As Intrinsics Petite Silken Wipes são lenços unissex com 200 unidades, que possuem características e benefícios destacados. Esses lenços são projetados com o máximo cuidado, garantindo que não deixem fiapos na superfície da pele. Isso assegura uma aplicação limpa e suave, sem resíduos indesejados. Ideais para a aplicação de loções pós-depilatórias e géis calmantes, sua composição livre de fiapos e não tecida torna-os perfeitos para uso em salões profissionais ou em casa, oferecendo uma solução higiênica e eficiente para rotinas de cuidados com a pele.
Com um design não tecido e livre de fiapos, as Intrinsics Petite Silken Wipes oferecem qualidade e desempenho superiores. Fabricados com materiais de alta qualidade, são gentis na pele, garantindo uma experiência de limpeza confortável e eficaz. Fáceis de usar, esses lenços são uma adição conveniente a qualquer rotina de cuidados com a pele. Compactos e portáteis, são ideais para viagens ou uso em movimento. Basta pegar um lenço e desfrutar da facilidade de aplicação. Além disso, proporcionam uma limpeza satisfatória, com uma textura suave e delicada que remove impurezas, deixando a pele revigorada e rejuvenescida.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Qualidade Superior: As Intrinsics Petite Silken Wipes são fabricadas com materiais de alta qualidade, garantindo um produto durável e eficiente.
- Aplicação Versátil: Esses lenços são ideais para aplicar loções pós-depilatórias e géis calmantes, proporcionando uma experiência de cuidado com a pele completa e satisfatória.
- Higiene Garantida: Graças à sua composição livre de fiapos e não tecida, esses lenços oferecem uma solução higiênica para a rotina de cuidados com a pele, seja em salões profissionais ou em casa.
- Praticidade: Fáceis de usar e transportar, esses lenços são perfeitos para viagens ou uso diário. Basta pegar um lenço e desfrutar da facilidade de aplicação.
- Cleansing Eficaz: As Intrinsics Petite Silken Wipes proporcionam uma limpeza satisfatória. Sua textura suave e delicada remove efetivamente impurezas, deixando a pele revigorada e rejuvenescida.
- Eliminação de resíduos: A tecnologia livre de fiapos garante que não haja resíduos na pele após a aplicação.
- Conforto na aplicação: A textura suave proporciona uma experiência agradável durante o uso.
- Versatilidade: Ideal para diferentes tipos de produtos de cuidados com a pele, adaptando-se às necessidades do usuário.
- Praticidade no dia a dia: O formato compacto facilita o transporte e o uso em qualquer lugar.
- Higiene assegurada: A composição não tecida minimiza o risco de contaminação, ideal para uso profissional e pessoal.
Para usar as Intrinsics Petite Silken Wipes, retire um lenço da embalagem e aplique suavemente na área desejada. Utilize-os para aplicar loções pós-depilatórias, géis calmantes ou para limpar a pele. Após o uso, descarte o lenço de forma adequada. É importante manter a embalagem bem fechada para preservar a qualidade do produto e garantir que os lenços permaneçam limpos e prontos para uso.
LuvlyJ –
When applying toner, spread it out and apply the toner thoroughly. It is good to use by tearing it to the desired size. It is helpful for troubled skin. Very satisfied.
John D. Smith –
I use these pads to remove makeup and clean my face with micellar water. They spread out into four different quadrants, which is fantastic for dipping into oil makeup remover. The cloth does stretch when pulled, and isn’t very tightly knit. I dock a star not because the product is bad, but I sometimes feel like it’s a little rough on my face. It’s not the softest cotton pad I’ve ever used, but it’s the second most soft cotton pad I’ve ever used.
Gillian –
I make up guru suggested these so I gave them a try & I can tell you I will never go back to cotton pads again. These don’t suck up a fraction of the prudish-takes the tiniest bit-& they work perfect! Plus I LOVE that they don’t leave cotton fuzz in my lashes!!! This is a forever product for me, for eye make up removal especially!
Arthur chung –
Much prefer these wipes to cotton pads
R. L. Wiley –
These wipes are PERFECT for specific uses. Now that I’ve discovered them, I simply cannot be without them! They are specifically designed for the APPLICATION of product. I use them to apply my water based toners. Because they don’t absorb your product, the toner glides on your face smoothly & evenly & you don’t end up wasting product. Although they do come in a larger size, I find these work just fine. I can get enough toner on these wipes to use on my face, neck, & chest without having to apply more to the pad. I also like using these in the morning to get any sleep or leftover mascara/eyeliner off my eyes. As the name implies, they are incredibly silky & therefore gentle. Perfect for the delicate eye area. And there will be absolutely no lint bits on your face, yay! I have also used them with micellar water to correct any makeup mistakes or clean up fallout. This package lasts me for months & I use them on a daily basis. I highly recommend them if you are looking for a thin silky wipe/pad as opposed to a thick absorbent wipe/pad. Great product!
dylan –
I clean my toy breed (Maltese) eyes daily and the most popular eye pads are overpriced and used too quickly for my purposes. At twice a day cleaning I’m going through them way too quickly. I wanted a cloth/application that held liquid cleaner without leaving lint or cotton on my small dog’s eyes. These are perfect for use with a common vet approved eye cleaner (with boric acid per my vet). I find them much more effective and cost efficient than “Angel’s Eyes”.
You get 200 squares that unfold and 1 can be used for both eyes if utilized 1/2 at a time. The cleaner is also inexpensive relatively speaking. I use NutriVet Eye Rinse for dogs. This way you can control the amount of liquid needed to do the job. And, I use them for mascara removal for myself too! Excellent bargain. No lint or cotton left on my eyes! It doesn’t waste product like cotton does as they don’t absorb as much (thin but effective). Wish I’d known of these when I got my puppy 2 yrs ago. Huge savings and more effective.
Syd –
I’ve been using these to apply my rosewater toner for a few years now. So much better than using regular cotton pads since these don’t absorb as much as they do. It’s able to get more dirt off your skin too! My skin has been so much more clearer since transitioning to this product. 10/10 recommend!
A.J. –
I buy these along with the 100% cotton ones made by the same brand. The cotton ones seem more absorbent and are more abrasive. These silken wipes are smoother in texture. I like using them for applying certain moisturizing toners on my face since they don’t soak up all the product. Less waste. Nail polish remover doesn’t seem to evaporate quite as quickly with these, too.
I originally bought these and the 100% cotton ones to deal with a slow healing wound that always bled after showering. The cotton ones absorbed moisture and blood way better. They helped dry out the wound quicker to stop the bleeding; but if I left them on a little too long, they would adhere to the wound and cause bleeding to reoccur once I peeled them away. The silken wipes served the same purpose. And although they took a bit longer to do the job, I was able to easily take them off after applying pressure. They also worked great for spreading prescription ointments across the wound area. They helped keep everything clean and sanitary without wasting a lot of product.
M. Rouleau –
These are so great for makeup removal and using toner. They are soft and inexpensive. The best part is you use significantly less product than traditional cotton balls or squares so your product isn’t wasted.
John D. Smith –
Does not soak up your product. Will only use this.