Descrição do Produto: Immunition NSC 100 Beta Glucan Extra Strength – 10 mg – 60 Cápsulas
O Immunition NSC 100 Beta Glucan Extra Strength é um suplemento inovador desenvolvido pela Nutritional Scientific Corp (NSC), que se destaca por sua formulação avançada e eficácia comprovada no suporte à saúde imunológica. Cada cápsula contém 10 mg de Beta Glucan, um polissacarídeo natural extraído de fontes como leveduras e fungos, conhecido por suas propriedades imunomoduladoras. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam fortalecer suas defesas naturais, especialmente em períodos de maior vulnerabilidade, como mudanças de estação ou durante surtos de doenças.
O Beta Glucan é amplamente reconhecido por sua capacidade de ativar células do sistema imunológico, como macrófagos e neutrófilos, promovendo uma resposta imune mais robusta e eficaz. Com 60 cápsulas por embalagem, o Immunition NSC 100 oferece uma solução prática e conveniente para quem deseja incorporar um suporte imunológico de alta qualidade em sua rotina diária. A formulação extra forte garante que você receba a dose ideal para maximizar os benefícios, ajudando a manter seu corpo protegido e saudável.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a atividade das células imunológicas, proporcionando uma defesa mais eficaz contra patógenos.
– Ação Antioxidante: Contribui para a redução do estresse oxidativo, protegendo as células do corpo contra danos.
– Melhora na Recuperação: Auxilia na recuperação mais rápida após doenças ou exercícios intensos, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
– Fácil de Incorporar na Rotina: Com 60 cápsulas, é simples de usar diariamente, garantindo que você não perca a dose necessária.
– Produto Natural: Feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, sem aditivos artificiais, ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável e segura.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Immunition NSC 100 Beta Glucan Extra Strength, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção do Beta Glucan, mas também maximiza seus efeitos benéficos no organismo. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Markus30 –
I rarely review products, but this is one that changed my life. I’ve had an auto-immune disorder where I’m basically allergic to everything. Long story short, my body fights the allergy and leaves my immune system depleted. My mom was told by the Mayo Clinic in MN to use this when she was battling cancer as not to get sick while undergoing radiation and chemo. I decided to start using if after speaking with her doctor down there. He said it could help for my condition too. So basically, I use to get sick every two to three weeks with a cold/flu type deal. If I flew on a plane, I’d get sick. People sick in the office, I’d always catch it. Again, long story short, I take Immunition now and I’ve been sick once in two years. Also, the Mayo Clinic recommended this brand of beta glucan. It’s a little more expensive than some, but it does work. Ask me anything you want.
Deanna V. Wolfe –
I’ve been taking this for about a month now. I could tell very early on that I was feeling much better. I seem to feel stronger and have more energy. I had been struggling a little now that I am a senior citizen. The price threw me at first, but if you consider the bottle lasts two months, it is actually less expensive than most one month supplies. Very small pill and easy to swallow. For some reason, I find soft gels hard to get down, so this is great. Anyone with immune issues should try this.
Telly V –
This is a great product to keep your immune system up and this is the best company to purchase from, they offer the best price and their customer service is top of the line, thank you!
Fred Teichert –
While the manufacturer does not tout this product to be that, it strengthens the immune system to some degree. Even better is the NSC-MAX product, but it is also spendier.
Crystal R Cameron –
Honestly, not really sure it’s worth taking. I did not notice any differences
Robin Taylor –
I have taken many supplements over the years. This is one of those that you take, but it doesn’t necessarily immediately make you feel better or wonderful or whatever. It’s meant to support your immune system. A coworker commented to me the other day that there is so much going around our office, and I never seem to catch it. I told her that I do take supplements to support my immune system and can only attribute it to that, as I can’t think of any other particular reason I would not catch something everyone else is getting.
I started my sister on this a few months ago after she was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer and was going to be undergoing chemo. She has now finished her chemo treatments and her immune system was remarkably strong throughout the process. Her oncologist even commented on that, and was very pleased with her overall supplementation program. The nurse practitioner even called her a “chemo rock star”. She did have side effects, but they were fewer and milder than what many experience.
Those two things are why I’m giving this five stars. It’s pretty pricey, but the regular strength is a bit more affordable. I use that one as well, but transition to this one during the winter when everything from stomach bugs to colds to flu seem to be everywhere.
Timothy Morgan –
Great product.
R. Garrett –
I received this yesterday & waited until this morning to try it because I had already taken two capsules from my bottle of the 3 mg dosage. It won’t hurt you if you take more, but everything I’ve reads recommends taking 10 mg
a day, max, of this formulation orally. They really only do the ultra high dosage IV for people suffering from AIDS or cancer. So I tried this dose on an empty stomach, early this morning & I’m impressed. I could feel when absorption of this took place. My cells simply felt energized & the tickle in my throat that I’ve felt coming on was soothed about an hour after I felt this product absorb into my system. I think I will wait to take this at bedtime from now on because it was a little bit of an odd feeling, but it’s nice to know that it’s working.