ICEWRAPS Reutilizável Quente:
O ICEWRAPS Reutilizável Quente é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio duradouro para dores musculares e lesões. Com sua capacidade de reter o calor por um longo período, este produto se destaca pela sua eficácia no tratamento de desconfortos e tensões. O design ergonômico permite um ajuste confortável ao corpo, garantindo que a compressa se molde perfeitamente às áreas afetadas, proporcionando um alívio imediato e relaxante.
- Retenção de Calor Prolongada: A compressa é projetada para manter a temperatura ideal por um tempo considerável, permitindo que você desfrute de um tratamento contínuo sem a necessidade de reaquecer constantemente.
- Durabilidade do Material: Fabricada com materiais de alta qualidade, a compressa é resistente e pode ser reutilizada inúmeras vezes, tornando-se um investimento inteligente para o cuidado da sua saúde.
- Alívio da Dor Muscular: Ideal para aliviar dores musculares, tensões e rigidez, a compressa quente é uma aliada eficaz para quem pratica esportes ou enfrenta o estresse do dia a dia.
- Redução da Inflamação: O calor aplicado nas áreas afetadas ajuda a aumentar a circulação sanguínea, promovendo a recuperação e reduzindo a inflamação.
- Conforto e Praticidade: O design leve e flexível permite que você utilize a compressa em qualquer lugar, seja em casa, no trabalho ou durante viagens.
- Alívio eficaz e duradouro para dores musculares e lesões.
- Material de alta qualidade que garante durabilidade e segurança.
- Versatilidade no uso, podendo ser aplicada em diversas partes do corpo.
- Facilidade de uso e manutenção, com possibilidade de reutilização.
- Contribui para a recuperação rápida e melhora da qualidade de vida.
Para utilizar o ICEWRAPS Reutilizável Quente, aqueça a compressa em água quente ou no micro-ondas, seguindo as instruções do fabricante para evitar superaquecimento. Após aquecer, aplique a compressa na área desejada, garantindo que esteja em uma temperatura confortável. Recomenda-se o uso por até 20 minutos, permitindo intervalos de descanso entre as aplicações para maximizar os benefícios. Armazene a compressa em local seco e fresco quando não estiver em uso, garantindo sua durabilidade e eficácia a longo prazo.
Erica Vincent –
I liked these because they are small and freezeable…I freeze them every day and use at night.
My knees love to have a small ice pack that I tuck into a small washcloth to cool aching
joints. My husband put one in his sock to cool an aching ankle…
Kathleen K. Dvorak –
I used one a couple of times and the gel started to leak, had to discard it, the ones that are available locally can be used so many times and I have never had any issues, I bought these because of the size, I wanted smaller ones. These are expensive and very delicate. Not worth it.
Michelle –
I was trying to find the perfect round reusable and freezable round circles that I could use of fresh nipple piercings. Ziplock bags of ice were not cutting it.
I saline clean the piercing and then wrap the pack in a single half sheet of a clean paper towel and place it over the piercing. I do this every single time I replace the ice packs(it’s a pack of 5 so you’ll always have atleast 2 cold enough to use!)
I have kept them in the freezer for over 24hrs and they don’t freeze completely hard so it’s still moldable over a piercing.
Great for protection against toddlers who think your body is a jungle gym too. I usually always have a pack over them because it is the first week and I’ve hit them once without. So they are perfect for protection against accidental hits!
So if you need something specifically for nipple piercings, I’d choose this product over and over again
None of it has leaked at all either or exploded with my order. All 5 work amazing.
Jade Kindred –
These things are perfect. Soft backing to prevent damaging the skin with excessive coldness, stays cold for 15-20 mins (perfect icing time in the clinical terms), and it isn’t a hard frozen block – you can end to contour to the shape you need. My significant other hates ice packs, but I made him try these and he is hooked on these.
Neetha –
They are great for so many reasons! I use them on my eyes, both hot and cold. They are great to slip into any spot. They stay cold for a good length of time for the size. They stay flexible when frozen though I noticed that they were a bit more stiff when I put them in my deep freeze. When I put them in the freezer that is below my fridge they were softer. I think my deep freezer is colder. The fabric backing is really soft. It’s great that you don’t need to wrap these in another cloth. I would highly recommend these little gel packs.
Well made, versatile . Very happy with purchase.
Used for after oral surgery. They were perfect!
They refreeze / reheat quickly and are malleable so they can conform nicely to the area requiring ice or heat.
Tricia –
For what these are I absolutely rate these as 5 Stars. I’ve had two very serious injuries that have left me with lots of pain. However, what I use them most for has nothing to do with pain, unless I have a headache. I have congestion problems at night … and I also have sleep apnea. If I can get my head open and get my mask on then I’m okay because the rush of air keeps my passage ways open. I’m not sure why!?! However, there are times I cannot breath through my nose and I absolutely will not use decongestants. Having lived in a cold climate for a number of years I learned that when I was congested that usually all I had to do was go outside to clear my head. And, if it’s hot I’ve found that sticking my head in the freezer can sometime help. But that is not always easy … or convenient. Then I found these little ice packs. All I have to do is put the gel pack between my forehead and my sleep apnea mask… with the fabric side towards my forehead. If the gel pack is frozen I place a paper towel against my skin to protect it. However, I keep some of these in the refrigerator … so if they are not frozen I can place them directly against my skin. So, these have been very helpful in opening up my congested head and keeping me off of decongestants. ………. The other thing I like them for is to use them in conjunction with a flexible ice pack. Alone, these ice packs do not stay cold very long. But if you freeze them and then place them between your body and a larger ice pack … right up to the sorest part an injury … it conforms exactly to the body, even if it is near/around the bone. They stay cold much longer and in my opinion helps the swelling go down faster. They are also nice to place between a bra strap and my shoulder. They can be used in any number of ways … anywhere you have pain.
Amazon Shopper –
I bought these to use after a lumpectomy surgery and I’m so glad I did! They freeze up quickly, stay cold for a good amount of time, the gel is soft and not rigid against the skin, they’re the perfect size for tucking into your bra and the bag they come in is great for keeping them clean while in the freezer. I also LOVE that one side has a thin cloth layer – this means the ice pack can go right on your skin without burning it or being uncomfortable. The cloth side means you don’t need anything extra to use the ice pack. These are amazingly perfect!
SJO in SF –
Small — which can be good. But also lose cool pretty quickly. Can offset this by rotating them in and out of freezer.
Jade Kindred –
My kids always need ice packs and I’m clumsy so I do too. These are great because they are super easy. You can just pop them in the fridge or the freezer and it never turns into a brick of ice. It’s still soft enough to wear it can be used comfortably. There is a side that is similar to cloth so that it’s not too cold for the kids which is very nice, you can also use this as a hot compress by putting it in the microwave for a little bit and it gets hot enough to use as a compress. I really do like that they are small as that makes it easier to travel with. The only thing about them being small is they are sometimes easy to misplace, especially when the kids take them into their bed and forget to put them back. I would recommend and definitely will repurchase at some point if the kids lose them all.