O Instantly Ageless Facelift é um produto revolucionário que promete transformar a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Com 10 ampolas, este removedor instantâneo de bolsas nos olhos e rugas oferece um efeito lifting imediato, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada. Sua fórmula avançada atua rapidamente, reduzindo visivelmente os sinais de envelhecimento, como olheiras, inchaço e linhas finas. O segredo por trás de sua eficácia está na presença de argireline, um peptídeo antienvelhecimento não tóxico que age diretamente nas áreas afetadas, sem comprometer a expressão facial.
O uso do Instantly Ageless é simples e prático, permitindo que você incorpore o produto facilmente em sua rotina diária. Em apenas 2 minutos, você pode alcançar um lifting facial instantâneo, tornando-se a melhor alternativa aos procedimentos cosméticos invasivos e caros. Além disso, as ampolas podem ser lacradas novamente após a abertura, possibilitando múltiplos usos e retoques ao longo do dia. O creme é suave o suficiente para ser aplicado sob a maquiagem, garantindo que você esteja sempre com a pele impecável.
1. Redução visível de rugas e linhas finas.
2. Remoção instantânea de bolsas sob os olhos e olheiras.
3. Fórmula premium adequada para todos os tipos de pele.
4. Alternativa segura e eficaz aos procedimentos cosméticos arriscados.
5. Resultados rápidos em apenas 2 minutos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do creme Instantly Ageless nas áreas desejadas do rosto e pescoço. Massageie suavemente até a completa absorção. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, para garantir uma aparência mais jovem e radiante. Evite o contato direto com os olhos e utilize o produto conforme necessário para retoques ao longo do dia.
Kim D –
I tried this product like instructed and nothing happened.
Tracy Gillespie –
First picture is before 2nd is after I applied as directed. It had color to it and I don’t use make up so that was a negative for me. It did show an improvement just not as dramatic as the advertisement showed.
Brenda Kimball –
Product was not creamy ,very stiff like it’s old possibly.Doesnt go on very well, not very happy.
Katie T. Tucker-Roker –
I love this product because it hides the tiredness from under my eyes and takes away the puffiness. It is very easy to use, and the price is worth it. What I don’t love about this product, is that it leaves white residue and in order to get rid of it I have to apply makeup after the cream dries.
Christy Graham –
Listen, it works. It works fast. I applied it under my eyes and the lines completely disappeared. On the hooded area of my eyes, the change was less dramatic, but I probably could have applied a bit more. You can feel it pulling your skin which is a little bit strange. Here’s the thing. Use it when you want to feel super great about yourself. But I wouldn’t use it on a first date to hide your age. If the date goes on for too long, you’ll start to age right before his/her eyes. But a job interview, Zoom call, photos – it’s a pretty great product. Use sparingly to avoid flaking.
Karla –
It works alright. But no matter how I apply it always leave white residue,and you can’t apply cream to it afterwards coz it will lose it’s effect. You can apply cream(water based only) before and let it dry then apply the product. But results always the same, with white residue 😔
Selective Lady –
I purchased this product after “10 Less Lines” was discontinued, which I loved (even though the English was wrong…should have been “10 FEWER Lines”) At any rate, this product is better than nothing. I don’t need a product for under my eyes and I don’t have bags. I use it above my upper lip for lip lines. One thing to note: Just a bit of water to dampen the area first (not wet, just dampen), then apply the product. If you don’t, the area will be white and flaky. This is something I discovered on my own. I would recommend this product for above the lip, but I assume it would work for bags under the eyes too
Tracy Gillespie –
First this does work. Take a moment and watch a YouTube of how to apply. A little goes a long way. I can get three to four days out of each ampule. Have seen some comments that it leaves a visible residue but I did not find that to be the case for me. Again a little is all it takes. Only thing I noticed is that it lasts about 6 hours so not a full work day without reapplying
Julie –
The ads for these use 70 year old women and make them look 30 which this does not. I’ve only tried once so far and can see some of the wrinkles did smooth quite a bit, some very little and some not at all, so think it depends on depth and location. Forehead-great, M frown between the eyes a little,smile lines very little(well worked soon as smiled went back. After the quick initial rub ins don’t touch again, if you try again leave a powder like smudge. I’m going to try on a fancy night out so will update if it’s a disaster
Donny –
It works, and works within around 30 seconds of putting it on your face. I’m 36 and have started to notice some deep lines around my mouth. Most of this I believe is because of weight loss. I’ve lost over 100 pounds, and my face has really thinned out. I was hesitant to try this because of this price, and being skeptical of wasting money on a product that doesn’t work, but it literally works just like all the videos show it does on the internet. It is insane to watch it in person literally lift the wrinkles off of your face and you can LITERALLY feel the skin tightening where you put it on. I made my husband watch because he’s very typical man and “you don’t need that” “you’re beautiful just the way you are”, which I love but the lines around my face make me very self conscious and feel bad about my appearance. BUY IT! My initial plan if it worked was to only use it when I’m going to the kid’s school or when we are going to take pictures or go to functions, but now that I have found something that works and works quickly, doesn’t require any invasion with needles I’m going to use it daily. After seeing my wrinkles disappear I instantly felt better about my face. Buy it.