Insane Labz Psychotic Diablo Queimador de Gordura Termogênico para Homens e Mulheres com Grãos do Paraíso, Teobromina, Extrato de Raiz de Dente-de-leão Potencializado por AMPiberry, Supressor de Apetite – 60 cápsulas
Psychotic Diablo é o novo queimador de gordura de alta intensidade direto das chamas do hospício. Formulado para atingir especificamente aquela gordura teimosa na barriga e ajudá-lo a eliminar após uma fase intensa de ganho de massa muscular. Psychotic Diablo é tão forte e intenso que você só precisará consumir 1 porção diária.
Mais uma vez, a Insane Labz está ultrapassando os limites. Psychotic Diablo é clinicamente formulado com Teobromina Anidra para aumentar a função cognitiva, Extrato de Raiz de Dente-de-leão para diminuir a retenção de água, Grãos do Paraíso para atingir a gordura visceral e nossa patenteada AMPiberry e OxyGold para aumentar a absorção e fornecer energia limpa. Combinado com um plano de dieta INSANO, Psychotic Diablo ajudará você a alcançar seus objetivos de perda de peso!
A Insane Labz se orgulha dos ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, juntamente com os melhores produtos do mercado. Quando você compra suplementos da Insane Labz, sabe que está adquirindo um produto incomparável, sem igual em qualquer outra empresa.
Por favor, observe que a Insane Labz está fazendo a transição para uma cápsula vegetal transparente (HYPROMELLOSE) e seu frasco pode conter nossas cápsulas originais preto/vermelho ou cápsulas vegetais transparentes.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alvo específico na queima de gordura visceral
- Fórmula clinicamente formulada com ingredientes de alta qualidade
- Garantia de qualidade da Insane Labz
- Transição para cápsulas vegetais transparentes
- Auxilia na conquista dos objetivos de perda de peso
1. Queima eficaz da gordura visceral, ajudando a esculpir a silhueta desejada.
2. Aumento da função cognitiva e foco mental, graças à Teobromina Anidra.
3. Redução da retenção de água, promovendo uma aparência mais definida e leve.
4. Suporte à energia limpa durante os treinos, potencializando o desempenho físico.
5. Controle do apetite, facilitando a adesão a dietas e planos alimentares.
Recomenda-se consumir 1 porção diariamente. Tome uma cápsula com água antes do café da manhã ou antes do treino. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do Psychotic Diablo com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios regulares.
David s. –
So, when I take it in the morning, I feel great!
But by the time I get home in the evening, I’m starving and ready to eat everything in sight!
I wake up hungry as well!
I think I will go back to my other supplement… I was intrigued by the “targets visceral fat” advertising…but I don’t think Diablo is a good fit for my needs.
Ricardo Luque –
I’m 6’4″, 230lbs and lift weights 5 x a week. I was using this to lean out a bit and boost energy during the day.
Pros: Has a nice even energy boost that appears time-released. Does not hit all at once. Definitely suppresses appetite during that time.
When pill effects wear off, you are hungry AF. I went from 225 to 230lbs on these in two weeks. These require extreme discipline in your eating habits. When thec time-release energy wears off, you will be quite sleepy, but that’s expected.
Overall, not too thrilled with these because of the weight gain, but I will likely keep using them and try and change my own eating habits and see how that goes.
Rich Martinez –
Came on time and it works so good. I work a chaotic schedule, so it really helps to wake my mind up and get me geared up for my day
Lawrence Mathis –
This product is surprising. The first 3 days I didn’t notice anything except the normal stimulant effects. I noticed that the caffeine intake substituted my need for coffee or any other energy drink in the morning. I had increased sharpness etc. Day 4 things got interesting. I required something to burn off the excess energy (luckily this was before my workout) and didn’t subside until after my shower when I got home. Day 5 i skipped breakfast because i was in a rush and was a huge mistake. I had a major headache until lunch and it only subsided after i ate my fill. a couple hours after lunch i felt the same energy boost so i went to the gym. When this product is labelled as psychotic they mean it. I now take the pills with lunch. i have more energy than i know what to do with and the amount of water weight and fat burning that is happening is absolutely rediculous. DO NOT TAKE ANY OTHER CAFFEINE with this product because you will fly to the moon and back and still don’t know what to do with the extra energy. So far I’m only a week and a half in with this product and I’m slightly terrified that i still have 48 days left.
Hobie Cat –
Lawrence Mathis –
So I am currently in the process of shredding fat and building muscle. I take one of these in the morning between 4am and 5am then I head to the gym for my fasted cardio. When I tell you they work like a charm they work like a charm. The sweat that your body will produce with these is insane, I have lost about 10lbs since I used them and have went down In pants sizes and shirt sizes. There are two downsides to these that I will highlight but if you don’t mind these please by all means purchase away.
Downside 1: The bathroom and toilet will be your friend lol. After about an hour-2hours you will have to use the bathroom like you’ve never before.
Downside 2: Once this thing wares off at the end of the day you are definitely going to be hungry. That’s the one thing I will say that I am struggling with now and living with both of my parents it’s difficult because they don’t care about what they eat. But if you can handle these two things these will work great and even if you can’t it’s probably one of the best fat burning supplements out there.
Darien –
This is the kinda the product that your body as to sink with. It did ok with me not the best results but I can see in other body types ir would work I had to take 3 to get my sweat going
Nikki Savage –
Love this product it works great and gives me a great boost energy for the day and does not have an overwhelming sensation like other thermogenics I’ve taken before. By far my favorite and I will definitely be buying more.