Descrição do Produto: Jarrow Formulas® GABA Soothe®
Descubra o poder do relaxamento com Jarrow Formulas® GABA Soothe®, um suplemento dietético inovador que combina três ingredientes clinicamente estudados em uma única cápsula. Cada embalagem contém 30 cápsulas vegetarianas, projetadas para oferecer suporte à sua saúde mental e emocional, ajudando a combater o estresse ocasional e promovendo uma sensação de calma e bem-estar. Os ingredientes principais incluem o Ácido Gama-Aminobutírico (GABA), L-Teanina e Extrato de Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), todos reconhecidos por suas propriedades relaxantes e adaptogênicas.
- Ingredientes Clinicamente Estudados: Uma embalagem de 30 cápsulas de Jarrow Formulas GABA Soothe apresenta três ingredientes bem estudados – Ácido Gama-Aminobutírico, L-Teanina e Extrato de Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha).
- 3 em 1: Eleve sua saúde com três ingredientes bem estudados em uma cápsula conveniente que apoia o relaxamento e a resistência ao estresse ocasional.
- Ingredientes Limpos: Este suplemento vegano, não transgênico, livre de glúten e laticínios, também não contém soja, ovos, peixes, crustáceos, amendoins, nozes ou gergelim, permitindo que você se sinta bem ao adicioná-lo à sua rotina diária.
- Uso Diário: Basta desfrutar de uma cápsula por dia deste suplemento com água ou suco em jejum para apoiar o relaxamento e a resistência ao estresse ocasional em adultos.
- Isenção de Responsabilidade: Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela Food and Drug Administration; este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
1. Redução do Estresse: Ajuda a aliviar a tensão e o estresse do dia a dia, promovendo um estado de calma.
2. Melhora do Sono: Contribui para um sono mais tranquilo e reparador, essencial para a saúde mental.
3. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Os ingredientes têm propriedades que podem ajudar a melhorar o humor e a clareza mental.
4. Fórmula Limpa: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, pois é livre de alérgenos comuns e ingredientes artificiais.
5. Praticidade: A dosagem diária em uma única cápsula facilita a inclusão do suplemento na rotina, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Jarrow Formulas GABA Soothe® diariamente, preferencialmente em jejum, acompanhada de um copo de água ou suco. Essa prática não apenas maximiza a absorção dos ingredientes ativos, mas também potencializa os efeitos relaxantes do suplemento, ajudando a preparar o corpo e a mente para enfrentar os desafios diários com mais tranquilidade e foco.
G. Carter –
You get what you pay for, clearly. Overpriced to begin with this company sends crap that expires in 2 months. Really a despicable practice. And of course, they cannot be returned. Cheap and sleazy does it.
Amazon Customer –
This has maltrodextrin……why do they not show in the the pictures….they conveniently delete and don’t show it has maktrodextrin
Amazon Customer –
This vitamin has given my life back. I’ve been dealing with various anxiety/stress symptoms for most of the year, many of which gave me terrible pain. My mind constantly repeated that this product would not help, but luckily I was quite wrong. I noticed a difference in a few days; less heart palpitations, pain and spasms across the board. Stress/anxiety can affect your body in many ways, and a small product like this may be the only thing you need to get back on track. Big pharma products often come with a lot of scary side effects, but I haven’t noticed anything like that with this product. Always consult your doctor, but this is a great start to recovering before trying more drastic methods. It took me about 2-3 days to notice a major difference, but it’s well worth the money. I suggest taking it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, but nighttime might work better for some people.
Mark yoder –
This product works like a benzodiazepine but without the physical side effects. It calms the panic or worry and allows for complete relaxation and ability to focus. I experienced a traumatic event and I found that this supplement is one I always have on hand. When I first stated taking it, it made me really drowsy but after a few day it worked great. I take it in the mornings and just one a day.
Claire Chang –
So, I had tried GABA and L-theanine before from a holistic practitioner but was looking for something less pricey to curb my anxiety. I wasn’t sure what to expect, except I knew that I had tried a product of Jarrows before (orange peel extract for reflux flare ups) and it worked great, so I figured why not go with the same brand again? I’m very glad I did. I take it every day and while stress will always be there, I’m not freaking out or looking for a nerve pill to swallow. It also does not make me tired which is great.
I don’t know if it will work the same on everyone, but I say it’s worth trying. Much fewer consequences to deal with then try to adjust to an SSRI.
Useless, waste of money! Zero sleep! Disappointed!
Need a refund!
Alexee –
I bought my first bottle of Jarrow GABA Soothe a couple of months ago–I purchased it because I often have trouble going to sleep at night, my mind going over and over the day’s issues, I take on cap at night, about an hour before I’m ready for bed, and I’m very tired by the time I lay down. It’s so hard to get your mind to stop going round and round over the problems, or issues I have, but this seems to do the trick. I go to bed calm and tired–good things, both! I highly recommend you try it out.
LizzieW –
Unlike some other reviewers, I had instant positive effect after just one dose and I know it wasn’t a placebo effect. I have Lyme disease which has really interrupted my circadian rhythm and sleep and created more anxiety than I already had. I’ve suffered with severe anxiety for many years due to circumstances in my life and the Lyme and this GABA formulation has truly given me peace of mind. I don’t take it during the day but I do take one capsule two hours before bed and wow, I actually sleep so deeply now. I don’t feel fogged or drugged in the morning at all.
I’ve tried Ashwaganda as an adaptogen by itself and didn’t notice any real effect so I’m going to assume that it’s the combination of the GABA, Ashwaganda and the Theanine.
Dynamite –
Seems like a good product to encourage falling asleep. It’s also supposed to improve mental clarity.
Dawn –
My anxiety is rather severe. To the point that I can screw everything up in my path. Most every day I’m suffering. I took these while in a crowded grocery store where a clerk in the health and vitamin section recommended the product to me. I took one in the store and after 30 minutes I couldn’t tell a big difference. I took a second one three hours later and that was the most calm I have felt in a very long time. It was like a relief from myself. I’m so thankful. So now I ordered another bottle and signed up for the auto send. It’s helping me with a new job that I just started. I really want it to work out so this is really good for me.