Descrição do Produto: Jade Screen Teapills Economy Size – Yu Ping Feng Wan – 1000 Pills
As Jade Screen Teapills Economy Size – Yu Ping Feng Wan – 1000 Pills são um produto de alta qualidade oferecido pela Vitaminer Shop. Essas pílulas são formuladas com ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente selecionados para fortalecer o sistema imunológico e promover a saúde geral do corpo.
Essas pílulas são feitas com base na fórmula tradicional chinesa Yu Ping Feng Wan, que tem sido usada há séculos para fortalecer o Wei Qi, a energia defensiva do corpo. A fórmula contém ervas como Astragalus, Atractylodes e Siler, que são conhecidas por suas propriedades imunomoduladoras e adaptogênicas.
A Jade Screen Teapills Economy Size – Yu Ping Feng Wan – 1000 Pills são ideais para pessoas que desejam fortalecer seu sistema imunológico e aumentar sua resistência a doenças. Essas pílulas podem ser tomadas regularmente como um suplemento diário para promover a saúde e o bem-estar geral.
Com a embalagem econômica contendo 1000 pílulas, você terá um suprimento duradouro dessas pílulas para uso contínuo. Além disso, a Vitaminer Shop oferece entrega rápida e gratuita para membros do Amazon Prime, garantindo que você receba seu produto de forma conveniente e sem custos adicionais.
Invista na sua saúde e fortaleça seu sistema imunológico com as Jade Screen Teapills Economy Size – Yu Ping Feng Wan – 1000 Pills da Vitaminer Shop. Experimente agora e desfrute dos benefícios de um sistema imunológico mais forte e uma vida mais saudável.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Fortalece o sistema imunológico
As Jade Screen Teapills Economy Size – Yu Ping Feng Wan – 1000 Pills são formuladas com ingredientes naturais que fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções.
2. Promove a saúde geral
Essas pílulas não apenas fortalecem o sistema imunológico, mas também promovem a saúde geral do corpo, proporcionando uma sensação de bem-estar e vitalidade.
3. Fórmula tradicional chinesa
A fórmula das Jade Screen Teapills é baseada em uma fórmula tradicional chinesa com séculos de uso, garantindo sua eficácia e segurança.
4. Embalagem econômica
A embalagem econômica contém 1000 pílulas, garantindo um suprimento duradouro para uso contínuo e conveniência.
5. Entrega rápida e gratuita para membros do Amazon Prime
A Vitaminer Shop oferece entrega rápida e gratuita para membros do Amazon Prime, garantindo que você receba seu produto de forma conveniente e sem custos adicionais.
- Fortalecimento Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do corpo contra infecções e doenças sazonais.
- Saúde Respiratória: Melhora a função respiratória, ajudando a prevenir resfriados e gripes.
- Fórmula Tradicional: Baseada em práticas milenares da medicina chinesa, garantindo eficácia comprovada.
- Suprimento Duradouro: Com 1000 pílulas, você tem um estoque prolongado para uso contínuo.
- Praticidade: Fácil de usar, podendo ser ingerido com água ou em infusões, adaptando-se à rotina diária.
Recomenda-se tomar 8 pílulas das Jade Screen Teapills Economy Size – Yu Ping Feng Wan – 1000 Pills por dia, de preferência com o estômago vazio. As pílulas podem ser engolidas com água ou dissolvidas em chá quente para uma absorção mais rápida. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.
Marina –
TashaMariaTromer –
The great Los Angeles writer Erip Erense recommended these pills to me, and when I tried them out I saw he was definitely right. I had fallen prey to frequent colds. But JadeWindScreen with its safe mixture of traditional Chinese herbs protected me from cold and flu, gently boosted my immune system, and ensured I stayed in tip-top condition.
Anna S –
I’m always a little nervous about something I buy online that I am just, but I am very glad I purchase this. I have really bad indigestion when I eat pretty much anything, and I was prescribed Jade screen in liquid form for my acupuncturist along time ago. I found this online and it has really helped a lot. I’m able to take it with me when I travel and in my purse so I don’t have to worry which is been great. The pearls are super tiny and I pour them into the lid so I don’t have to worry about touching them or spilling them. One of the great things is that I found I don’t have to use it every day, but it definitely does help and I noticed an immediate benefit when I do take it either before or after eating. Not sure if it’s done anything for my energy levels, but I will definitely buy again.
Brent Reynolds –
I found this to work well. It took a few days to work. But once it did I am not having clear nasal running. This would only happen occasionally but it was annoying. And this worked well. I prefer the large bottle. Sometimes the small bottle doesn’t fix the problem. But the large bottles always work.
Vern –
I take this so I do not get sick in the winter. Get the big bottle.
Have no idea if it prevents covid but for sure it should help somewhat.
April E Johnston –
I am an Oriental medicine student and started taking this formula as a preventative after our clinic doctors suggested it to prevent picking up the sicknesses ill people bring into our clinic. As a preventative, it works amazingly well. I won’t go into the “mechanisms” of why it works, but essentially it creates a strong immune barrier and helps flush out pathogens. 2017-2018 flu season has been a terrible one, and I have been around sick people constantly for months- including my husband who doesn’t take this- and haven’t gotten sick. Another Amazon purchaser ranked this 1 star due to inclusion of talcum, which a well known Traditional Chinese medicine, but the mineral talcum is a non-toxic mineral that is very useful at treating symptoms with heat (dry, hot throat, burning urine, etc)- and the CAUTION- Do not take this formula once you are already sick!! It is a preventative.
Lori sadira –
BEWARE This product has Talcum in it. I have ordered and taken this same formula from Plum Flower for years and it has never listed Talcum. This new bottle I received, I happened to notice, it now includes Talcum. I am not sure why this has changed but it is not something I want to ingest. I am returning this immediately.
Cg2237 –
This straight up stopped my allergy athsma attacks within a day of using it, I usually use my enhaler every five hours as soon as the leaves on the trees turn green I basically suffer until winter after I received this in the mail I followed the directions on the bottle, eight pills breakfast lunch and dinner , that morning and noon time I was still having to use my enhaler but by bedtime my lungs weren’t too bad so I slept the night without it, that morning when I should have been panicking trying to find my enhaler my lungs were feeling really good I have been taking these for a few days now and I have yet to use my enhaler, I’m so impressed I had done a lot of research before deciding on these pills I’m actually pretty shocked I got it on the second try, I also have changed my diet to a diet of steamed veggies a little rice, beans nuts and seeds and b12 suplimentation very abundant in leafy greens and blood building veggies like Beets and carrots, if your looking to heal your athsma for good changing your diet is important I’ve been on this diet for six months and still going, no raw foods unless you live in a hot climate and chew well ,I also used the ping chuan pills with the jade screen it’s supposed to be a lung strengthener I actually wasn’t expecting this to work as quickly as it did I’m sure I just got lucky I highly suggest going to a acupuncturist who specializes in Chinese medicine I’d go as far as saying it works better than the type of western practices of medicine we have in the majority of America give these pills a try !! The pills didn’t help my itchy watery eyes I’m still trying to figure that one out