Este produto é uma bebida nutricional pronta para consumo, formulada para atender às necessidades nutricionais específicas do seu corpo antes e depois de uma cirurgia importante, com uma combinação única de arginina, nucleotídeos e ácidos graxos ômega-3. Além dos cuidados com a ferida, curativos estéreis e antissépticos, a recuperação de uma cirurgia importante também requer suporte nutricional, e o IMPACT Advanced Recovery Drink supre essas necessidades. A Nestlé Health Science oferece bebidas nutricionais e fórmulas para alimentação por tubo para apoiar as necessidades nutricionais durante a recuperação de cirurgias, queimaduras, úlceras de pressão e outras feridas. Este produto é adequado para dietas sem glúten, kosher, halal e para pessoas com intolerância à lactose (não é adequado para pessoas com galactosemia). É importante ressaltar que este produto deve ser utilizado sob supervisão médica, portanto, consulte o seu médico para saber se o IMPACT é adequado para você. A Nestlé Health Science possui uma ampla gama de soluções nutricionais que atendem a diversas áreas de saúde, como cuidados pediátricos e agudos, cirurgia, controle de peso, envelhecimento saudável e saúde gastrointestinal.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Suporte Nutricional Especializado: O IMPACT Advanced Recovery Drink foi formulado especificamente para atender às necessidades nutricionais antes e depois de uma cirurgia importante, fornecendo os nutrientes essenciais para uma recuperação mais rápida e eficaz.
2. Combinação Única de Ingredientes: Com uma combinação exclusiva de arginina, nucleotídeos e ácidos graxos ômega-3, este produto oferece benefícios adicionais para a saúde, como suporte ao sistema imunológico e redução da inflamação.
3. Adequado para Diversas Restrições Alimentares: O IMPACT Advanced Recovery Drink é adequado para dietas sem glúten, kosher, halal e para pessoas com intolerância à lactose, garantindo que mais pessoas possam se beneficiar deste produto.
4. Recomendado por Profissionais de Saúde: Este produto é desenvolvido pela Nestlé Health Science, uma empresa renomada na área de nutrição clínica, e é recomendado por médicos e profissionais de saúde em todo o mundo.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Com embalagens prontas para consumo, o IMPACT Advanced Recovery Drink é conveniente e fácil de incorporar à sua rotina diária de recuperação pós-cirúrgica.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma garrafa de 8,45 fl oz (250 ml) do IMPACT Advanced Recovery Drink diariamente, antes ou depois da cirurgia, ou conforme orientação médica. Agite bem antes de consumir. Este produto deve ser utilizado sob supervisão médica. Consulte o seu médico para obter orientações específicas sobre o uso deste produto em seu caso.
David –
I’m unsure what all the fuss is about these pre-surgery drinks. These are designed for a specialty purpose and are not meant to replace your favorite beverage at Starbucks. So if this is an expectation, I guess you might be disappointed. Are they “yuck” or “blah”? No. While I am not one who orders sweet drinks for my go-to, these are definitely sweet – but they are fine. In my case, I took my morning and mid-day doses with with a shot of espresso – which took the edge off this drink. I suppose one could even mix the coffee with the drink if they were so inclined. Again, these are for pre- and/or post- surgery recovery, or whatever application designated by your physician. The directions on the packaging are simple – “chill” and “shake well”. Follow those directions and it’ll be fine. I did not notice any odd flavors or textures as reported by other reviewers. Even if this were the case, I’d just do it. Are these expensive, at least right now (spring 2023) they are about $10/carton. So, yes. Did my surgeon specify this exact brand and requested I take as part of my prep? Yes. Amy I going to do what they say? Yes. There really is nothing wrong with these drinks. Tastes somewhat like a vanilla cookie dough, perhaps thicker in consistency like a smoothie that isn’t frozen. Shake well, it’ll be fine. You’re only doing this for x # days. The box of cartons (10-pack) I ordered direct from Amazon was packaged well, with an appropriate expiration date well over a year away. I definitely would not skip out on these due to some negative review.
If I were to be critical of this product, I’d say the sodium content seems a bit higher than I would prefer if choosing a product. But following doctors orders.
rebecca anne mock –
Very good, but way too expensive.
Judith Southland –
My husband did not need this following his surgery. Not informed that this would not be able to be returned. Very disappointed since this is a very expensive item.
John Z –
I hope this product really helps, I purchased ten because I was told to drink 2 a day after a citrate of magnesia laxative , This stuff cleaned me out worse than the laxative
Cari T –
While these are quite high in calories, these work great for pre-and post surgery. They’re made with an excellent blend of ingredients and probiotics necessary for healthy recovery. However, I have deducted a few stars as they are quite expensive, coming in at around five dollars per serving.
Misty McGregoor –
I was recommended to get this by my surgeon before surgery. I was super nervous, thinking it would be disgusting and hard to drink. However, they were not. They tasted fine and were good. I didn’t mind them at all. I found them to not be chalky at all, and they were very sweet
Ganymede –
There are many studies suggesting the value of these drinks if used as directed before and after major surgeries. This is basically a protein drink with full serving of carbs and added arginine, fish oil, and multiple vitamins. Some have complained about a fishy taste. I really cannot make out such a taste and actually find the drink tasting very good, better than most protein drinks I have tried. Knowing I prepared optimally for an elective procedure was important to me, and even though I don’t know if those drinks actually helped, I felt prepared and my recovery was extremely speedy and uneventful, incisions healed very quickly. If I had to do another abdominal surgery, I would without hesitation use these again, even considering the steep price.
Mason –
The taste of this nutritional drink is acceptable; however, it is disheartening to note that the price is exorbitantly high. It is a common occurrence in the market that whenever a product has potential medical applications, manufacturers tend to set unreasonably high prices solely for the purpose of maximizing profits. This pricing strategy raises ethical concerns and undermines the affordability and accessibility of such products, which ultimately does not align with the best interests of consumers.