O Integrative Therapeutics Theracurmin HP é um suplemento de cúrcuma de alta absorção que se destaca por sua fórmula inovadora, proporcionando uma biodisponibilidade até 27 vezes maior do que a cúrcuma convencional. Essa característica torna o Theracurmin HP uma escolha excepcional para quem busca maximizar os benefícios da cúrcuma, especialmente em relação às suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes. Com 60 cápsulas em cada frasco, este suplemento é ideal para promover a saúde das articulações, fortalecer o sistema imunológico e apoiar a saúde cardiovascular.
A cúrcuma, conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas, tem sido utilizada por milênios nas tradições medicinais da China e da Índia. O Theracurmin HP não apenas preserva essa rica herança, mas também a aprimora com sua tecnologia de absorção superior. Este suplemento vegano é uma excelente opção para aqueles que buscam alívio do desconforto ocasional causado por esforço físico excessivo, tensão ou exercícios intensos. Além disso, a curcumina bioativa presente no produto auxilia na recuperação muscular, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias com mais disposição e energia.
Para garantir que você aproveite ao máximo os benefícios do Theracurmin HP, é recomendável que você consulte um profissional de saúde. Essa parceria pode ajudar a personalizar sua experiência e garantir que você esteja fazendo as melhores escolhas para sua saúde.
– Alívio do desconforto ocasional devido a esforço físico.
– Biodisponibilidade superior, garantindo melhor absorção dos nutrientes.
– Recuperação muscular aprimorada após exercícios intensos.
– Benefícios históricos comprovados, respaldados por milênios de uso.
– Parceria com profissionais de saúde para orientações personalizadas.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente acompanhadas de alimentos. Essa prática não apenas otimiza a absorção dos compostos ativos, mas também integra o suplemento à sua rotina alimentar, potencializando seus efeitos benéficos.
E –
Though this is a more expensive than other Theracurmin supplements, this brand is well worth it! The research suggests this is one of the best brands to purchase from. Love it!
Renata P. –
I’ve been taking it over a month now regularly but I feel no difference in pain levels. I guess either it’s too early to say anything or it’s not for my type of inflammation. Will update review if anything changes.
Amazon Customer –
General nutrition.
Marco Rivera –
My doctor recommended me this. The most potent turmeric I tried so far giving me more mental clarity and energy.
Ruby D –
Just got the product today & am giving it s 5 because of Joe Tippen’s Protocol (look it up, how he survived cancer). My cat Boaz was found to have a tumor in his mouth, back & to the side, may be getting larger. He also has teeth that need to be removed and is presently on antibiotics -was on Clindamycin 10 days, now on Orbax. I don’t know if I should allow the dental but he has bad infection in his mouth from some infected teeth, which by the way got somewhat better after I began giving him Hampl Drawing Out and Hampl Smelly Mouth (he had stopped eating).
Anyway, I see under Genceutic Natural’s Turmeric Organic Raw Dietary Supplement, there is a testimonial of a lady who used that remedy for her cat with a nasal tumor and survived. I am using this formula just starting today and also ordered Annatto-E 150mg Tocotrienols for my Boaz. I am declaring by the Lord Jesus that he is healed and doing what I can in the natural. Will update this a bit later, but I lost a cat several years ago to a nasal tumor and knew nothing about any of this stuff. I hope this info will help someone with their cat or dog. I was re-checking the internet now for dosing. The other testimonial says 50-100mg 1 or 2 x a day. Curcumin is best given 2x a day. If your pet does not take it with food, I often use empty gelatin capsules, #1 or 2 (larger for dog) put butter on end, give syringe of some water after giving-if the condition permits. Boaz’s condition will be with food or mixed with bit of MCT oil and bit of purified water in a syringe, very watery.
Hikerman –
Maybe 1 time per year I may have a gout flare up. I’ve been controlling my uric acid with a product labeled Uric Acid Control. In clinical studies it performed equally well as allopurinol (sp). I take vitamin c and MSM every day as well. About one month ago I added this product to my regimen. I was looking for a non-pharmaceutical product that may help with day-to-day discomfort. So as I write this review I can say that after 3 weeks I felt much more comfortable after physical work (I do handyman work and I’m 66 years old) but last night the challenge i was hoping not to experience did arrive. Around 9:00 p.m. I had a gout attack in my right ankle. It was classic stabbing pain, unrelenting pain, redness and swelling. I put ice packs on it, elevated and bedded down on the sofa for what I thought would be a long painful night. I did take a dose of ibuprofin for pain and it did help a little bit. But, here is the remarkable outcome and one that has me leaning toward this product as a real find. When I woke up this morning from a brief nap and stood it was certainly very painful. Within 2 hours the stabbing pain is gone- just very sore now but here is the remarkable part. I can almost walk with a normal gait. This has never happened before. I have had gout flare ups that have lasted for weeks. This time just one day. I do hope it is at least in some part due to this product. Getting ready to order another bottle.
CMDR_Sanford –
I’ve been using this Theracurmin product for a few weeks now. I can really tell a large difference from where i started with my old knee injury. It went from being inflamed and in pain to pain-free within a week. I have been taking 4 capsules once daily with fish oil and a meal the first week. After loading the first week, i take 2 at one meal and fish oil. Theracurmin is one of a very few Curcumin formulas that provide an exponential increase in blood plasma levels when you take more capsules all at one time vs spreading them out. For instance; you will get much high Curcumin levels in your blood if you take 4 capsules at one time versus taking 4 spread throughout the day. Also, unlike most Curcumin formulas, Theracurmin stays in the blood stream for 8-12 hrs if you take at least 2 at one time. If you take 4 at once, it will stay at meaningful levels for over 12 hours according to bioavailability studies available online. This is one of the very few top curcumin products that work for me and happens to be strong enough to knock out all of my knee injury pain. I am a lifelong Theracurmin HP user now!
Edited: I wanted to mention, that after 2-3 weeks, I started to see big improvements in my memory recall and cognitive processing speed. Theracurmin truly is a well-rounded Curcumin miracle worker!
Wendy –
I started taking 2 capsules per day after reading the UCLA paper on decreased plaque uptake in the brain and improved memory in non-demented people who had parents with Alzheimer’s dementia. My mother died of Lewy Body Dementia, which is the second most common cause of dementia. The most notable effect that I found after 2 taking the supplement (1 capsule twice daily) for two weeks, was improved gum disease. After 2 months on the supplement, I went from 18 bleeds to 5 bleeds during my dental cleaning, and all of my pockets improved. After 5 months, I had 2 gum bleeds, and completely healed pockets. As an immunologist, I know that Alzheimer’s is an inflammatory disease and that there are at least anecdotal results that gum disease is associated with dementia. From the UCLA paper, the half-life of the supplement is about 6-8 hours, which means that you could take it 3 times a day. I have not done this, but I have read that it has been recommended for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Also, the studies have not been done yet, but my father, who also has dementia, improved 2-3 points on all of his memory tests after taking this supplement twice daily for 3 months. So, as a scientist, I highly recommend this supplement. It has both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects.