Descrição do Produto: Urban ReLeaf NETI Salt Air Relief INHALERS! Conjunto de Dois (2) Sinus
Descubra o poder da natureza com os Inaladores Urban ReLeaf NETI, um conjunto de dois inaladores projetados para proporcionar alívio respiratório profundo e eficaz. Com uma fórmula 100% natural, esses inaladores combinam o puro sal rosa do Himalaia com óleos essenciais cuidadosamente selecionados, como hortelã-pimenta, eucalipto, lavanda e tea tree. Cada respiração é uma experiência revitalizante, permitindo que você respire de forma mais livre e tranquila.
Os Inaladores Urban ReLeaf são ideais para quem busca um remédio natural para desconfortos respiratórios, congestão nasal ou simplesmente para melhorar a qualidade do ar que respira. A utilização é simples: basta respirar lentamente e gentilmente pelo nariz ou pela boca, permitindo que os cristais de sal e os óleos essenciais penetrem nas vias respiratórias, proporcionando um alívio imediato e refrescante.
– Alívio Natural: Fórmula 100% natural que promove o alívio respiratório sem o uso de produtos químicos.
– Ingredientes de Qualidade: Contém sal rosa do Himalaia e óleos essenciais que oferecem propriedades anti-inflamatórias e descongestionantes.
– Praticidade: Compactos e fáceis de usar, podem ser levados para qualquer lugar, garantindo alívio a qualquer momento.
– Aromaterapia: Os óleos essenciais proporcionam uma experiência aromática que acalma e relaxa, melhorando o bem-estar geral.
– Versatilidade: Ideal para uso diário, especialmente em ambientes poluídos ou durante mudanças de estação, quando as alergias e a congestão são mais comuns.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os Inaladores Urban ReLeaf NETI, siga estas instruções: segure o inalador próximo ao nariz ou à boca. Inspire lentamente e gentilmente, permitindo que os cristais de sal e os óleos essenciais entrem em contato com as mucosas. Repita conforme necessário, mas sempre com cuidado para não inalar de forma agressiva, evitando qualquer irritação. É recomendado usar o inalador em um ambiente tranquilo, onde você possa relaxar e aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios da aromaterapia e do alívio respiratório.
LadyL –
I need to change my original review to now four stars maybe soon five stars. I believe you have to give it some time to work, so I was a little hasty in my original review which was not fair. Holy crap…it’s AWESOME! I have had chronic nasal congestion for years, and this is a very bad time in Tennessee. I also lived in many other states including Arizona, and I’ve always had nasal congestion! I have had a problem with no sneezing which is not good. If you can sneeze, you can blow your nose and get rid of the crap! I feel sorry for people who have runny noses and sneezing nonstop like my hubby; however, I am thrilled to be sneezing and being able to blow my nose to get rid of crap. Please give it a try!
JM –
I do not normally write Amazon reviews but this product has changed my life. Here is what you do , I use the two for both nostrils. It sounds so crazy but it’s so apparent.
I would be dead if it wasn’t for many of factors and this product
I smoked cigarettes and cigars for years and lived in some places with poor air quality (San Joaquin Valley – CA, Nagasaki – Japan). I get wheezy from time to time in bad air quality and I wind easily until I hit deep cardio range. These natural inhalers really open up my passages and help me get the O2 in. Don’t laugh but it is almost addictive… Getting more oxygen makes my brain and body so happy.
My wife and kids balked at these at first but after they hit them once or twice they enjoy them too.
Caveat, the first few times I hit these inhalers, I hit them too hard. I had a coughing fit one time and it felt like a bit of sea salt hit a nasal passage. Now I just hit these nice and easy and all is good.
They are a little pricey BUT the function is amazing so I do not deduct a star. They seem to last a long time too… No regrets, I will buy them again and I recommend them to you.
I hope this helps you make a wise decision. If so, please hit that “helpful” button.
Thank you!
Jennifer H –
I have respiratory issues as a side effect of cancer related treatments and these inhaler do bring a little comfort. I can make my own diffuser mix for a fraction of the cost though.
Jherrica Belle –
This is a new essential purse item for me. I struggle with nasal congestion often, and it’s the best natural, fast relief remedy I’ve been able to find.
You’ll love this product!
All my life I have suffered from E.N.T. problems. My sinuses seem perpetually clogged as if I have an eternal cold! These things really provide relief – I can breathe through my nose! I have a CPAP with nasal pillows instead of a full mask. I use these just before sleep and they help so much. I am usually very sensitive to scents, but find these pleasant. I also don’t usually do well with tea tree oil, but haven’t had any issues with these. The fragrances are mainly eucalyptus and mint, and are quite pleasant for something you are basically sticking right up your nose. I would normally scoff at anything considered holistic or aromatherapy, but this really works. I highly endorse this product!
Murderess Marbie –
2022 update: Kinda conflicted. It smells more chemical like and tastes rather gross. Works so I use it but not the most pleasant experience. I ordered 4 in hopes that with COVID it would help family but none of them wanted to use it much. Waste of money. Maybe I got a bad batch. Smelled and tasted like a perfumed bug spray. Where my other one smells and tastes mainly like Himalayan salt and a slight peppermint. I’ve ordered for years so this was a first disappointing experience at the worst time. Hopefully doesn’t happen again. It won’t stop me from trying again in the future. Just wish I got the good stuff.
—- OP—
I am asthmatic since childhood. Moderate. Have diminished most symptoms with diet and exercise over the last decade. Lately though, the construction happening behind my house, even with an air filtration system, has been causing chest tightness, my nose clogs up, dizziness and even had some kind of mucosa events happening most nights which had me worried. Usually, when that starts it means I’m either getting sick or going to have a severe asthma attack. Since I don’t like how I feel with corticosteroid inhalers, I tried this brand a year ago. A few months ago, lost it in the toilet (Always check your back pocket lol ) and never replaced it since I’d been doing so great. Ordered again and 3 days later and only left with a slight headache. That’s it. I will never allow myself to run out again. Have an oximeter and was at 90 and tested 97 this morning. And since I have low blood pressure, it has begun to regulate as well. I’ve tried the vapor rub inhaler brand but it smells weird and doesn’t make me feel good. This lasts a long time ( unless you’re clutzy like me ) and I carry it absolutely everywhere. Best product I have found next to maty’s all-natural vapor rub for asthmatic management. It’s worth the money and then some.