Descrição do Produto: InstantATT – Suplemento Nootrópico Natural 7 em 1 Sem Cafeína (60 Cápsulas)
O InstantATT é um suplemento nootrópico inovador que combina sete ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente selecionados para promover a saúde cerebral, aumentar o foco e melhorar a memória, tudo isso sem a adição de cafeína. Cada cápsula é formulada para oferecer suporte cognitivo de forma eficaz, ajudando a otimizar o desempenho mental em diversas situações do dia a dia, como estudos, trabalho e atividades que exigem concentração. Com uma mistura poderosa de extratos botânicos e nutrientes essenciais, o InstantATT é ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável e natural para potencializar suas capacidades mentais sem os efeitos colaterais da cafeína.
1. Aumento da Concentração: Melhora a capacidade de foco, permitindo que você se concentre em tarefas por períodos mais longos.
2. Melhoria da Memória: Auxilia na retenção de informações e na agilidade mental, ideal para estudantes e profissionais.
3. Sem Cafeína: Proporciona um impulso cognitivo sem os efeitos colaterais da cafeína, como ansiedade e insônia.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com extratos botânicos e nutrientes que promovem a saúde cerebral de forma segura e eficaz.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Perfeito para qualquer pessoa que deseje melhorar seu desempenho mental, seja em ambientes acadêmicos, profissionais ou pessoais.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de InstantATT ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do suplemento, especialmente se você estiver sob medicação ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto de forma contínua, integrando-o a um estilo de vida saudável que inclua uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios físicos regulares.
Inverness –
I was asked to write this review, but this is my honest opinion. I bought about 5 different nootropic/brain supplements at the time and this was one of them. Turns out this was one of my favorites. Probably my favorite actually. Second favorite was brainergy-x, which has a very simple common formula. For me, nootropic supplements ultimately provide a calming property that’s useful for concentration. I get better “focus” mileage from fresh green tea powder (matcha) or liquid multivitamins (i like miracle 2000) or coffee, like everyone else. I take adderall and an SSRI and caffeine every day, so my experience isn’t typical. The one side-effect I noticed from nootropic supplements that was unexpected was digestive stress. This product is very good in that department. Others make me feel slightly nauseous, which almost definitely has a lot to do with adderall. I have a feeling one nausea-inducing agent might be garcinia cambogia, but everyone’s experience greatly depends on the food they eat and supplements they take and what kinds of things might help them to focus. Also, in the world of supplements, freshness and quality of ingredients is freaking important, which gets overlooked a lot. If i were to buy another nootropic supplement that complements the other stuff I take, I might just get GABA. I’d consider buying this one again. It’s just pretty damn expensive. But, if there’s a difficult task you need to perform, it’s worth spending money to make sure that task gets accomplished.
Bushido –
This product is awesome. After using it just the first time, a huge difference is noticed in memory function and concentration within a very short time. After a couple more uses, thought processes were on another level and mental tasks that were normally difficult suddenly became easy. I expected this though because it contains St, John’s Wort and Ginkgo Biloba, alongside some other natural ingredients. This is probably why I’m not finding any negative side effects so far. I will definitely be recommending this to some elderly family members soon. I would also recommend this product to anyone with extreme forgetfulness (like me) or someone whose trying to give their concentration an extra boost during finals week of college.
Overall it was a great buy. I would make the same purchase again. If you have problems with concentration, forgetfulness, or even problems in learning certain subjects. You should give this stuff a try.
C. Vinson –
So far I’m not blown away, but I admit it does seem to provide a slight wake-up to the mind on some days. I’ve only taken one a day and been inconsistent, so when they send me a free bottle for writing this review maybe I’ll try a couple days of 2 per day. I’m sure results vary but might be worth a shot if it works well for you. Imagine more people would be willing to try it if the price were a bit lower, if you did the 2 a day (bottle says 1-2 per day), then you’d need 2 bottles a month which would be about $90 a month on Amzaon prices which I think is a lot to ask.
ShaSha –
Took for a month with no result. Not even a little. The offer to get a free bottle came as post card. Said go to the website. Did not take the offer because I don’t want another bottle. If I had any result no matter how small I may have bit. But honestly, there was nothng there. Like taking a vitamin. Don’t waste your money. I’d give it a negative 2 if I could because the offer for the free bottle sends you to website where you put in your information and they say afterwards they will be in touch by phone. Too late then, because you are now getting junk emails. I never took the call. They finally sent something in the mail that stated all I had to was write a review anywhere and tell them. Really they derserve a negative 10. Again, product did nothing.
Dean Philip Terrell –
I started taking these on May 28th 2014 and after eight consecutive days of taking these supplements I felt a jolt of focus and retention when listening to others. I used to take Straterra for my ADHD as it acted as a co-morbidity with my Tourette Syndrome. Compared to that I experienced no nausea or hot flashes like I did with the medication. The warning labels had me a bit worried since I had a dental cleaning in the first week of June and it mentions to stop taking 2 weeks prior to some surgeries and dental procedures. I only had a dental cleaning which went smoothly, yet I cannot say the same for others who might have more serious operations in their near future. It does not state the CAUTION section anywhere on the Amazon page, so I am going to write it out in this review and hope others see it. Other than that I definitely recommend that if you are looking for an alternative to energy drinks and energy shots, a daily regiment of 1-2 pills a day for several weeks could reap some long term results.
Here is the caution label printed on the label:
“CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. St John’s Wort may contribute to photosensitivity resulting in skin irritation and redness in persons exposed to strong sunlight and tanning booths. Avoid in patients at risk of bleeding, taking anticoagulants, or with clotting disorders, based on case reports of bleeding. Discontinue use 2-3 weeks prior to some surgical and dental procedures due to increased risk of bleeding. Use cautiously in patients with history of seizure, based on reports of seizure due to Ginkgo seed ingestion. Use cautiously in children. Avoid use in couples who are trying to conceive, based on theoretical reduction of fertility. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, individuals taking MAO Inhibiting Drugs, or with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustacean shellfish.”
Be safe!!!