O Hyperice Venom 2 Back Wrap é um dispositivo inovador que combina calor avançado e massagem por vibração, projetado para proporcionar alívio eficaz de dores, desconfortos e inflamações nas costas. Com a tecnologia HyperHeat, o Venom 2 aquece seis vezes mais rápido do que uma almofada de aquecimento convencional, garantindo um alívio quase instantâneo para músculos doloridos. Este envoltório é ideal para quem busca uma recuperação muscular eficiente, pois melhora a circulação sanguínea, relaxa os músculos e promove um bem-estar geral. Elegível para reembolso por FSA/HSA, o Venom 2 Back é uma solução prática e acessível para quem sofre com dores nas costas.
O dispositivo opera em um ciclo de 20 minutos, após o qual se desliga automaticamente. Para personalizar a experiência, é possível conectar o Venom 2 Back ao aplicativo Hyperice, permitindo ajustes nas configurações de calor e vibração. Com três níveis de calor e três padrões de vibração, o usuário pode adaptar a massagem às suas necessidades específicas, aliviando o estresse, a tensão e facilitando a flexibilidade e a amplitude de movimento ao longo do dia. A área de superfície do Venom 2 é duas vezes maior, garantindo uma distribuição de calor uniforme e consistente, enquanto a interface de usuário renovada e o design em neoprene leve proporcionam conforto e um ajuste perfeito.
- Aquecimento rápido e eficiente, proporcionando alívio quase instantâneo.
- Massagem por vibração direcionada que ajuda a soltar nós musculares.
- Personalização das configurações de calor e vibração para atender às necessidades individuais.
- Alívio imediato para músculos doloridos, melhorando a recuperação muscular.
- Design confortável e ajustável, permitindo uso em diversas partes do corpo.
Para utilizar o Hyperice Venom 2 Back, envolva o dispositivo na área desejada, como costas, pernas ou ombros. Conecte o aparelho e ajuste as configurações de calor e vibração conforme suas preferências. É recomendado usar o Venom 2 Back por até 20 minutos por sessão para obter os melhores resultados. Após a sessão, desconecte o dispositivo e desfrute do alívio e relaxamento proporcionados pelo calor e pela massagem por vibração avançados. Para estender a sessão, utilize o aplicativo Hyperice para personalizar ainda mais sua experiência.
Amazon Customer –
I have had lower back pain for years and I have been trying to find a good heating pad that provides some pain relief. I need to be able to move around with the pad, so cordless is a must for me.
I recently purchased 3: Hyprerice Venom2, Thereabody’s RecoveryTherm and CUEHEAT and have been trying for a few weeks. I hope this review will help people when selecting their cordless heat pad. (I didn’t see this comparison so just want to provide my perspective)
Detailed comparison:
Hyperice Venom2 (V2), Thereabody’s RecoveryTherm (R) and CUEHEAT(C)
V2 wrap is more comfortable than R. The material is more stretchable and soft, which means it can provide more snug fit, therefore better heat conduction.
R has the option to heat up abdominal area, which might be useful.
V2 is soft enough that I can wear it as if it’s a V2 shoulder and provide heat to my shoulder.
C has good design in terms of power supply. It can be used with cord or with battery. I like the flexibility.
Build quality:
Both R and V2 have good build quality and are superior to C. But they come with 2x more price tag than C. Both R and V2 are FSA/HSA
This is the main purpose of the heating pad for me. I need the temperature to be high enough to feel the relief. Unfortunately, the C is just too lukewarm. I barely feel the heat… V2 is definitely the hottest.
I measured the temperature using a thermo-gun. All of them are in the hottest setting. Below is the result:
C: 110F
R: 125F
V2: >130F
R and V both have strong vibration and 3 different modes. It feels like a massage gun style. However, I don’t use the function a lot because the penetration is not deep enough for me.
Battery life:
I didn’t try out C because the temperature is not high enough for me.
R and V2 are similar. Although they both claim 3hrs, the reality is far from that. They might quote the value for the lowest setting. In my use case, I use the highest setting for heat, and no vibration, both R and V2 are giving me ~1hr.
Additional feature:
V2 can be connected to the Hyperice app. I don’t find that useful because controls are simple (heat and vibration setting). The only extra feature the app can do is extending the operation time to 30 mins instead of 15mins auto shutdown. For me, I just restart by pushing the buttons every 15 mins. This is easier than connecting the app every time .
I would probably keep the V2 and return the other 2. Again, my choice is mainly driven by the temperature I need for pain relief.
Hapner –
Love this product! Have used heating pads in the past but this blows them away. Gets hot, fast and also has vibration which many of those pads do not have. This product has improved my quality of life as it really helps with low back pain/tightness that I experience every morning. I just pop it on for 15 mins and my muscles warm up and I’m ready to go.
Best thing about this is how I can use it anywhere, anytime. I can use it while sitting at my desk working, or while I go for a walk. Can’t say that about any plug in heating pads!
It has three heat settings which is nice because I can only tolerate the heat up to the second setting. So it’s super powerful and great for people who can handle more heat than I can.
Also enjoy the vibration, which is very strong. I prefer the first vibration setting, which is continuous. The other two are more intermittent which doesn’t suit me.
Would say the only downside is the battery life that lasts about 2 hours or so. I can’t really complain about it though because it’s battery powered and thus can be used anywhere, any time. Also I’m sure the heating element requires an enormous amount of power so totally understandable.
Overall I highly recommend this product and would easily consider buying products from this company in the future.
umeweall –
I just received my unit and I like it. The heat is immediate, and I use setting #2. I have a biggg body, and the wrap fits me, which I had initially been concerned about. The 15 minute shutoff point does not bother me. I have been through many multiples of physical therapists over the years. There was a consistent theme from when they applied either heat or ice therapy. They would only do it for 15 minutes. I asked about that once and was told that if you used heat/ice longer than that, the body would start reversing the healing effect. The effort would be then counterproductive, for healing purposes. A non-medical person might presume that the longertime limit that you do heat/ice therapy, the better it is for you. Nope!! The therapists stated that it is better to do multiple sessions, spread apart, of 15 minute time points, rather than attempting to do a long time point. The pad automatically shutting off after 15 minutes is doing precisely what I would have done anyway. I don’t have to worry about using a timer!!
I bought this when it was $199. I cannot truly say that I would have bought it at the regular price of $249. My budget would have complained about that!
March 2, 2024
I have had the unit for less than a month and used it multiple times. I had it charging overnight, and it was on the charger for a little over nine hours. The green light was still on, indicating that it needed charging. The charging of the unit essentially failed. I asked for a replacement.
R. Amano –
I had to use some FSA money so splurged on this Hyperice Venom 2. So, glad I had to. Kind of pricey but well worth the money. The heat and vibration really helps with back pain. The 2 things that push it over the top is, it’s wireless, and also very well made. If I were to nit pick the only thing I would suggest is using USB-C to charge in case you forget the charger at home. But, solid unit and it works!
corinne savard –
Moi et mon conjoint on l’utilise et ça fait vraiment du bien au niveau du bas du dos même que je me suis monté la ceinture un peu plus haut et c’est génial je le recommande à ceux qui on mal au dos.
Michael Baggott –
Wireless Bluetooth quick heat great messaging action all and more.
Mark Salisbury –
This product is a godsend. The band on it extends very far, I’m 250lbs and 5’5, a very round individual, and it fits comfortably and has more room to expand if needed. It heats up quickly and the rubber used is very high quality. The battery lasts for a long time and chargers quickly. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked the vibration feature. It really made a difference. I would recommend this to anyone that has soreness in their back from mid to lower back. You can easily attach it from under your arms all the way down to the top of your buttocks. I have gained back mobility due to this device.
Virgy –
Dopo averlo testato più volte devo dire che funziona davvero. Lo usiamo sia io che mio figlio. Un articolo valido per il benessere personale.
Jean marchand –
Ceinture chauffante avec trois degre d’intensite et trois sorte de massage different, la chaleur vient vite apres avoir activé le bouton , ceinture qui tient bien avoir le velcro integré. Peux etre apporté n’importe ou
Adam Sturgess –
So, it heats up well though only round the back & sides. Vibration is okay though nothing too special. I’d recommend the Recoverytherm from Therabody over this for various reasons. Price point is the same (though Venom2 actually ‘reduced’ so Therabody wins on price whilst also far better overall). The Recoverytherm has heat for both front & back (so entirety of the wrap), as well as separate controls for both whilst Venom2 only does the back. The vibration feature from the Recoverytherm is also superior to the Venom2. This Venom2 wrap was my first Hyperice product I have purchased & I have chosen to return. The quality (even packaging) just does not match that of their main competitor, Therabody. The pricing too is also excessive for the quality of product provided. Better to go for one of the myriad cheaper generic options available here on Amazon, or, if you prefer something higher quality at the same price, go with Therabody’s Recoverytherm Back wrap ( I got for my dad, & we both were very, very impressed). Thank you for reading!