InstaNatural Sérum Clareador de Manchas Escuras para o Rosto
Desenvolvido com ingredientes de alta qualidade, o InstaNatural Sérum Clareador de Manchas Escuras para o Rosto é um poderoso aliado na busca por uma pele mais uniforme e radiante. Com uma fórmula rica em ácido glicólico, niacinamida, resorcinol feniletílico e vitamina C, este sérum é projetado para combater a hiperpigmentação, manchas solares e cicatrizes de acne, promovendo uma aparência rejuvenescida e iluminada.
A combinação de ácido glicólico proporciona uma esfoliação suave, removendo células mortas e promovendo a renovação celular, enquanto a niacinamida atua na uniformização do tom da pele e na redução da vermelhidão. A vitamina C, um potente antioxidante, protege a pele contra os danos causados por fatores externos, como poluição e raios UV, além de estimular a produção de colágeno, contribuindo para uma pele mais firme e saudável.
O InstaNatural Sérum Clareador é ideal para quem busca uma solução eficaz para manchas escuras e deseja melhorar a textura e o brilho da pele. Sua fórmula limpa e livre de ingredientes prejudiciais reflete o compromisso da marca com a eficácia e a segurança dos produtos de beleza naturais.
- Pele Radiante: Proporciona uma aparência renovada e luminosa, ideal para quem deseja destacar a beleza natural.
- Redução de Hiperpigmentação: Eficaz na diminuição de manchas escuras, manchas solares e cicatrizes de acne, promovendo um tom de pele mais uniforme.
- Proteção Antioxidante: A vitamina C oferece defesa contra estressores ambientais, ajudando a manter a pele saudável e protegida.
- Esfoliação Suave: Melhora a textura da pele, minimizando descolorações e promovendo uma superfície mais suave e macia.
- Fórmula Limpa: Comprometida com a saúde da pele, a fórmula é livre de ingredientes nocivos, garantindo um cuidado seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o InstaNatural Sérum Clareador de Manchas Escuras diariamente, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, sobre a pele limpa e seca. Utilize uma quantidade adequada do sérum e massageie suavemente no rosto e no pescoço, evitando a área dos olhos. É importante aguardar alguns minutos para que o produto seja completamente absorvido antes de aplicar outros itens da sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Para proteção adicional, não se esqueça de usar um protetor solar durante o dia, garantindo assim a proteção da pele contra os raios UV e potencializando os resultados do tratamento.
AJ Ryan –
I’ve been using it for a month once a day. I haven’t noticed any difference in my dark spots in my face or hand. It is moisturizing, gentle on my sensitive skin, and fragrance free. It just doesn’t seem to achieve the desired intent
ATreat –
I honestly love this serum. I had severe acne for over 20 years. Every kind of acne. I had it. Finally got it cleared up with the right combo of prescriptions, but was left with scars and lots of redness. I’m 3/4 of the way through my first bottle of this stuff, and for the first time since I was a little kid, I’m able to leave the house without makeup on and not have an anxiety attack the entire time. This doesn’t interact with or render useless the topical RX I use. They both go on nicely regardless of which one I apply first and seem to work together. Certain things will still cause me breakout, but this has not caused any adverse effects. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to even out their skin tone.
wanderingone –
Wow I was not sure of this when i got it, but in the past two weeks my dark spots are so much less darker and some I can’t even see. I will be getting more of this for sure. I also got a few other items from this company that I am trying out as well and hopefully get same results as this one, you will not be disappointed with this purchase, i highly recommend it
buickriviera88 –
The product is great. I ordered for the first time and I loved the results to the point that I decided to re order it. This time I received a bottle that was half way empty. This second bottle lasted for less than a week. I don’t think I will order this again because I’m afraid to receive a half way empty bottle again. Too bad, because the product is great.
LinLinMeowMeow –
Got a sample to try and it’s been going pretty good so far. In terms of lightening dark spots, I can’t comment on that just yet. I didn’t get these spots overnight so I didn’t expect this to fade to spots so quickly. It’s only been 2.5 weeks of trials. The serum is lightweight, fragrance free and very slightly cloudy. It plays well under my skincare and makeup. Texture is thinly viscous, spreads easily and absorbs quickly. My main spot of concern is located between my upper cheek and under eye area. My skin tends to be on the drier side there. I was relieved to find this serum to be hydrating enough for that area. This formula feels gentle enough for daily use.
Brianna –
Iv been using for about a month and noticed slight difference that’s all, I’m using on some deep scars and a few dark spots so I know will pry take longer to see a bigger difference. I do love that a little goes a long ways! I don’t even fill the dropper, I take it out of bottle and grab some from side of dropper with my finger and place where I want it. I can see this small bottle lasting me probably a year! Even a small bit covers lot of area. It does make skin sensitive and have to put on sunscreen, which it does advise on instructions. I will continue to use and will come back with pictures.
Two months in and this product is great! My phone deleted before pictures so I can’t post the comparison but I can definitely tell!!! The darker and deeper spots are still faint but they are blending in and my face looks more of an even shade.
Jennifer S. –
Five stars because it really does lighten. Used on a surgical scar that was approximately eight months old and it did wonders. No notable scent. Doesn’t take much for it to do the job. Also, I have highly sensitive skin and it did not cause redness, inching, or irritation at any time. My daughter also uses this to lighten dark spots and acne scarring. We both have different skin tones and it works on light and dark skin equally well. Amazing stuff!
KA –
I’ve been using this product for just over four months now. It is NOT a miracle, overnight, spot remover, at least not for me. However, I’ve been using it 4-5x/week on a couple areas of my face and it has helped. I had three different types of dark spots on my face and I’ll cover how it worked on each:
Sun spots on my forehead – These are from about 10 years ago and I’ve tried other products with no luck. These are the spots that have taken the longest to lighten, however they were pretty dark AND old. They’re now about 50% lighter than they were when I started using the product, and continue to lighten.
Melasma on upper lip – This is from hormones that I’m on and I hadn’t found anything that could touch it, so I didn’t have high hopes. It lightened this pretty quickly (within a month) about 30% and it has stayed at that level. I’m happy with this as it’s hard to find any cosmetic resolution to something that is caused by hormones within the body.
Acne scar on cheek – This was a fairly dark spot on the middle of my cheek, but was also only about a year old. This had been steady lightening and is now completely gone. I’ve still been applying it to the spot just to make sure but will stop doing that within a month or so.
For the spots listed I use two drops per application to cover all of these areas. A very little goes a long way! I still have over half of a bottle left, so for the $ this is a great value and it can work well, you just have to have patience and apply regularly.