Whey Protein Concentrate – It’s Just! – Concentrado, Ultra Premium, Proveniente de Vacas Alimentadas com Pasto, Sem Sabor, Fabricado nos EUA, Sem Adição de Sabores ou Adoçantes Artificiais (Concentrado, 1,25 Libras)
💪 Poder Puro de Proteína: Nosso concentrado de whey protein sem sabor é uma fonte premium de proteína de alta qualidade, perfeito para quem deseja aumentar sua ingestão diária de proteínas. Ele contém proteína de soro de leite pura, não desnaturada e livre de rBGH/rBST, que mantém sua integridade natural e biodisponibilidade.
🌿 Vacas Alimentadas com Pasto: Proveniente exclusivamente de vacas alimentadas com pasto e livres de rBST/rBGH em pastagens exuberantes. Diga adeus aos aditivos artificiais e aproveite os benefícios naturais de nosso produto.
✅ Qualidade em que Você Pode Confiar: Fabricado nos EUA por uma instalação em conformidade com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), nosso concentrado de whey protein é produzido sob rigorosas medidas de controle de qualidade para garantir pureza e potência. Você pode confiar que está adquirindo um produto de primeira linha todas as vezes.
🌟 Versátil e Personalizável: O concentrado de whey protein levemente aromatizado oferece versatilidade infinita. Você pode adicioná-lo aos seus smoothies, receitas ou bebidas favoritas, ou desfrutá-lo puro com seu sabor limpo e fresco. Personalize sua ingestão de proteínas de acordo com suas preferências e necessidades dietéticas únicas.
🏋️♂️ Apoie seus Objetivos de Fitness: Seja para construir massa muscular magra, recuperar-se após um treino ou simplesmente aumentar sua ingestão diária de proteínas, nosso concentrado de whey protein é uma maneira versátil e conveniente de apoiar seus objetivos de fitness. Alimente seu corpo com a proteína que ele merece, sem aditivos ou enchimentos desnecessários.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Fonte Pura de Proteína:
Nosso concentrado de whey protein é uma fonte premium de proteína de alta qualidade, garantindo que você obtenha os nutrientes necessários para apoiar seu estilo de vida ativo.
2. Proveniente de Vacas Alimentadas com Pasto:
Aproveite os benefícios dos produtos provenientes de vacas alimentadas com pasto, que são livres de hormônios artificiais e aditivos prejudiciais à saúde.
3. Fabricado nos EUA sob Rigorosos Controles de Qualidade:
Nosso concentrado de whey protein é fabricado em uma instalação nos EUA que segue as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), garantindo a pureza e a potência do produto.
4. Versatilidade para Personalizar sua Ingestão de Proteínas:
Com seu sabor neutro, você pode adicionar nosso concentrado de whey protein a diversas receitas e bebidas, adaptando-o às suas preferências e necessidades dietéticas.
5. Suporte aos seus Objetivos de Fitness:
Seja para construir músculos, se recuperar após um treino intenso ou aumentar sua ingestão diária de proteínas, nosso concentrado de whey protein é uma escolha confiável para apoiar seus objetivos de fitness.
1. Aumento da massa muscular magra, essencial para quem busca definição e força.
2. Recuperação eficiente após treinos intensos, reduzindo a fadiga muscular.
3. Fonte de aminoácidos essenciais, fundamentais para a saúde e bem-estar.
4. Sem aditivos artificiais, garantindo um produto puro e saudável.
5. Flexibilidade na dieta, permitindo a inclusão em diversas receitas e bebidas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção (30g) do concentrado de whey protein em 200ml de água, leite ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma imediatamente após o treino ou conforme recomendado por um profissional de saúde. Para uma absorção ideal, é aconselhável ingerir o produto em um intervalo de 30 minutos após a atividade física, maximizando assim os benefícios da proteína na recuperação muscular.
gloria –
I really like the taste and is %100 grass fed. Is easy to dissolve and great ingredients.
Great price, I recommend.
DoR –
I drink kefir every morning with a frozen banana. I added the protein and it became so creamy/foamy and grew to fill my blender cup. Only a third fit in my 30oz cup. I couldn’t tell the difference in flavor, there is no taste. For the second try I added the protein to 2oz of almond milk and added it to the kefir/ banana mix. Mixed well and it fit in my cup perfectly. I think it was the setting on the blender that was to high that made it too frothy. Anyway, the first batch is in the freezer and now i have ice cream… I like it enough to get a subscription
Rex Schroder –
Unfortunately, I wouldn’t give this one star. I had to so I could send the review.
I have bought Levels Grass-fed whey protein and absolutely love the taste and the way it blends so smoothly.
When I saw It’s Just and it was Grass-fed whey protein, it was a little less expensive. This was gross! I have had a lot of protein powders over the years and this one is the worst flavor I have ever had! Don’t waste your money. I bought it on Amazon because most things can be returned. Not this! So not only am I out of a protein powder, I’m out the money also. Goes to show. If they aren’t going to guarantee their product, it’s junk.
Im going back to Levels Grass-fed Whey protein powder. It’s so delicious!
Theresa –
Of course I will buy this one over “the best” one (Isopure, unflavored, IMHO) because it is significantly cheaper. This one has a tiny bit of an undesirable taste, whereas Isopure tastes perfect. Also, I am not that happy that there is some carbs in it – would prefer zero carbs. BUT I will buy again because the other stuff is $28++ and this is $24++ right now.
Vicki Brooks –
I love this whey protein powder in my baked goods. I have a diabetic bakery business so protein is a high priority! No extra ingredients makes me feel safer in what I bake. The flavor compliments any item I add it to. Best deal I have found so far. I even put it on subscribe!
Meemz –
I needed protein to add to meals without all the calories. Many whey powders I looked at have cancer warnings on them, oh hell no! Idk who would consume something with a cancer warning on it, but it was clear that I needed to look elsewhere. This powder comes in a pretty big bag, I’ve had it for a while now and still don’t really notice any missing! The taste is not noticeable unlike other powders so that is nice, however it does have a milky texture if that makes sense. It feels kind of like flour and basically tastes like milk in powder form- not in a gross way. I love me some milk so I have only ever added it to food products that already have dairy in them, so I can’t speak on how this would taste in something that shouldn’t have dairy in it. However, it is made with milk so I don’t think any of these buyers would be worried about that. I was cautious of people who stated that it does not mix well with warm liquids. I mixed it with my milk before I added oats and put it in the microwave. It mixed pretty easily.
Mohammmad –
It blends well and does not have a taste. Recommended.
Curtis Fullen –
I want to be straight up with y’all. This is a very good whey protein isolate product. It probably has the biggest scoop on the market. I poured 9 oz. of milk in my shaker bottle. I always use 9 oz. in my shaker bottle. It mixed very well in the shaker bottle. It’s unflavored, so therefore it’s
going to have a plain taste. It’s not a bitter taste, just a plan taste. Bag resealed well. I was using a good whey protein concentrate product for a couple of years. I was very satisfied with
the product. But I was looking for another grass fed whey protein powder that had less ingredients. No stevia or monk fruit is cut with erythritol. Which may have some side effects.
So I wanted something that has just two ingredients. Whey protein powder and sunflower lecithin, which is an emulsifier. Which can protect red blood cells and lower risk of
atherosclerosis, heart attack, strokes, etc. So bottom line not to get complicated. This is really good plain ordinary whey protein isolate with two simple ingredients. Check it out for
yourself and try a test package amount like I did without spending a lot of money. Then if you don’t like it you are not out much money. But as for me. I found a new natural cow grass fed
whey protein powder isolate. Plain and simple. One more reason that I bought this product over other Whey Protein Isolate products. Is it has 30g. of protein and they give the BCAA
table breakdown. Other products do not. One more thing. If you read about sunflower lecithin vs soy lecithin. Sunflower lecithin is the better choice.
Martin at Silflay –
I got this for my wife who finds other product too sweet. But she is pretty picky and is anyhow much more of a “fin beck” than I am, so she didn’t like the “milky” taste of this in her cream of wheat. Oh, well, it was worth a try.
On the re-closable bag packaging: why do they bother? First, this is one of the many products for which the re-closable bag doesn’t–the powder gets in the “zipper” seam and it just doesn’t work. In fact, the instructions even suggest putting the contents in a different container!! So just skip the re-closing bag and save a penny on manufacturing, OK??