésio, mas também minimiza possíveis desconfortos gastrointestinais. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde qualificado para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
lisa rachel –
I am a 25 year old female and for the past 2 years have suffered a myriad of symptoms, a combination of seemingly unrelated illnesses one after the other and yet two doctors were unable to pin-point the cause. I will list the symptoms I have had in order of occurrence.
August 2012 at the age of 22- I started feeling mildly depressed. I would be fine for a while then hit a low. I had no appetite. I am a petite person weighing at 96lbs then. By the beginning of 2013 I was down to about 88lbs. Trying to fix myself I did some online research and bought some over the counter SAM-E. I had recently moved and was job hunting. My stress levels were through the roof, I hardly slept.
July 2013 at the age of 23- I had just started my new job. One month in I started having panic attacks exacerbated by brief derealization episodes. The symptoms seemed to get worse, coupled by immense anxiety as the year went by. By December i was barely hanging on, I lost myself in my work, slowly sinking into a heavy depression. When I slept I slept for days. Binge working, binge sleeping. Thinking it was my current environment, I took frequent trips to New York, Miami to try and unwind but physically I was only getting worse. I took l-glutathione supplements with vitamin C to boost my immune system. I ditched them 3 months after taking them with no significant improvement.
May 2014 – a few months before i turned 24, I started having terrible back pains. My back would be stiff as a board. I was constantly tired, dragging my feet. I needed four cups of coffee every morning. My sleep pattern was messed up. Some days I got 8 hours, some I got 2. I was irritable, I had high highs and terrible lows. PMS symptoms were amplified. I was a screaming banshee during that time of the month. My boyfriend got really good at dodging plates. My doctor prescribed me Xanax for my anxiety. Most days I needed a drink to see me through the day and a couple to get me to sleep. Physically I was drained. My body was in chronic pain. My muscles hurt, my bones hurt. Every fiber of my being hurt. I saw a massage therapist two to three times a week. He would work on my back and arms so I could be able to function through the week. I was constantly nauseous, emotional, high strung, moody, tired. I was taking Ondansetron for nausea, pills for headaches, pills to sleep, pills to be a functioning member of society. I started avoiding people and places, I would only go to your thing if there was a bar.
September 2014- Minutes after eating a whitecastle cheesburger slider, I had the most agonizing stabbing pain on my lower right abdomen. It felt like a meat hook going through my stomach, taking out my insides and slowly dragging them through my butt and vagina. A pain so bad I couldn’t make a sound. I couldn’t move. I didn’t know whether it was digestive or reproductive. All I knew was that there was a piece of coal sent right from the bowels of Hades in my stomach. I was dying probably and I deserved it. This was punishment for something I well deserved. I was almost delirious after that. Too scared to move to my bed I curled up into a ball and slept on the rug.
The days following I cut dairy, cheese from my diet, gave up the alcohol, drank more water, went to CVS and bought some probiotics. The doctor ran some tests. Everything was fine but I had a slight calcium deficiency. I started taking the prescribed calcium supplements.The next week I started running and quit on the first day. I tried taking up dance classes but I was stiff as a board. The pains came and went at least three times a week. They were not as intense as that first bolt of hell. Some days I would just work with a dull ache on my side all day long. If it got too bad I would lie down until I felt better. I took many hot baths that seemed to help only temporarily. I was seeing the massage therapist more frequently.
February 2105- I went to the ER with a dull pain on my side. The doctor ordered a sonogram, I had two small ovarian cysts. Prescribed pain meds.
Could it be that the cause of all my problems was reproductive? Hormonal? The doctor seemed to think so but I doubted it. As the months went by I noticed I was bloated almost all the time, my stools had a fat coating on them, I had diarrhea, heartburn and craved cookies and milkshaked in the middle of the night. I decided to put down on pad and paper, a list of my symptoms as they had appeared from the very first day as best as I could remember. To me it seemed in the span of three years my physical health had deteriorated significantly. In spite of doctor tests showing nothing I was constantly tired, always blue, chronically in pain, catching every cold. I was treating so many of my symptoms that I couldn’t see the link between them. I was coping with the symptoms. I wasn’t treating the illness because I did not know what was wrong with me.
I started with the stress of moving to a new country, the appetite was the first to go, the subsequent insomnia brought about by job searching, the anxiety, derealization, muscle stiffness, back pains, chronic fatigue, PMS, the stabbing pains in my side, the frequent yeast infections, vaginal imbalances, constant peeing, bloating, night cravings. I started charting the days I felt good and the days I didn’t.
What had changed these past few years that would make me almost a shell of the healthy person used to be? It didn’t take long to figure out: DIET.
In spite of being small bodied, I had never had any emotional, reproductive, muscular or gastrointestinal issues. I was always healthy. I had a good appetite as a teenager and up until I moved to the states I would eat three or four good meals a day, my bowel movements were regular and I had a lot of energy. Then I realized that up until the age of 22 I had never had a big mac, had never drank as much soda, had never eaten a tv dinner. Heck, we didn’t even own a microwave. Now I was 25 and down 6 pounds with the body of an 80 year old arthritic.
It seemed so simple, how could I be so stupid? Hadn’t the doctors given me clean bills of health every time I was sick? I had been trying to eat healthy since February of 2015 after my stomach episode but after some research realized I may be deficient. Very, very, deficient and food alone would not do. I started doing my research on supplementation. I thought I had struck gold when I came across methylation and the methylation cycle. I started taking liposomal glutathione, liposomal b vitamins and liposomal vitamin c. I felt good for a while and then terrible soon after.
Earlier last month, trying to find a solution to recurring yeast infections I came across the Jarrow Femdophilus probiotic. I went to whole foods and bought a bottle and sure enough my natural balance was restored within a few days. Excited about the improvement I looked up more Jarrow products. I found probiotics, bone health, minerals one of which is magnesium. I started reading up on magnesium deficiency and sure enough many of the symptoms I had were the same symptoms portrayed in magnesium deficient communities. I bought the Magnesium Optimizer from Jarrow based on the reviews as well as some other Jarrow products. The very first night I took the magnesium optimizer was the third in a series of sleepless nights I had been having. I wanted to know what was working so of the minerals I bought I took magnesium only. 2 days later, taking two pills in the morning and two at night I have been able to fall asleep and stay asleep all through the night. I wake up feeling fresh. I am not annoyed by people as much and I haven’t needed to take a Xanax all week. No anxiety, no panic attacks. Within 30 minutes of taking it I feel a sense of calm, none of that sluggish feeling you get with prescription anti anxiety medication. it doesn’t “hit” you that you are calm. You just realize that you didn’t drink your coffee and its 2pm and you are OK.
I have headaches still, my back still hurts but generally I am not as tired as I was last week. It may be too early to tell but the simple fact that I am able to fall asleep has me sold on Magnesium as a supplement. Magnesium also goes hand in hand with the absorption of calcium. ( my knees creak when I squat and I will be taking Jarrow Bone Up). I will update my progress in a month. I sure hope my review helps somebody who may be going through the same.
PS; I am taking Jarrow Saccharomyces Boulardii+MOS, Jarrow Ideal Bowel Support 299v and my stomach is no longer bloated (I had been bloated for months), I am not constipated, my bowel movements have become regular in 5 days. I have not had a single ‘sharp stabbing pain episode’ since I started taking these two probiotics. I have also been taking Jarrow Bile Acid Factor before I eat any fatty meal and this has eliminated all my heartburn but that is a story for a different review 🙂
Thanks for reading!
FieNd –
I have really lied this product I have taken it for about 2 weeks and so far I have liked the wayits feel.
Jesse&April –
Love this product. Huge pills but not terrible to get down. I’ve haven’t had to take my RX sleeping medication since I began taking ONE of these magnesium pill at bedtime. Works so much than the RX meds!! No stomach issues. No bad dreams (melatonin gave me terrible nightmares). Just actual sleep. I’ve been on RX sleep meds for YEARS now so for me this stuff is almost a miracle.
Maddie Pratt –
Great product!!! This has helped me have such peaceful sleep and consistently have much more vivid dreams which I enjoy. It doesn’t have any taste at all therefore is very easy to just take 2 right before bed. I’m sure it doesn’t matter what time you take them I just prefer to take them before bed as I believe it helps give me more vivid dreams. 10/10 will buy again
Tim the bodybuilder. –
Great seller and Product. I supplement with these daily as an important part of my regimen.
CM –
We have used Jarrow for a while now, not just the magnesium. We like the brand, price and quality. W e continue to use this product.
VS –
Like the brand didn’t love the magnesium.
MiniFig –
My 8 yr old son has been taking this for 5 months and it’s worked wonderfully. His Dr. prescribed Zoloft for anxiety and OCD but I decided to research our options. Magnesium has a reputation for calming the nervous system. This particular product also contains potassium which his pediatrician recommended for my son’s muscle/bone aches (we called them “growing pains” but there really is no such thing, it’s a matter of mineral and vitamin deficiency). This product also contains taurine which is used to treat tics.
I gradually increased his dose to 3 of these tablets per day. He seemed to be improving until one day he flew into a rage full of obsessive and anxious thoughts and actions (which used to occur several times a month). I discovered that evening that he had not been taking his magnesium and supplements (which included Vit. D and a children’s multivitamin) for 4 days. That was enough to convince us this really helps him. We’ve been dilegent about his supplements ever since and he has not had another episode. His motor and vocal tics are down to just a few a day.
I have also been taking this supplement for 5 months and found that it “cured” my restless leg twitches as well as soothed my PMS issues with breast tenderness and irritability.
My long term goal is to have my son get more of his magnesium, etc. from daily veggies but until then we will use Jarrow’s Mag. Optimizer.
June 2013 update: After learning about syntheticly derived supplements we switched to a real food brand of magnesium with potassium and a separate taurine supplement. Within a week his motor tics and some anxiety started up again. We stuck with it for 3 weeks. He told me he felt a difference between the brands. We went back to the Jarrow brand a week ago and things seem to be improving.