Icy Hot Creme Avançado para Alívio da Dor, 60g, 1 unidade
O Icy Hot Creme Avançado para Alívio da Dor é um produto inovador que oferece uma solução eficaz para quem sofre com dores musculares e articulares. Com 60g em sua embalagem, este creme é formulado para proporcionar alívio rápido e duradouro, ideal para aqueles que buscam um tratamento prático e eficiente. Sua ação refrescante e calmante ajuda a reduzir a inflamação, melhorando a mobilidade e permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem desconforto.
Este creme é especialmente indicado para o alívio temporário de dores associadas à artrite, dores no corpo, dores nos joelhos, dores nas costas e músculos doloridos. A fórmula avançada de liberação prolongada garante que o alívio se mantenha por horas, tornando o Icy Hot uma escolha confiável para quem precisa de um suporte eficaz no combate à dor.
- Alívio avançado para dores intensas, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias.
- Fórmula de liberação prolongada que proporciona alívio duradouro, evitando a necessidade de reaplicações frequentes.
- Redução da inflamação, contribuindo para uma recuperação mais rápida e eficaz.
- Marca reconhecida e confiável, líder em alívio tópico da dor, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
- Embalagem prática de 60g, ideal para levar na bolsa ou no carro, garantindo que você tenha alívio sempre à mão.
Para utilizar o Icy Hot Creme Avançado para Alívio da Dor, aplique uma quantidade generosa do creme na área afetada. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido pela pele. É recomendado repetir a aplicação conforme necessário, mas não exceder quatro aplicações por dia. Após o uso, lave bem as mãos, a menos que as mãos sejam a área tratada. Siga as instruções para garantir a máxima eficácia e segurança do produto.
NP –
I use menthol and camphor on my left ankle and thigh before going to the gym. Tiger Balm has worked well for me. I wanted to try this IcyHot because it contained camphor at 11% – same as Tiger Balm and menthol at 16% – 5% more than the balm. And the price. The first time I used the IcyHot, there was no relief. Disappointed I decided to use three times as much cream on the ankle and thigh. IcyHot worked great then. The difference between Tiger Balm and IcyHot is that I only have to use a smidgen of the balm for it to work.
Jamie –
Works great but the scent is okay but smell is so strong I can only use it at home. Also it would be much easier to use if it was a roll on.
ashepp –
I use this a lot, every night before bed. This is what I need and no longer available locally.
Acoop –
This is the best topical of this type that I’ve found. The fragrance is way better than the wintergreen (pepto smelling) ones, and the effect lasts a lot longer than some – like Biofreeze roll-on – which I like because you don’t have to touch it, but it wears off quickly. I’d recommend this for tight shoulders & low backs, especially.
pleinelune –
I have used Icy Hot in the past and liked it. I thought I would try this super charged one.
THIS is WAY better than the one with lidocaine or the original.
MORE of the ingredients to ease pain
The roll on is easier, especially on my back, but like water, no icy or hot. But other than being a littler messier, NO CONS and the cream WORKS.
I WILL DEFINITELY order more. GOOD PRICE but even better, it WORKS!
BelgMal –
I read the ingredients on every item. Advanced is the highest level so far. Mix it with lidocaine 5% and then apply where needed
Feel better!
Michael E. –
I fell and fractured my shoulder and tried every IcyHot they make and the Advanced is the cream of the crop, the only one that actually dulls the pain in my shoulder and my arm. I believe it’s because of the amount of Menthol 16% and Camphor 11% compared to Menthol 1, 5, 7 percent in the other versions. It’s even better the the IcyHot MAX with Lidocaine, which for some reason didn’t help me at all. I even tried BioFreeze and BioFreeze Professional and although it’s very good, the IcyHot Advanced blows it away, hands down, no comparison. Try it and if you agree with me, stock up on it because the price of the Advanced can fluctuate between 6 and 22 dollars and it’s sometimes hard to get because it’s sold out most of the time. This is the second time buying from this seller (2 the 1st time and 4 this time) and I’m not disappointed. I believe I now have enough to last me to when my shoulder is fully healed but I expect to buy some more just to have just in case. IcyHot Advanced!!! I’m now a firm believer!
talyahernandez –
I have stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to my bones. It’s extremely painful.
I had no idea that IcyHot was something I could slowly start working less and less; but it is.
So I’ve been buying up (just about) every kind of topical pain reliever like IcyHot, and here are my conclusions:
A: IcyHot is the best
B: If the regular cream or salve isn’t working anymore try this “Advanced” kind because it is ACTUALLY STRONGER.
C. Sometimes I will even mix them. Like spray some on the bad spots then take the “advanced” kind and rub it on (right after, so you can get both all in there) and around the area.
*D. It even works on headaches! I rub it on the back of my neck and shoulders. Sometimes if it’s really bad I’ll rub a tiny tiny dab on my temples.
*I get really bad migraines so this may sound like a lot to do for a simple headache, but I assure you other migraine sufferers will understand that we do what we can to feel even the tiniest bit better.