Descrição do Produto: Jacked Factory Growth Surge Creatine Post Workout w/L-Carnitine – Daily Muscle Builder
Growth Surge é o suplemento definitivo para construção muscular, contendo três ingredientes-chave – Creatina Monohidratada, Betaína Anidra e L-Carnitina-L-Tartarato – para apoiar a recuperação muscular, força e crescimento muscular magro ao longo do dia. Consuma Growth Surge imediatamente após o treino para acelerar a recuperação muscular e otimizar a janela anabólica.
Fórmula Cientificamente Dosada com Creatina Premium: Cada ingrediente do Growth Surge é comprovado por pesquisas para proporcionar crescimento de massa muscular magra e desempenho geral. O Growth Surge utiliza ingredientes de alta qualidade em doses comprovadas cientificamente, incluindo a melhor forma de creatina do mercado – Creatina Monohidratada. A creatina possui centenas de estudos de pesquisa comprovando sua eficácia no aumento de força, potência, resistência e hipertrofia muscular em atletas, fisiculturistas e frequentadores de academia.
Suplemento para Construção Muscular para Mulheres e Homens: O Growth Surge pós-treino combina ingredientes eficazes comprovados por pesquisas, incluindo L-Carnitina-L-Tartarato, Betaína e Bioperina, para minimizar a fadiga, maximizar a recuperação pós-treino e ganhos musculares. O Growth Surge pós-treino ajuda a promover o crescimento de massa muscular magra, ao mesmo tempo em que aumenta a força e resistência na academia.
Recuperação Pós-Treino: Você treina duro todos os dias, é crucial recuperar e reconstruir em níveis máximos. O Growth Surge ajuda a melhorar a recuperação muscular pós-treino, construção muscular e reduzir a dor muscular. Conquiste seu próximo treino se sentindo revigorado e pronto para ir, com resistência infinita e força aumentada.
Fabricado em uma Instalação Certificada cGMP: Ao contrário de muitos suplementos alimentares, todos os produtos da Jacked Factory são fabricados sob rigorosos padrões de controle de qualidade para garantir pureza e potência adequadas. Esta fórmula é completamente livre de produtos químicos agressivos, enchimentos e corantes alimentares artificiais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Crescimento Muscular Magro
O Growth Surge é formulado com ingredientes cientificamente comprovados para promover o crescimento de massa muscular magra, ajudando você a alcançar seus objetivos de construção muscular de forma eficaz.
2. Recuperação Pós-Treino Otimizada
Com o Growth Surge, você pode acelerar a recuperação muscular após o treino, reduzindo a dor muscular e preparando-se para o próximo treino com energia renovada.
3. Aumento de Força e Resistência
A fórmula do Growth Surge inclui ingredientes que ajudam a aumentar a força e resistência, permitindo que você treine com mais intensidade e alcance melhores resultados.
4. Qualidade Premium
Todos os produtos da Jacked Factory são fabricados em uma instalação certificada cGMP, garantindo a mais alta qualidade, pureza e potência.
5. Fórmula Cientificamente Dosada
O Growth Surge utiliza doses cientificamente comprovadas de ingredientes-chave, como Creatina Monohidratada, para garantir resultados eficazes e consistentes.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 1 porção (1 colher) de Growth Surge misturado com água imediatamente após o treino. Consuma regularmente para otimizar a recuperação muscular e promover o crescimento muscular magro. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 1 porção (1 colher) de Growth Surge misturado com água imediatamente após o treino. Consuma regularmente para otimizar a recuperação muscular e promover o crescimento muscular magro. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
rmac52 –
I’ve only used this product for a month, but I feel like it’s working. I get DOMS really bad. I still need 1 days to recover from a good squat or deadlift day. But my chest and shoulders are recovering quicker.
I tried to not change anything about how I workout/recover while using this. I think that’s about as scientific as you can get testing something like this.
I have noticed some pretty good shoulder growth from the last month. I have a hard time attributing that to the growth surge. I have been hitting my shoulders harder than I used too. Take that as you will.
I got the swoleberry flavor. I hate the name. But the flavor it great. It mixes well into about 12 oz of cold water. Sometimes I dilute it too much, but the flavor is just muted.
Overall I would recommend. Even if it’s just a placebo, it’s cheap. I feel like its working so that means I am getting s bennifit from it.
Kindle Customer –
Great flavour and it works great, muscles recover much quicker.
Cheems –
Second time purchasing. I bought the Black Berry first time and the Cherry Limeade this time. Both flavors are good but I LOVE the cherry limeade! Drinking it much faster. Whenever I consistently use this post workout for a week or two do notice it works. Feel a little more energized and pumps look better. Overall am happy with product
Joe –
I’ve now tried the Swoleberry and Blue Raspberry flavors. They are both good with the blue raspberry tasting identical to many of the other same flavor supps out there. The swoleberry taste like your typical imitation strawberry banana flavor. One scoop goes a long way. I use one scoop to 24oz water and it’s plenty sweet. The raspberry more so than the swoleberry. I’m impressed with the mix ability. The creatine dissolves really well which is a huge plus for me. I also very much appreciate that they don’t use food dye for coloring. Overall I think this is a quality supplement.
Lennin Cruz –
My coworker recommended this flavour. Funny I was the one who introduced him to this brand. Flavours really are tasty. The ingredients what I’m looking for as I take it everyday at work when summer time comes around. Took advantage of the Prime day for discounted prices. Mixing is no issue as this main reason I switched from another brand (kept choking as powder was too fine when opening container). Easy on the stomach (I only use one scoop, do not know if any negatives if I try 2). Do recommend to anyone looking for a premix workout supplement
Crickle Lee –
out of all of the pre-workout drinks I’ve used this is the first post-workout drink of used and it’s helped me to build more muscle than the pre-workout drinks. it’s a little sweet but they all are and I recommend it if you are looking for a post-workout drink that is proven to work. I saw results after three workouts.
CayLeigh Wade –
First off, I’ve used this product a few times and I’m definitely not as sore as I usually am. It seems like it has a mix of great ingredients as well.
However, I thought it’d be smart to order this unflavored – that way I could just mix it with my whey protein. Horrible mistake that was. The unflavored version is very sour and it made my protein unbearable to drink. I will definitely not order the unflavored again and will most likely opt for a flavor next time if I do purchase again. Just sucks because I wanted to mix this with my protein so I’m not having to consume multiple drinks.
Anon –
I’ve been using this product for about a month now and I have nothing bad to say about it. I was hesitant initially because very rarely am I a fan of the flavors or after taste of these types of products but, it’s non overpowering or a underwhelming taste. It delivers a smooth flavor with no aftertaste and if I could drink multiple bottles of this in a day I would.
I use this 5 days a week after a workout and it helps me recover and feel better with more focus and I’m able to maintain my energy afterwards.
jeffrey scott cordell –
Growth surge flavor is great! Definitely taking my workout to the next level! I train at home with Dumbbells, calisthenics, loop bands, I’m doing 4 days a week 14-16 sets to failure and I can really tell I have more in the gas tank and recovery, to be able to push myself harder with less volume.
I never mix growth surge with water, as the recommended instructions says, I work out from 3am to 4am and make a protein pudding for breakfast, 6 scoops vanilla Chobi Greek yogurt, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder, 1 scoop of grown surge, mix until consistent, top with granola, blueberries, banana, ghost pepper flakes.
I give Growth surge a 5/5 for jacking up my workouts, 5/5 for flavor, 5/5 for price!
Amanda –
My husband and I have been using this product in different flavors for the past month and it is amazing! Not only do the flavors taste absolutely fantastic, but the product works great as well! I can definitely tell if I forget to take it one day!