Descrição do Produto: Isosource 1.5 Cal com Fibra Sem Sabor 250ml Brikpaks 24/Case
O Isosource 1.5 Cal é uma fórmula nutricional completa e balanceada, desenvolvida pela Nestlé, que oferece 1,5 calorias por mililitro, ideal para pacientes que necessitam de suporte nutricional intensivo. Apresentado em práticos Brikpaks de 250ml, este produto é especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades de indivíduos com dificuldades de deglutição ou que estão em recuperação de doenças, cirurgias ou condições que exigem uma ingestão calórica elevada.
Com uma composição rica em proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios, Isosource 1.5 Cal é uma excelente opção para complementar a dieta de pacientes em estado crítico ou que apresentam perda de peso involuntária. A adição de fibras na fórmula contribui para a saúde intestinal, promovendo um trânsito digestivo regular e ajudando a prevenir constipação. A ausência de sabor torna o produto versátil, permitindo que seja utilizado em diversas preparações, sem alterar o paladar dos alimentos.
Além disso, a embalagem em Brikpaks facilita o armazenamento e o transporte, garantindo que o produto permaneça fresco e seguro para o consumo. Isosource 1.5 Cal é indicado para uso em dietas enterais, podendo ser administrado por sonda ou consumido diretamente, conforme a necessidade do paciente.
– Suporte Nutricional Completo: Fornece uma combinação equilibrada de macronutrientes, essencial para a recuperação e manutenção da saúde.
– Alta Densidade Calórica: Com 1,5 Cal/ml, é ideal para pacientes que precisam aumentar a ingestão calórica sem aumentar o volume de alimentos.
– Fibras Adicionadas: Contribui para a saúde digestiva, ajudando a regular o trânsito intestinal e a prevenir constipação.
– Praticidade de Uso: Embalagem em Brikpaks facilita o manuseio e o armazenamento, ideal para ambientes hospitalares ou domiciliares.
– Versatilidade: Sem sabor, pode ser misturado a outros alimentos ou bebidas, sem comprometer o sabor original.
O Isosource 1.5 Cal pode ser utilizado de diversas maneiras, dependendo das necessidades do paciente. Para administração por sonda, recomenda-se seguir as orientações do profissional de saúde quanto à diluição e à taxa de infusão. Caso seja consumido diretamente, pode ser ingerido puro ou misturado a alimentos, como purês ou sopas, para enriquecer a dieta. É importante garantir que a temperatura do produto esteja adequada e que a embalagem seja aberta apenas no momento do uso, para preservar a qualidade e a segurança do alimento.
warren Oie –
If someone out there needs to feed a person with a stomach tube this is the stuff to get.
R. Davis –
This is used for PEG tube feeding. I ordered a couple of cases about a week before a discharge from the hospital. It is exactly what was being used in the hospital for bolus feeding. Good product delivered to your door.
J. Taylor –
If you don’t want to suffer medical problems in a few years, avoid this. Cancer clinics give this to their patients to keep them from losing weight. Wrong move. Cancers thrive on glucose from sugars in the diet. Fructose is a cheaper form of sugar that’s causes fatty liver.
Medicare sent me this for a temporary swallowing problem. Once my swallowing improved, I stopped this super sweet chocolate liquid. Read the label before purchase. If you can’t find the label on-line, it will be on the shelf at your local grocery store. A few bread makers label their loaves with “No Fructose Corn Syrup”. Some bread makers consider that a plus for their bread sales.
My food intake is limited to a PEG tube. When I was first released from the hospital with my tube, I used a product for diabetics, and those suffering renal failure. My condition of renal failure, thankfully, was a temporary response to a necessary, anti-biotic. The benefits, outweighed the potential reaction.
Over the course of the past 12 months, I began searching for other sources of PEG tube nutrition and found Isosource: the liquid density is lower than products by other leading manufacturers. I learned that cartons of Isosource provides above average h20 levels, and promote hydration.
The Isosource packages are easy to handle because the liquid is in a light weight brick pack. The packaging is light enough so that I can carry a days worth of food in a plastic shopping bag. The containers have pull tab, pours easily, and do not need a can opener.
As much as I would rather eat food and drink liquids, I don’t believe I would be able to provide my body with the consistent amount of required vitamins and minerals as those found in Isosource.
TennisGal –
My 22 year old son has been using this for a month through his PEG tube. He is tolerating it well with no problems at all. He is currently eating 7 containers per day since he can not eat any food orally. He has just finished going through radiation and needs to keep his weight on.
The item I received was slightly different than what is pictured. I received Isosource 1.5 Cal Calorically Dense Complete Nutrition ‘With Fiber’. The Nutrition info is slightly different than what is pictured. What I received has 14.8 grams total fat, 17 grams protein and 3.8 grams Dietary Fiber.
Raymond Puckett –
I used Levity 1.5 cal for months and it caused me a lot of constipation so decided to try Isosource and found it to be a little bit better on my system. I’m a tubie and can only take food and liquids by a peg tube. I like the packaging better for with Jevity the cans were always dented and they are heavier which also cost me more for shipping, and when you live on a fixed income pennies count.
catchatter 7 –
This is a great product, especially since it doesn’t cause my husband to have bowel upset, as in diarrhea. This product is working
and he’s getting excellent nourishment, I can’t say the same for the Glucerna products, which caused him bowel distress.
EllisB – Amazon Customer –
Very good product. I ordered a case for my dad about a week ago. This is the only food he eats right now. It is working very well for him so I am ordering 2 more cases and will continue to order as long as he needs it. I was amazed how quickly the product arrived. It was supposed to be here in a week. It arrived in about 2 or 3 days. I was totally surprised. Oh, and did I mention shipping is FREE?