Hyland’s Kids Stuffy Nose
Hyland’s Kids Stuffy Nose é um produto altamente eficaz, desenvolvido para aliviar temporariamente os sintomas de nariz entupido e sinusite em crianças. Com uma fórmula que combina ingredientes naturais como Allium Cepa e Natrum Muriaticum, este remédio proporciona alívio da congestão nasal, pressão sinusal e até mesmo dores de cabeça, permitindo que seu filho respire mais facilmente e se sinta melhor durante episódios de resfriados e alergias.
Os medicamentos Hyland’s Kids são especialmente formulados para crianças de 2 a 12 anos, garantindo que sejam seguros e suaves. Você pode confiar que está oferecendo ao seu filho um produto de alta qualidade, projetado com suas necessidades específicas em mente. Os comprimidos de dissolução rápida são fáceis de tomar, derretendo na boca quase instantaneamente, eliminando a necessidade de lutar com a deglutição de pílulas ou lidar com sabores desagradáveis.
Com mais de um século de história, a Hyland’s é uma marca líder em saúde do consumidor, comprometida em manter as famílias saudáveis. Ao escolher Hyland’s, você pode ter certeza de que está optando por uma marca confiável, que produz produtos de alta qualidade para ajudar as pessoas a viverem vidas mais saudáveis e felizes. Além disso, o Hyland’s Kids Stuffy Nose é orgulhosamente fabricado nos EUA, garantindo os mais altos padrões de qualidade e segurança.
- Alívio temporário dos sintomas de nariz entupido e sinusite em crianças, incluindo congestão nasal, pressão sinusal e dor de cabeça.
- Fórmula com ingredientes ativos naturais, proporcionando uma alternativa segura e eficaz para o alívio dos sintomas.
- Comprimidos de dissolução rápida, que são fáceis de administrar e agradáveis para as crianças.
- Marca com mais de 100 anos de experiência, reconhecida pela qualidade e eficácia de seus produtos.
- Produzido nos EUA, garantindo altos padrões de qualidade e segurança.
Para alívio dos sintomas de nariz entupido e sinusite em crianças, recomenda-se administrar 2 comprimidos de dissolução rápida a cada 4 horas. É importante não exceder 12 comprimidos em um período de 24 horas. Consulte um médico antes de usar em crianças menores de 2 anos para garantir a segurança e a adequação do uso.
Jay –
My 3 year old likes the taste and they seem to work well.
opal –
We like it
Val –
I would add in a picture for proof but you would be puking!!
Backstory: about a week ago my 3 year old son started having nasal congestion which turned into flu like symptoms/RSV. Long story short it caused the most severe congestion I’ve ever seen in him. There was literally no oxygen going through his nose and he could not breathing or breathe out. He was mouth breathing 24/7 and I was fearing for tooth decay to settle in with how bad it was.
I was desperate at this point trying to find some kind of natural alternative because no other natural nose spray was working. I came across this today and ordered thankfully for same-day shipping and it came within a couple hours. I gave him a double dose instead of one pill thinking could it possibly work..? Within 20 minutes I asked him to just simply blow his nose to see if there was any effect, and for the first time within five days he made a sound!!!!
I ran to go get a wet paper towel and see if he can blow his nose out.. What came next was absolutely horrifying and disgusting.
TMI, but ladies who have kids and know what their mucous plug looks like… you know how thick that blob is… so yes that’s your image lol this gigantic piece of mucus blob was almost the size of my pinky sitting inside of a three year olds Nose. I could not believe that he finally got the relief he needed. I’m currently waiting for his other nostril to open up
Jena –
I wanted to wait until we had used these a few times to write a review. the verdict is in and they are a medicine cabinet staple. My daughter is 7 and has always struggled with nasal congestion but all the medicines on the market have so many things in them that I don’t want to put in her system and/or don’t really address her specific need. that said I found these looking for a natural options and this is it. They desolve on her tonge and taste a little like vanilla. she loves that it doesn’t have some wierd fruit flavor (anyone with kids know how hard medicine time is). You do have to consistent and follow the directions but if you start using right at the beginning symptoms of a cold or allergy attack it eases the congestion and after a few days clears it right up. If they are already in the swing of it, it take a little longer but it does work and there is not fight!. they also give you enough to weather the storm and not have to order more really quickly.
Elizabeth –
Love how they made these dissolvable tabs for little ones. My one year old does great with these. Fast dissolving, and works.
Gabby Shea –
We are all natural (as much as we can) this has been extremely helpful for the babes !!!
Auntd –
Stops my drippy nose
The quality is bad, I’m confused on why this product has good reviews. These are so thin they can rip after a few uses. Not worth the money. –
Works soooooo good!!! And little one loves taking the tablets!