Ivy’s Mukta Vati – Comprimidos Herbais Ayurvédicos para Saúde – Fórmula Ayurvédica
Ivy’s Mukta Vati Herbal Tablets é um suplemento herbal que se destaca por sua fórmula ayurvédica, projetada para ajudar a controlar a pressão arterial e promover a saúde cardiovascular. Com uma combinação única de ervas de alta qualidade, cada comprimido contém 800 mg de ingredientes ayurvédicos, oferecendo uma dosagem significativamente maior em comparação com outros produtos do mercado. Essa formulação não apenas se baseia na sabedoria milenar do Ayurveda, mas também incorpora pesquisas científicas modernas, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
Os principais benefícios de Ivy’s Mukta Vati incluem a redução da pressão arterial elevada, o alívio do estresse e a promoção de um coração saudável. A absorção rápida dos comprimidos permite que os efeitos sejam sentidos de forma imediata, proporcionando um alívio eficaz e natural. A qualidade dos ingredientes é uma prioridade, com cada frasco garantindo que apenas os melhores componentes sejam utilizados, resultando em um produto que os clientes podem confiar.
A dedicação à excelência e a satisfação do cliente são fundamentais para a nossa missão. Cada frasco de Ivy’s Mukta Vati é produzido sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando que os consumidores recebam um suplemento que não apenas atende, mas supera suas expectativas. Experimente Ivy’s Mukta Vati e descubra como ele pode transformar sua saúde e bem-estar.
1. Fórmula Ayurvédica Potente: Combina ingredientes tradicionais com pesquisa moderna para eficácia superior.
2. Absorção Rápida: Efeitos rápidos e perceptíveis devido à rápida absorção no organismo.
3. Qualidade Superior: Ingredientes de alta qualidade garantidos em cada frasco.
4. História Comprovada no Ayurveda: Baseado em práticas milenares de medicina tradicional indiana.
5. Satisfação Garantida: Compromisso com a qualidade e foco no cliente, assegurando resultados positivos.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 comprimidos de Ivy’s Mukta Vati duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, para otimizar a absorção dos ingredientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças para garantir a segurança e a eficácia do suplemento.
Ted keenan –
Had a real problem meds not doing the job this stuff with my meds so far has lowered my pressure
Ken Massa –
It’s rare to point to a supplement for genuine cause and effect. Most of wonder whether a positive effect is the result of paying more attention to a problem or a combination of pills. Or maybe the health issue healed on its own. But with BP and heart palps, that just doesn’t happen, and intervention of some kind is necessary to bring it under control.
Mukta Vati definitely makes a difference for me. BP stable and normal. Heart rate calm. I take 2 or 3 tablets every 4-6 hours. I can feel the difference both with anxiety level lower and measuring with a BP cuff or watching heart rate on a finger pulse monitor.
Thank you for an excellent product.
Michael –
I am 63 yo man. I have high BP on and off (spikes) for years and usually it gets up during off season (I leave north-east US). When it is warm I do biking 2-3 times a week and then I do not have spikes. With bike I have 110-130/65-75 and off season it is 130-135/80-85 with spikes up to 145-155/85-90. I have been using BP medicine for over a decade and usually when I need it I take it 2-3 times a week. As I said during warn season I do not take it at all. Usually I have 2-3 caps of black coffee a day and this never had anything with BP somehow.
It was getting in winter season and I started having my BP spikes again and decided to try something natural like Mukta Vati. I started taking 1 tablet twice a day first week and then 2 tables twice a day next week. First week caused my spikes became daily reading. I mean 145-155/85-90 is what I got through the day. After second week my BP readings were even up 175-195/90-105 !!!. I mean these were numbers I saw through the day. I completely stopped my coffee and it did not matter. What is worse taking my regular BP medicine (even double dose) did not have any affect on the numbers.
I stopped taking Mukta Vati and after 2 days and taking a lot of water to wash this stuff out my BP was back to 130-135/80-85 without any medicine.
I only want to warn people as you may not be as lucky as I am, thanks God.
Dee –
A week ago, I was headed for a stroke with a BP of 192/109. Strokes run in my family big time. We don’t get cancer – we have strokes. I’ve had borderline and high BP off and on for several years, but that was the worst it has ever been. I’ve tried various natural remedies in the past, and the ones that did seem to work were extremely slow in bringing down my numbers and still didn’t get me into a normal range. I hit it from all sides this time. I bought and started this supplement, one tablet, twice a day. I dramatically cut back on sodium. I increased my potassium intake with food (an avocado and Swiss chard every day) plus one glass of electrolyte water that has 1k mg of potassium. (That’s still below the recommended daily allowance) I’ve had no sugar for a week. I gave up caffeine and drank one cup of hibiscus tea daily. I drank two quarts of water a day. I did a guided meditation for relaxation on YouTube once a day and took one gentle walk per day. In one week, I’ve gone from 192/109 to 123/71. I am blown away by the dramatic results – especially in just a week’s time. Yes, I’m sticking with this supplement and protocol!
Dawn –
It helps our son keep his blood pressure in control.
Karebair –
Ivy’s Mukta Vati is pretty good at lowering blood pressure, but I have to be careful of a couple things. Firstly, it lowers my pulse too much, which causes worse fatigue than what I already live with. One morning, after rising, my pulse was 48! I’m hypothyroid, so slower pulse and fatigue are common, but my pulse has never been close to that low. Also, it causes severe nasal congestion. One thing that I feel has helped with this has been taking a vitamin C supplement, and also NAC, although I have no idea how this works.
E. –
Almost finished after a month, lacking a change in B/P
Kindle Customer –
I was skeptical about purchasing this, especially after trying other things that didn’t work. I read the reviews and as my BP was creeping up higher and higher, I figured why not give this a try. Well I am ESTATIC with the results!!!! My BP is finally within the normal range and I didn’t have to do anything crazy to get it there. I have been taking Ivy’s Mukta tablets for about 2 weeks now and the results are AMAZING!!!! My doctor is going to be so pleased when I go back to see her next time!!!!! ☺️