Máscara de Ouro 24K ICANdOIT para Olheiras – Efeito Clareador e Revitalizante – 30g
A ICANdOIT 24K Gold Eye Mask é uma inovação no cuidado da pele ao redor dos olhos, projetada para combater as olheiras e revitalizar a área delicada dos olhos. Composta por ouro 24K, essa máscara não apenas reduz a aparência de olheiras, mas também oferece uma série de benefícios que transformam a sua rotina de beleza. Sua fórmula rica em ingredientes naturais proporciona uma ação hidratante profunda, reduzindo o inchaço e as linhas finas, enquanto confere um brilho radiante à pele. A tecnologia 3D utilizada na fabricação da máscara permite que ela seja mais espessa, carregando uma quantidade maior de ingredientes ativos, o que resulta em um tratamento mais eficaz.
Cada caixa contém 7 pares de máscaras, permitindo que você siga uma rotina diária de cuidados. Ao usar um par por dia durante uma semana, você notará uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada, com a pele ao redor dos olhos mais suave e firme. A ICANdOIT é a escolha ideal para quem busca resultados visíveis e duradouros, sendo adequada para todos os tipos de pele e para homens e mulheres. Diga adeus aos olhos cansados e olheiras, e dê boas-vindas a um olhar renovado e iluminado.
1. Tecnologia 3D: A espessura da máscara permite uma maior absorção de ingredientes ativos, potencializando os resultados.
2. Excelente custo-benefício: Um par de máscaras ICANdOIT equivale a quatro pares de patches tradicionais, oferecendo mais por menos.
3. Rotina diária prática: Com 7 pares, você pode facilmente integrar a máscara na sua rotina de cuidados, garantindo resultados consistentes.
4. Ingredientes naturais: A fórmula é composta por ingredientes suaves e naturais, ideais para a delicada área dos olhos.
5. Versatilidade de uso: Adequada para todos os tipos de pele e para ambos os gêneros, permitindo que você compartilhe os benefícios com amigos e familiares.
Para maximizar os resultados da ICANdOIT 24K Gold Eye Mask, siga estas instruções: comece limpando e secando bem a área ao redor dos olhos. Retire a máscara da embalagem e aplique-a suavemente sobre a pele, garantindo que esteja bem posicionada. Deixe a máscara agir por 20 a 30 minutos para permitir que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Após o tempo de aplicação, remova a máscara e massageie delicadamente a área dos olhos para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Recomenda-se o uso diário, preferencialmente à noite, para desfrutar de olhos revitalizados e radiantes.
Julia –
I bought these because like the idea and design! Gold with Black is my favorite color.And this eye mask is big enough ,it can cover my whole eye zone,my eyes feel enough hydrating! I am sure I will be re-purchasing once I finish.Maybe next time I will buy two packs as one order to save delivery cost.
Meerkat64 –
They don’t stay up when I’m standing up. I tried to apply them before the mirror and they just keep falling off. The only way to make them stay is to lay down facing up.
Michelle –
Hate these. They don’t stay on your eyes unless you are laying down on your back. They’re like rubber and slimy. Awful.
Lisa Wise Anderson –
The coolness feels good they are super huge on the top part of your eyes. Not sure if there’s different sizes and I got the wrong size but made for a much bigger face. I will use them for sure. Love the he cooling part of them
Meerkat64 –
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I liked these eye masks as they cover the upper lid, below the eye, and the entire eye-wrinkle area on the side.
I did have a bit of a time getting the upper eye lid to stay in place. I am now middle age, and my eyes have “hooded” over, so I had to find that sweet spot, which covered me up to my eyebrow on my top lid.
I did have to re-dip into the package to get them wet again, so they’d stay in place.
It does cool the area all around the eye. I think the cooling helps with the puffy under-eye.
I’ve not noticed any other difference, but it is still refreshing. I don’t mind pampering my eyes a bit. I can also feel the cooling to the side of my eyes…very where the mask touches.
Its nice for pampering myself, and would also make a nice gift. The box they come in makes a fine presentation.
Eagle Eyes –
Does exactly what it says
Julia –
So, these are very luxurious looking. They come in a box with each set package separately! You peel off the back of the package to open up the set you will be using for your left eye and right eye.
The product itself is very slippery and there is no scent to them whatsoever, which is good. They are very hard to apply to your face/eyes though bc they are so heavy like and just so slippery. Once you have them on your eyes, you MUST be laying down!
Do Not-I repeat-Do Not attempt to stand and/or Walk while wearing these. It cannot be done. They will slide off of your face or fall right off onto the floor or carpet and then, that’s the end of that.
You can’t put it back on because it’s already hit the dirty floor. I am certain they fall off due to the weight of them and because of how wet they are. But, mainly the weight. These are heavier than your average eye mask because of how they are made to also cover the top and sides of the eye. Which, I really do like. The masks themselves are just Gorgeous! Very Very pretty!
And, if you are able to lay down for 20-40 while wearing one, that is great! But, I generally do not. I wear mine while working or while cleaning or whatever else.
These are just not an eye mask for someone who has to multitask while wearing one. I think they are beautiful and very well made and very very well packaged. But: I cannot recommend these because they cannot be worn unless laying down and, they take several minutes to apply as well.
Sandy Carroll –
When I tried to put these eye mask around my eyes they were so liquidy that they would just slide off my face. The ease of application was not easy effectiveness was not good I just wish they would have worked