Descrição do Produto: Raid Ant Killer Baits
O Raid Ant Killer Baits é a solução definitiva para quem enfrenta problemas com formigas em casa. Com um pacote contendo 8 iscas, este produto foi desenvolvido para proteger eficazmente os locais onde as formigas se escondem. Cada isca é projetada para atuar de forma inteligente: as formigas se alimentam do veneno, retornam à colônia e transferem o isca para a rainha e outras formigas, garantindo a eliminação de toda a colônia. O Raid Ant Killer oferece proteção por até 3 meses, permitindo um controle prolongado das formigas em todos os cantos da sua casa. Para obter resultados máximos, recomenda-se colocar todas as iscas ao mesmo tempo, garantindo que a infestação seja tratada de forma eficaz e rápida.
Ideal para uso em diversos ambientes da casa, como sótãos, porões, despensas, cozinhas e salas de estar, o Raid Ant Killer Baits é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma solução prática e eficiente para o problema de insetos. Além disso, a linha Raid oferece uma variedade de sprays e produtos inseticidas, permitindo que você mantenha seu ambiente livre de pragas de maneira abrangente e eficaz.
– Eficácia Prolongada: O produto atua por até 3 meses, garantindo um controle duradouro das formigas.
– Fácil Aplicação: As iscas são simples de usar e podem ser colocadas em diferentes locais da casa.
– Eliminação da Colônia: O mecanismo de transferência do veneno permite que toda a colônia seja eliminada, incluindo a rainha.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser utilizado em diversos ambientes, como cozinha, sala e despensa, atendendo a diferentes necessidades.
– Segurança Infantil: O produto é projetado para ser resistente a crianças, proporcionando uma camada extra de segurança em lares com pequenos.
Para utilizar o Raid Ant Killer Baits de forma eficaz, comece identificando os locais onde as formigas são frequentemente vistas. Coloque as iscas em áreas estratégicas, como cantos, sob a pia, em despensas e perto de entradas. Certifique-se de distribuir todas as iscas do pacote ao mesmo tempo para maximizar a eficácia do produto. Evite mover as iscas após a colocação, pois isso pode interferir na atração das formigas. Após algumas semanas, verifique os locais e substitua as iscas conforme necessário para garantir um controle contínuo da infestação.
Ferd –
Not as effective as I had hoped, had to buy some gel baits too.
Ruby Smith –
We have tough ants in our area, liquid bates don’t work so giving these a try. Not sure how well they’ll work but cheap price is worth the gamble. They do give off a gross, artificial peanut butter smell but isn’t noticeable when tucked in the corners of my home.
SB –
Easy to use and perfect for removing the ant menace. Tried it both indoors and in the garden, and worked at both places perfectly. The garden ant hills after the rain, remains flat, indicating no activity, and indoor the ants had disappeared totally. Used it for the red ants.
Amazonjsailor –
Product will draw more ants. Resist the urge to kill them as they enter and exit the product. They bring the poison to the nest and it kills the rest.
Deborah –
Easy to use. No ants fall out. Cheap and starts working asap plus my pets ignore them
Snisha –
I used this product to help keep ants out of my kitchen and other living spaces. These things worked slow at the start, but I started moving them around to the corners, and that seemed to do the trick. Within a few days, the ant population had dramatically reduced, and soon enough, they were completely gone.
I have a few pets, and they seemed safe and durable enough for them not to mess around with them.
So far seem like they dramatically improved the ant population, and are relatively safe for pets. Great product that I reccomend!
Great Lakes Lesbian –
Notes for clarity: I have no dogs, & live in a condominium backed up to a lake with a swamp preserve behind it, not on first floor in Great Lakes region.
Tldr: Product works as advertised, ants went away **completely** within a week or so. Dont expect instant results
Had an issue with ants, couldn’t find source of problem or entry points. Ill chop it up to poor housing/building quality that is extremely common in every home made in America that is not custom designed by the person who will actually live there. So the ants could come in from a variety of places.
Was seeing a lone ant probably every day in one place or another. No trail, couldn’t identify source of problem, or entry. Turn to broad based solution, this.
Put them by entry door, window, and kitchen trash. Never saw them again after a week. It takes a couple of days to work bc they have to bring it back to the nest, for it to then kill the colony. They’ll have stragglers for a minute, but in a few days you won’t see them. Been a few months I think since use, only used half of package I think and haven’t seen a single one since. Very effective, highly recommend.
Noticed no smell, bodies, or anything.
Amazon Customer –
I have had this 3 days using it and ants totally go around it, do not come anywhere near this bait trap. I looked inside and not even one ant. Totally empty. Put it on my coffee table where the ants are always crawling on it, and NOTHING. Not one ant killed. Waste of money, will return.
aiyan –
Very bad product.
Nothing changed
Ants are not affected at all
Don’t buy it
JEANIE mikutis –
perfect transaction