Descrição do Produto: HYLEYS Lakma 14 Day Weight Loss Kit Green Tea – 42 Tea Bags
O HYLEYS Lakma 14 Day Weight Loss Kit é uma solução inovadora e prática para quem busca emagrecimento saudável e eficaz. Composto por 42 saquinhos de chá embalados em envelopes de alumínio, este produto é 100% natural e foi desenvolvido para auxiliar na perda de peso de forma segura e sustentável. Cada xícara deste chá verde é uma explosão de sabor e benefícios, proporcionando uma experiência única a cada gole.
- Ajuda a promover a perda de peso*
- Ajuda a suprimir o apetite*
- Suporta o sistema imunológico*
- Produto 100% natural
- 42 saquinhos de chá em envelope de alumínio
O chá verde HYLEYS é conhecido por suas propriedades termogênicas, que ajudam a acelerar o metabolismo e a queimar gordura de maneira mais eficiente. Além disso, sua fórmula especial atua como um supressor natural do apetite, permitindo que você controle melhor suas refeições e evite excessos. Com o suporte ao sistema imunológico, este chá não apenas auxilia na perda de peso, mas também contribui para o bem-estar geral, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na sua rotina de saúde.
1. Perda de Peso Eficiente: Acelera o metabolismo e ajuda na queima de gordura.
2. Controle do Apetite: Reduz a sensação de fome, facilitando o controle das porções.
3. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo.
4. Produto Natural: Sem aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca uma vida saudável.
5. Praticidade: Embalagem em saquinhos individuais, perfeita para levar a qualquer lugar.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o HYLEYS Lakma 14 Day Weight Loss Kit, recomenda-se consumir 1 a 2 saquinhos de chá por dia. Prepare o chá adicionando água quente (não fervente) a um saquinho e deixe em infusão por 3 a 5 minutos. Para um sabor mais intenso, você pode ajustar o tempo de infusão conforme sua preferência. É aconselhável consumir o chá antes das refeições para maximizar os efeitos de supressão do apetite. Mantenha uma dieta equilibrada e pratique exercícios regularmente para potencializar os resultados.
Emma –
I love the morning coconut flavor I use it as ice coffee but in tea form. Lost ten pounds in two weeks
Sarah –
Worked. I hated the coconut one tbh but I still downed it. Favorite was honestly and surprisingly the cinnamon one.
savannah gilson –
After only using it for a few days I can still tell it definitely works. It makes your stomach ache and it MAKES YOU GO!!! It suppresses your appetite a bit because when it makes your stomach hurt you just wanna go to a toilet. I’ll keep using it but personally it really does make my stomach hurt until i go, then i feel fine
Yvonne J Hunt –
I drink herbal tea often and I am trying to lose weight so I thought I would give this tea a try. The taste was ok, a bit bland. The problem is the bloating and overnight cramping. I took as instructed Day 1, was up all night from 3 am until sunrise with multiple trips to the toilet. Since I don’t have problems going potty, this was just excessive and not necessary. Can’t say if it will help with weight loss bkz I am going to stop taking immediately and toss this in the trash! I am writing this at 6:30 a.m. while sitting on the toilet…sorry if this is TMI, but you have been warned. Try at your own risk!!! 😒
Serg Salo –
After drinking this tea I had bobbling in my stomach, and it really made me think it works. I was drinking it instead of meals and did loose weight. Pretty satisfied.
Emma –
BUY THIS TEA! I have tried many weight-loss tees in the past and NONE of them compared to this product. The taste is amazing, it taste exactly like what it says on the packaging. I’ve been using it for about four days now and already I feel more energized lighter and never bloated. So stop wasting your money on other weight loss tease and buy this one. The box even says when and which kind to use throughout the week.
Nani –
I Definitely believe this Tea works. I always used different Teas or products to loose weight. And this has been the Best one. It really focus on where I want to loose weight at which is my stomach. It did not take away from my butt like other teas have. I still have my butt and body shape just like I want. And it helped me loose the Mommy Belly Fat. All the Tea Flavors are so delicious. I have not had one that I don’t like. This Tea has gave me so much energy, and makes my body feel light weight. I would have to say it Definitely does Clear you out so make sure your Next to a Toilet when drinking it! lol! Other than That it’s the Best and I’ll be buying a bunch more real soon.
4Dragons –
The pros: Clear instructions on what tea to drink when, they were all pretty good (mango was the least good, it tasted super artificial), the garcinia tea was mildly suppressive on appetite (I actually started drinking this after lunch when I would get the urge to snack, and it was helpful there – I think the idea of drinking it before is to reduce the amount of lunch you eat, but that wasn’t a problem for me to begin with) and the senna tea had the most noticeable effect (and was why I would skip some days – if I was going out somewhere, I would skip the senna the night before, people are not joking when they say you’ll want to be near a bathroom).
The cons: Absolutely zero effect on weight. For some context, I changed nothing else about what I was doing/eating, just sticking to what I was already doing maintaining my current weight with this tea added in. If I had been eating less, working out more, etc, I’d lose weight anyway, so I wanted to see what this would do on its own. That said, once I do get going with losing weight, I might grab another box of these teas and give it another try and see if it might be able to boost weight loss although it’s not enough to kick it off.