Descrição do Produto: Jarrow Formulas B-Right
Descubra o poder do complexo B otimizado com o Jarrow Formulas B-Right, uma fórmula avançada que combina as vitaminas B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 e B12 para oferecer suporte essencial à energia celular, saúde imunológica e gerenciamento do estresse. Cada cápsula vegetal é uma fonte concentrada de nutrientes que são facilmente absorvidos pelo corpo, garantindo que você aproveite ao máximo cada vitamina.
- OPTIMIZED B-COMPLEX: Jarrow Formulas B-Right, Optimized B-Complex featuring vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9 and vitamin B12 support cellular energy, immune health and stress management.
- B-COMPLEX VITAMIN FORMULA: B-Right é um complexo B otimizado que apresenta as formas das vitaminas B1 (tiamina), B2 (riboflavina), B5 (pantetina), B6 (piridoxal 5-fosfato), B12 (metilcobalamina) e B9 (metilfolato) que são eficientemente utilizadas pelo corpo.
- METHYLATED FORM: Esta fórmula inclui a forma bioativa de B12 e folato para apoiar a energia celular.
- FITS YOUR LIFE: Este suplemento dietético em cápsula vegetal é vegano, não contém OGM e é livre de glúten; contém até 100 dias de suprimento.
- SUPERIOR SCIENCE, SMARTER FORMULAS: Informados por uma forte pesquisa científica, os produtos Jarrow Formulas são cuidadosamente elaborados para garantir que você obtenha o benefício de cada vitamina, mineral e suplemento.
1. Aumento da Energia Celular: As vitaminas do complexo B são essenciais para a produção de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a manter a vitalidade ao longo do dia.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de vitaminas B fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, promovendo uma saúde imunológica robusta.
3. Gerenciamento do Estresse: As vitaminas B são conhecidas por seu papel na regulação do humor e na redução do estresse, contribuindo para um bem-estar emocional equilibrado.
4. Fórmula Vegana e Sem Aditivos: Ideal para veganos e pessoas com restrições alimentares, o produto é livre de OGM e glúten, garantindo uma escolha saudável e segura.
5. Absorção Eficiente: A presença de formas metiladas de B12 e folato assegura que o corpo utilize esses nutrientes de maneira eficaz, maximizando os benefícios.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula vegetal de Jarrow Formulas B-Right diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também ajuda a integrar o suplemento na sua rotina alimentar. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
DC –
Jarrow is one of the few supplement brands that I find trustworthy. They offer a good balance of price and quality. As far as b complex products go, this is a great blend of the best forms of all the Bs in good amounts. I take one once or twice a week, so one bottle lasts me quite a while.
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Gary –
This is the right B complex for everyone that has the methyl b12 ingredient and not the cyanocobalamin cheap ingredient which contains a cyanide molecule. Most people are familiar with cyanide as a poisonous substance. Although the amount of cyanide in a normal B12 supplement is small and from a toxicology point, viewed as insignificant, your body will still need to remove and eliminate this compound.Compared with cyanocobalamin, it appears that methylcobalamin is better absorbed and retained in higher amounts within your tissues. In simple terms, they are used much more effectively. In general, methylcobalamin is used primarily in your liver, brain, and nervous system.
Methylcobalamin is the specific form of B12 needed for nervous system health. Because of this, it should be the first form of this vitamin thought of when interested in attempting to optimize the health of the nervous system with vitamin supplementation. Indications of a potential deficiency of B12 in the nervous system might include numbness, tingling, loss of feeling sensation, burning sensations, muscle cramps, nerve pain and slowness of reflexes.
Because of methylcobalamin’s importance in nervous system health, it is also an important nutrient for vision. In fact, continued visual work (like work on a computer) often leads to a reduction in something called “visual accommodation”. Methylcobalamin can significantly improve visual accommodation, while cyanocobalamin appears to be ineffective.
An elevated level of homocysteine is a metabolic indication of decreased levels of the coenzyme forms of vitamin B12, especially methylcobalamin. Homocysteine has received a tremendous amount of emphasis in the scientific literature because of its associations with heart disease and a variety of other specific health conditions. I have even seen advertisements on television promoting folic acid, as a vitamin needed to lower homocysteine. While this is true, and folic acid does lower homocysteine levels, the combination of methylcobalamin and folic acid appears to work much better.
The most well-studied use of methylcobalamin has to do with sleep. Although the exact mechanism of action is not yet clear, it is possible that methylcobalamin is needed for the synthesis of melatonin. Available information indicates that methylcobalamin can modulate melatonin secretion, enhance light-sensitivity, and normalize circadian rhythm (your 24-hour clock). Because of this, individuals supplementing this form of B12 often have improved quality of sleep, often will require slightly less sleep, and will not uncommonly report that they feel a bit more refreshed when waking in the morning. Methylcobalamin is particularly effective when your 24-hour clock is not running smoothly. This may be indicated by a need for excessive sleep, changing sleep-wake cycles, or a tendency to have altered sleep-wake patterns. As examples, you might require 10-12 hours of sleep, or you might not feel tired until 2-3 am and you might wake at noon, or you might find that you wake a bit later every day and go to be a bit later every night. Under all of these circumstances, the combination of methylcobalamin (about 3000 mcg daily) and exposure to bright light in the morning can help reestablish your 24-hour clock.
Because of methylcobalamin’s impact on 24-hour clock and the cycles that feed of this, it is also an important vitamin to regulate your 24-hour release of the stress hormone cortisol. This seems to be particularly important for blood types A and AB. Methylcobalamin also seems to result in a better 24-hour maintenance of body temperature. Typically individuals supplementing this coenzyme form of B12 have higher temperatures in the later hours of the daytime. This usually corresponds with improved alertness at the same time of the day. While this can be of importance for all blood types, low body temperatures seems to be an area of greater challenge for A’s and B’s.),
Michael Czajka Jnr –
This is the best and the cheapest optimised B-complex on the market.
It contains methyl-B12 (-CH3) rather than the cheaper and more stable cyano-B12 (-CN).
N.B. Cyanide-B12 makes a lot of people feel unwell:
Did you know B12 is an antidote to cyanide poisoning?
BTW: A lot of people need more methyl groups to improve methylation.
As a result methyl-B12 increases energy… while CN-B12 decreases energy i.e. Makes you feel bad
Unfortunately CH3-B12 has a shorter shelf life than CN-B12… but that’s not an issue if you have used up all the tablets within the normal expiry date (about 1 year)
The formula also contains folate (the active form of B9) rather than folic acid (the inactive form) .
Jarrow keep fiddling with the niacin in this formulation: It is currently nicotinic acid but has been inositol hexanicotinate (IH) in the past. The amount in the formula seems to keep changing too. This is probably because Niacin (B3) causes an uncomfortable flush and many customers complain. The IH form is preferable to avoid/reduce flushing… and it allows higher amounts to be taken. 100 mg would be a more useful dose… as it would reduce the need to take extra niacin.
The bottle contains 100 tablets… which is OK… but a bigger bottle (200) would suit most families better. Otherwise you end up with a big pile of empties very quickly.
If you’re uncertain about B-complex formulations this is the one to try.
P.S. Hydroxy-B12 could be used in this formulation to increase shelf life.
OH-B12 is a very pleasant and is well tolerated by anyone who finds CN-B12 unpleasant.
Amazon Customer –
I wish I knew this a long time ago, but while this product works great it can work too great. If you start with a full pill, you might feel a change way too quickly, followed by fatigue, depression, anxiety, and other symptoms the following days.
You want to open the capsule and only take a fifth (1/5th) a day and continue that way for a while and then increase slowly if needed.
I used to get so sad because this product worked incredibly well the first day and I crashed the following but I always chased the feeling of the first day. Now I know to take it really slowly.
It contains SO many B Vitamins that honestly even just a small amount may be more than fine. Be forwarned that it doesn’t taste very good at all! But it’s worth it. Mix in water and honey if you want.
I am in love with this Jarrow Formulas B-right Complex.
I began taking B-vitamins from Trader Joe’s. They were big and a powdery capsule and they smelled. Those supplements tasted bad too and they would stick and were just gross. But I needed B-vitamins and they were a good price so I just stuck with it (sometimes invulnatrily when it stuck in my throat- ouch!)
Then I started buying supplements on Amazon. I researched this brand before buying it. This is one of the brands I would trust over others that you often find at grocery stores and not places like specialty stores. This brand is on lots of different clean eating websites as being trustworthy. I have not found a whole lot that says otherwise. Not all supplements are created ethically or healthfully.
Having a good supplement is worth doing some research for to know what will fit your needs best and which brand you trust versus cost and other considerations. I feel the amounts of different types of B-vitamin complexes in this supplement are a good fit for what I want. I wanted energy and a healthier body and a better chance at a healthy baby if/when I do conceive. (thinking of trying to get pregnant in a few months)
This supplement has good amounts of folic acid (great for reproductive health and a developing fetus), biotin (great for hair, skin and nails!) and many other B-vitamins that are good for various functions in the body. Some B 12 is made from cyanocobalamin and some people think it is less healthy to take an acid bound form of cyanide in the pill. Most research says it’s safe and poses no concern, but this B complex vitamin doesn’t have it, so no need to worry if that is something you are concerned about.
Be careful not to take too much of a B-vitamin because they can cause a person to flush or feel hot. I have had the flush happen a few times. Typically if you experience the flush (flushed skin from dilated blood vessels), it may happen at the beginning of using that particular supplement and then your body usually becomes used to the supplement and the flushing stops.
Some people may experience flushing when other things happen, IE seasonal or food allergies can trigger sensitivity to the supplement and you can have the flush reaction spontaneously. The flush is a rash that is often on the trunk, face, neck, arms, hands and feet. it tends to be worse at areas that have lots of blood vessels, IE the elbows and hands. The red flush and warm feeling are from blood vessels becoming wider and relaxed and having extra blood flow. It can feel hot and itchy, or like hives.
If you experience the flush reaction, immediately drink a cold glass of water. The flush often is abruptly stopped with in a half hour. The water also helps the vitamin do what it’s supposed to do, which part of the mechanism of action and desired benefit from this supplement is flushing toxins from the blood and body. Some people may benefit from certain medications, like Benadryl or Aspirin, of course ask your doctor or pharmacist before you try medicine, if you require medicine for the flush reaction, you probably have something other than the flush reaction happening in your body and you should seek help or instruction from a professional.
So yes, it is a pretty large supplement. It doesn’t get stuck when I take it. The capsule is the dry cellulose type and not a gel cap. Gel caps are easier to swallow for some people. I love that it isn’t some nasty tasting powdery disgusting supplement. I don’t get re-flux or nasty burps from this vitamin (people often refer to it as “the B burps”)
I put this supplement in with my other medicine in my medi-planner and it does not make my other medicine taste bad (the one from trader joe’s would make my other medicine taste really terrible). So I am pretty excited about this supplement. It doesn’t stink and it has the nutrients my body needs and it does not have a bad texture.