O Jack Black Jackzen Renovador Corporal é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma experiência de renovação e relaxamento. Com uma fórmula rica em ingredientes naturais, como óleo de eucalipto e mentol, este produto proporciona uma sensação de frescor e alívio para a pele. Ao aplicar, você sentirá a suavidade e a hidratação que ele oferece, deixando sua pele macia e revitalizada. As notas intrigantes da fragrância, que incluem Pimenta Preta, Sálvia Esclareia, Violeta e Bambu, transformam o seu banho em um momento de puro prazer e tranquilidade, permitindo que você encontre seu equilíbrio e bem-estar.
Este sabonete corporal terroso é versátil, funcionando tanto no corpo quanto nos cabelos, removendo suavemente a sujeira e o suor. Sua fórmula não apenas limpa, mas também nutre e hidrata, promovendo uma pele e cabelos saudáveis e revitalizados.
- Fragrância Intrigante: As notas de Pimenta Preta, Sálvia Esclareia, Violeta e Bambu proporcionam uma experiência de banho renovadora e restauradora.
- Limpeza Completa: Este sabonete corporal terroso limpa suavemente tanto o corpo quanto os cabelos, removendo a sujeira e o suor.
- Renovação e Restauração: O Jack Black Jackzen Renovador Corporal ajuda a renovar e restaurar a pele e os cabelos, deixando-os revitalizados.
- Qualidade Garantida: Produto da renomada marca Jack Black, conhecida por sua excelência em cuidados pessoais masculinos.
- Experiência Zen: Encontre seu equilíbrio e desfrute de momentos de tranquilidade durante o banho com este produto inspirado no zen.
Para obter melhores resultados, aplique generosamente o gel de banho Jack Black Jackzen Renovador Corporal no corpo e nos cabelos. Utilize uma esponja ou pano de lavagem para criar uma espuma abundante. Enxágue completamente para remover todos os resíduos. Para uma experiência ainda mais relaxante, considere usar o produto durante um banho quente, permitindo que os aromas e propriedades dos ingredientes naturais envolvam seu corpo e mente.
D.R. –
Wonderful smell that is powerful but not in an Axe body spray kind of way. Smells absolutely refreshing and am glad that I bought it. My favorite Jack Black body and hair wash, hands down!!!
Robert J. Potts –
Smells great and doesn’t cause dry skin. Great product as always from Jack Black
Corinthian –
Works great on my dry skin. I love the new zen smell.
Amber –
I guess I should abide by context clues more often. A tongue-in-cheek brand by Jack Black offering sensual and compelling experiences in the shower. A picture of what appears to be a man in the photos. I guess I saw the aloe vera, violet and bamboo essences and really bought into the idea that it was unisex, but sadly this is as manly of a shower gel as you can get. Of course, if it accomplishes its goal of cleaning you, why should it matter? I am a teacher so the idea of giving off masculine scents is something that I would rather not do, so I actually let my husband decide on the quality. He enjoys it, but in an average male mindset sort of way where as long as it does the job, it’s perfect. I am not sure he has found his “center” yet, maybe a panda well versed in kung fu can help us with that one day.
Big j –
I’ve tried all jack black scents. This is my favorite. Just reordered my second bottle. It’s just clean smelling with a very mild scent.
Alex –
I like it for shampoo and body wash. Unfortunately it is really pricey and somehow smells so generic. Smells like dollar store body wash, which has a chemical smell.
Dawn R Try –
Everyone has uses this men and women and kids
Veronica B –
First of all, the bottle of this Jack Black Jackzen Renewing Body & Hair Cleanser was MUCH larger than I thought it would be (that’s what she said haha). But was shocked at how large the bottle is. It will last us a while (with both of us using it too)! Love that it’s unisex!
My husband typically uses a separate body wash and shampoo, and is always looking for different body washes so thought he would like this.
It smells AMAZING!! Very masculine smelling and I love the smell of it on him! He says it lathers nice as a body wash, but he does not love it as a shampoo and will continue using his go-to shampoo. But as a body wash, it’s really nice.
The price point is a bit high (52 at time of review). We would not order it again, due to the price only. It’s a nice body wash and a large bottle, but nothing special about it and nothing you can’t get from a different brand that is a lot less expensive. The price and the fact my husband was not a fan of it as a shampoo is the reason I deducted 1 star.