Descrição do Produto: Quality Choice Iodine Decolorized 2OZ
O Quality Choice Iodine Decolorized 2OZ é uma solução de iodo que passou por um rigoroso processo de descoloração, eliminando a coloração marrom característica do iodo comum. Este produto é amplamente utilizado em ambientes médicos e domésticos, sendo um antisséptico eficaz para o tratamento de cortes, arranhões e queimaduras menores. A presença de iodo na fórmula confere propriedades antissépticas que ajudam a prevenir infecções, tornando-o um aliado indispensável na higiene e cuidado com a pele.
A aplicação de iodo descolorido é especialmente recomendada antes de procedimentos cirúrgicos ou injeções, pois sua formulação minimiza o risco de manchas indesejadas na pele, o que é crucial em áreas visíveis do corpo. Além disso, a versão descolorida é ideal para quem busca um produto que combine eficácia com a estética, permitindo o tratamento de ferimentos sem comprometer a aparência da pele. O frasco de 2 onças é prático e fácil de transportar, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma solução confiável para desinfecção.
1. Eficácia Antisséptica: Combate bactérias e previne infecções em feridas menores.
2. Descoloração: Ideal para uso em áreas visíveis, evitando manchas na pele.
3. Fácil Aplicação: Frasco prático que permite uma aplicação precisa e controlada.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em casa ou em ambientes clínicos, como hospitais e consultórios.
5. Confiabilidade: Produto de uma marca reconhecida, garantindo qualidade e segurança no uso.
Para utilizar o Quality Choice Iodine Decolorized, comece limpando a área afetada com água e sabão. Em seguida, aplique uma quantidade adequada da solução de iodo descolorido diretamente sobre a ferida utilizando um algodão ou gaze estéril. Certifique-se de cobrir toda a área afetada, permitindo que o produto seque naturalmente. Para melhores resultados, repita a aplicação duas a três vezes ao dia até que a ferida esteja completamente cicatrizada. Evite o uso em grandes áreas da pele ou em feridas profundas sem orientação médica. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Jessica –
While visiting my grandparents recently, my grandma noticed a red area on the side of my foot and advised me to start putting some colorless iodine on it to prevent bunions. This was recommended to her by a doctor many years (at least 50) ago that if you rub colorless iodine on the area it will help decrease, if not fully make the bunion go away. It worked wonders for my grandpa and aunt back then, so it was totally worth $6 to try.
Amazon Customer –
Iodine is wonderful stuff.
If you don’t know much about it you REALLY SHOULD read the book:
Iodine Why You Need It – Why You Can’t Live Without It by Dr. David Brownstein – Amazon sells it.
But this is not the type you want – Lugol’s Iodine is way better. If you need it color-free, read on.
You can use Lugol’s topically or take Lugol’s orally by the drop. DO NOT TAKE DECOLORIZED IODINE ORALLY
Lugol’s is not decolored. Lugol’s leaves a skin stain that you can use to gauge how much iodine your body needs.
Amazon sells Lugol’s Iodine in a 2oz bottle too.
Want more details on the many uses of iodone? Go to and you’ll be amazed. Then buy the book!
According to Dr Brownstein – Lugol’s iodine can make an incredible difference in your health – recommended for people with cancer (especially breast, but other kinds too), fibromialgia, cronic fatigue, thryoid disorders, cardiac problems, rhumatoid arthritis and much more.
If you have cardiac issues or cholesterol issues you should read the incredible testimonial he has about eliminating major cardiac symptoms using hormone and iodine therapies. Read that in Dr Brownstein’s book The Miracle of Natural Hormones.
Significant help for many major diseases can be had by balancing iodine – hormones – and adrenaline. Dr. Brownstein’s books can teach you some amazing things.
The reason I bought this decolorized iodine is for applying topically to brittle nails and bald scalp as recommended on the web site. But it stinks! It doesn’t smell like iodine (which has it’s one scent) it STINKS like Ammonia.
The bottle says: Active Ingredients: Alcohol 45% denatured with ammonia, Ammonium and Potassium Iodides.
It doesn’t give a percentage of iodine content like lugol’s does. It is clear, but the smell is overwhelming.
If you are looking for a decolorized iodine for nails or scalp application fearing hair might be colored with lugol’s, then try Potassium Iodide liquid instead – Marine Biotherapies is one brand that makes it. It is in water not alcohol and it is clear and it does not stink. It can be taken orally or topically. It might be a little weaker than the decolorized kind with ammonia, I’m not sure because the decolorized with ammonia tincture does not list a strength on the bottle.
The iodine is good, and may help promote hair growth or nail stregthening (don’t have enough experience yet to say) but the ammonia can’t be good for your skin or nails or your nose – skip the ammonia and go for the potassium iodide instead.
Just to clarify – I have mentioned 3 different types of iodine:
#1 – Quality Choice Iodine Tincture Decolorized with Ammonia and Alcohol – clear liquid – for topical use only, smells strongly of ammonia and contains ammonia. Unknown strength. Don’t take this kind internally!!!
#2 – Marine Biotherapies Potassium Iodide Liquid in purified water – for topical or internal use – clear liquid, no smell – might be weaker in strength that the other 2 kinds of iodine I’ve mentioned.
#3 – Lugol’s Iodine – comes under several brands – brand doesn’t really matter, just the strength – it can be found in the usa in 2% or 5% strengths (in other countries I’ve heard of 10% and 15% but not in the usa thanks to the fda and dea). (Do NOT confuse iodine with betadine solution it has additives and is not the same)
Lugol’s is the best kind because of the blend it contains of both iodine and iodide making it more absorbable to the body and thus more effective. It is iodine color – an orangish brown and will stain skin that same color for a short time. But if you are deficient in iodine as Dr Brownstein says most americans are, your body will soak it in quickly due to the deficiency. A simple skin patch test can be done on a daily or weekly basis to help restore your iodine content and resolve deficiencies and your health along the way. Read about the skin patch test at […] Dr Brownstein even talks about how iodine can help you detox from MERCURY, FLOURIDE, CHLORINE, and BROMINE! Easily and cheaply. Amazon sells lugol’s iodine too.
Just so you know, I am not affiliated with Dr. Brownstein (just a fan) or the website.
J. Galt –
I purchase this for a relative to use on her nails — she says it did not work for that purpose, but since the manufacturer doesn’t advertise it as effective for nail strength and as far as I can tell it IS iodine tincture, I give it five stars.
Mary –
In the last few years, every winter I struggle with my finger nails: they brake almost from my flesh and it is so painful. Ever since I’ve been using this product (for the past two months), my nails are stronger and do not break easily. This is almost like a miracle in a small bottle.
Thank you.
Janet A. English –
Bought this with the anticipation that it would harden my fingernails. I’d read a doctor’s write-up in the paper and reviews from Amazon stating this would harden the nails. I’ve used it, as directed, for 2 weeks and have seen no results in my nails. I would not waste my time on purchasing it again. Wonder what Dr Oz would say about this product???
Patricia R. Terrell –
works great
Amazon Customer –
I was very unhappy with this purchase. The bottle was not sealed shut and the contents seemed more than questionable. So much so, that I threw it away. Wasted time and money!