Descrição do Produto: Ideal Infusion Vegan Vitamin D3 5000 iu com K2 (MK-7) Spray Líquido: Ameixa Orgânica com Canela – Saúde Óssea, Suporte Imunológico, Estrutura Óssea (75 Porções)
Descubra a revolução na suplementação com o Ideal Infusion Vegan Vitamin D3 5000 iu com K2 (MK-7) em um delicioso spray líquido de ameixa orgânica com canela. Este produto foi desenvolvido para aqueles que buscam uma forma eficaz e saborosa de garantir a saúde óssea e o suporte imunológico. Com um sabor irresistível, livre de gostos amargos ou medicinais, a fórmula combina a doçura natural da ameixa orgânica e o toque aromático da canela, adoçada com um leve toque de stevia. É, sem dúvida, o melhor suplemento de vitamina D3 líquida que você já experimentou! Lembre-se, no entanto, que isso não é doce!
A fórmula vegana utiliza a forma de Cholecalciferol derivada de líquen, garantindo uma fonte sustentável e de alta qualidade de vitamina D3. Com 5000 mcg por dose, você obtém a vitamina do sol em uma mistura deliciosa de sabores orgânicos, sem adoçantes ou sabores artificiais. O spray sublingual permite que você aplique a fórmula sob a língua, onde é rapidamente absorvida pelas glândulas salivares e entra na corrente sanguínea em questão de minutos, evitando o processo digestivo e maximizando a absorção de nutrientes.
A vitamina K2 (MK-7) desempenha um papel crucial na ligação do cálcio aos ossos, potencializando a saúde óssea e cardiovascular. Além disso, a vitamina K2 contribui para uma pele mais saudável e ajuda a reduzir a inflamação. Com um compromisso com a qualidade de elite, a Ideal Infusion não apenas se preocupa com a longevidade e o antienvelhecimento, mas também se dedica a fornecer nutrição de ponta para aqueles que desejam manter-se vibrantes e cheios de vida.
– Saúde Óssea Aprimorada: A combinação de vitaminas D3 e K2 fortalece a estrutura óssea, reduzindo o risco de fraturas.
– Suporte Imunológico: A vitamina D3 é essencial para o funcionamento adequado do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
– Absorção Rápida: O formato sublingual permite uma absorção mais eficiente dos nutrientes, garantindo que você receba os benefícios rapidamente.
– Sabor Agradável: A mistura de ameixa orgânica e canela torna a suplementação uma experiência prazerosa, sem o gosto desagradável de vitaminas líquidas comuns.
– Fórmula Vegana e Natural: Feito com ingredientes de origem vegetal, sem adição de substâncias artificiais, ideal para veganos e pessoas que buscam uma vida saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o frasco antes de usar. Aplique 1 spray sob a língua uma vez ao dia ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Mantenha o spray sob a língua por 20 a 30 segundos antes de engolir para maximizar a absorção. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
D. Francey –
The spray I was using before was discontinued, then I went though a few dropper style but they were mixed with oil and it was weird to keep that under my tongue and has a bad taste. This stuff is not oily and tastes good. I usually spray under my tongue and let it sit there for ~30 seconds before swallowing.
Melanie Ust –
This is a vegan product, and easy absorption under tongue is better than a pill. Small easy to use spray. Vitamin D won’t work well without K- so I really love this.
Chrissy A. –
So okay this is perfect 😍
Not kidding, I researched so much to find this.
So my vitamin D level was at 15. Various sources say normal starts at 20 or 30.
Either way I was too low.
I’m trying to be vegan and I’ve been vegetarian for 14 years but even the vegetarian kind of vitamin D3 is Lanolin. Which is pretty gross.
I was prescribed 50,000 iu from the doctor in a gel but it was in a gelatin capsule. One pharmacy said they had it in a liquid as D2 but then didn’t remember the call the next day 🙄
On top of that I’m autistic and taking a bunch of pills is gross. That and finding D3 in the dose I’d need (7000 a day) is nearly impossible. I was doing all sorts of math to try and figure a way to get the right amount because most everything is 1000-2000.
On top of that on top of that, the ones that DID have high amounts of vitamin D also had high amounts of vitamin K. Especially if you were taking more than the recommended dose.
After finding this I was estatic. It tastes good, it’s easy to take, it’s 5000 iu for 4 squirts.
And it raised my levels from 15 to 24 after 9 weeks (Though I do take 1-2 gummies in addition that’s 1000 iu per, different product)
Either way, this product did all the heavy lifting of raising my numbers and I will absolutely get it again in order to keep them on the up and up.
Thank you for making this product. I swear you will spend a long time searching if you had some of the limitations I do if you want to find something as great as this product.
Cmdoduck –
I like the taste. With the K2 and being liquid I had heard it’s a better way for me to get vitamin d, and it will absorb better. Overall very pleased, have purchased multiple times.
KP –
I received a drop bottle instead of a spray bottle. I tried it out, but the flavor is quite repulsive.
DC55 –
I like the bottle came with the dropper and a spray for the bottle. The product works well for me so I’m very pleased with it. I will keep using it!
David Goh –
I have no issue with this product as it is really effective. However I had to return the product once, and throw away the second purchase, due to the liquid contents becoming gooey and thick with small bubbles. I highly suspect the delivery storage facilities are not sufficient to handle this product. This is frustrating as no other e commerce platform ofders this product and they dont ship directly from USA to Asia.
Queensheba –
I love that Infusion vitamin d3 with k is in liquid form,is vegan, and has a pleasant taste as well. I have purchased this product 3 times and recommended it to my grandson when his vitamin d was low . When he returned to the doctor , the doctor asked him what was he taking ,he told the doctor my grandmother told me what to take . The doctor told him to keep listening to your grandmother. I’ve ordered it 3 times and I love it and my grandson does as well.
Erin –
This product tastes yummy, is vegan, no oil, and is easy to use! Hard to say if it’s improved my vitamin D levels as I haven’t been testing them lately, but other than that I like the product.