O Instantly Ageless Facelift in A Box é um produto revolucionário que promete transformar a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Composto por 25 ampolas, este removedor instantâneo de bolsas sob os olhos e rugas é a solução ideal para quem busca uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada em questão de minutos. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Instantly Ageless utiliza uma fórmula avançada que combina ingredientes poderosos, como argireline, um peptídeo anti-envelhecimento que atua diretamente nas linhas finas e rugas, proporcionando um efeito lifting imediato e duradouro.
Ao aplicar o Instantly Ageless, você notará uma redução visível das bolsas sob os olhos, olheiras e inchaço, além de um alisamento das rugas e linhas de expressão. O efeito lifting é instantâneo e pode durar o dia todo, permitindo que você se sinta confiante e rejuvenescido. A fórmula é adequada para todos os tipos de pele e pode ser facilmente aplicada sob a maquiagem, tornando-se uma adição prática à sua rotina diária.
O uso do Instantly Ageless é simples e eficaz. Basta aplicar uma pequena quantidade do creme nas áreas desejadas, como rugas e bolsas sob os olhos, e massagear suavemente até a completa absorção. As ampolas são reutilizáveis, permitindo retoques ao longo do dia, o que torna o produto ainda mais conveniente. Com o Instantly Ageless, você não precisa se submeter a procedimentos cirúrgicos caros e arriscados; em apenas 2 minutos, você pode obter um lifting facial instantâneo e mostrar o seu melhor rosto.
1. Redução visível de rugas, linhas finas e inchaço ao redor dos olhos.
2. Efeito instantâneo que dura o dia todo.
3. Fórmula premium adequada para todos os tipos de pele.
4. Alternativa segura e eficaz aos procedimentos cosméticos arriscados e caros.
5. Aborda múltiplos sinais de envelhecimento em um único produto.
Aplique uma pequena quantidade do creme Instantly Ageless nas áreas desejadas, como rugas, linhas finas e bolsas sob os olhos. Massageie suavemente até a completa absorção. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente. Evite o contato direto com os olhos e armazene as ampolas em local fresco e seco, vedando-as após a abertura para garantir a eficácia do produto.
Lynette –
Before purchasing this product I read the comments of others and especially those shown at “confirmed purchase”. I was excited about what the results would be with this as I am 56 years old and dealing with what we all deal with, aging. Wanted to try this and see how it worked and since it was temporary, wasn’t too worried about the long term effects. I was surprised that the product was not very creamy and was a pinkish color, but I went ahead and followed the instructions and applied the product to my face near my eyes where there are wrinkles. They say in the instructions not to smile or move your face and now I know why! It’s because once it dries and you move your face muscles, it cracks and peels and flakes and looks absolutely horrible. You could not go out in public with this product on. It didn’t get rid of the wrinkles either! I never write reviews, but since there are so many videos on social networks and ads about this product, I don’t want someone else to go through what I went through. It doesn’t even come close to it’s promise. Finally, I will always give 5 stars to Amazon for the way it handles returns. They are the best!!
Tim Sergent –
I’ve been buying this for a few years and I love it, but this box was different. The product is usually pink and creamier. This one was more transparent and thinner consistently, also didn’t work as well.
Dawn Spicer –
I have used this product for a long time. It helps with the sagging under eye. Great to use in the morning with your makeup.
DD1114 –
I’ve been using this for over a year now…it takes a little while and experimenting until you figure out the right way to use this. First, it’s best to use it on clean dry skin. I found if I try to layer it over eye cream or serum, it tends to not take as well and/or flake off easier/faster. Second, I’ve learned the hard way NOT to use TOO much. You only need very little and disperse a small dot on one ring finger and rub your ring fingers together and get it on the under part of your eye quickly before it starts to dry. Third, definitely need to wait at least a good 3-5 min, expressionless…(<–not kidding) for it to completely dry and not dry all weird because you were moving (laughing, coughing, sneezing ha ha true!) and/or touching it. Once it's dry it MAY look funny, like it's too strong or dried making your skin look wrinklier, BUT…don't fret, I found if you just lightly wet your finger and lightly tap the area that's too tight or looks wrinkled, it will loosen up and be perfect. Sometimes I've had to take it off and reapply, but I"ve never been disappointed with the final results. In the end, if it starts to look flakey, it's probably b/c it's been on long enough and time to reapply or maybe you're in a hot dry climate (I find when I'm visiting family in a desert hot area of Vegas…this happens).
I have purchased this brand. For a few years now . It works but need to not apply too much or it will look cracked and flaky, aalso make sure to use a fan to dry and it will not go over foundation. Make sure vials are not out of date when ordering
Easy to use with good results…in just one minute, it erases under eye bags like magic and doesn’t irritate my eyes.
Shelly Atkison –
I have been using this product for a few years and I love them.
Ed –
I’ve been using this product for years now and I love how it tightens my lower eyes instantly and it lasts for 7-8 hours. I prefer purchasing directly from Jeunesse Global in Florida as I know what I’m getting as this is where this product originates from.
Onefeather –
I have used Jeunesse instantly ageless before and really liked the product, I had ordered it off the original Jeunesse web site, it cost 75.00. When I seen instantly ageless on Amazon for 49.00 I decided to take a chance it came on time and does work but I looked at the old box I had and then compared it to the one I just received the name instantly ageless written in the same script as the first one the colors were the same, but on the bottom of the box from Amazon there was a sticker with the printed directions on it, it was done well but as the box I ordered from the original web site did not have the sticker, so I am wondering if it is the real Jeunesse instantly ageless, as my understanding was you could only get it from Jeunesse web site. I guess I will have to research it, if I am wrong then I will order more from Amazon as it is so much less money.
Cathy –
J’utilise ce produits plusieurs fois par semaine depuis plus de 3 ans. Je ne peux m’en passer .J’ai une peau sensible et je n’ai aucune réaction allergique. Parfait pour les poches en dessous des yeux et les ridules. J’ai dû me pratiquer plusieurs fois avant de trouver comment bien l’appliquer . Chaque petites fioles me sert environs 4 fois. C’est PRICELESS !!!