Hydroxycut Original – 72 Cápsulas de Liberação Rápida – 200 mg de Cafeína – Acelera o Metabolismo, Queima Calorias, Aumenta a Energia – para Mulheres
A SUA JORNADA, DO SEU JEITO – O Hydroxycut Original foi projetado para se adequar ao seu estilo de vida. Ao incorporá-lo à sua dieta e plano de exercícios, é um passo simples e eficaz para alcançar ótimos resultados.
PESQUISA CIENTÍFICA – C. Canephora Robusta, um composto potente encontrado no café verde, é o principal impulsionador da perda de peso no Hydroxycut. Ele foi estudado e comprovado em dois estudos científicos para fornecer resultados avançados em que você pode confiar.
DOBRAR A PERDA DE PESO – Em um estudo, os participantes que tomaram o ingrediente chave por 60 dias perderam em média 10,95 lbs (aproximadamente 4,97 kg), em comparação com o grupo do placebo, que perdeu em média 5,40 lbs (aproximadamente 2,44 kg). Ambos os grupos seguiram uma dieta de baixa caloria.
ESTÍMULO DE ENERGIA DIÁRIO – Dê um impulso de energia à sua vida agitada com 200 mg de cafeína de fonte limpa, derivada de um extrato natural de café. Nossa fórmula exclusiva também inclui vitaminas B e D, além do popular ingrediente vinagre de maçã.
INGREDIENTES ADICIONAIS – Este suplemento também contém extrato de baobá, um superalimento indígena; cardamomo, uma especiaria aromática; extrato de pêra espinhosa para fibra; e óleo de MCT, que contém ácidos graxos mais fáceis de serem digeridos pelo corpo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Resultados Comprovados
O Hydroxycut Original é respaldado por pesquisas científicas que comprovam sua eficácia na perda de peso. Com ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, você pode confiar nos resultados que ele proporciona.
2. Energia Durante Todo o Dia
Graças à sua fórmula única com 200 mg de cafeína, o Hydroxycut Original oferece um impulso de energia para acompanhar seu estilo de vida agitado. Sinta-se revigorado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
3. Acelera o Metabolismo
O C. Canephora Robusta presente no Hydroxycut Original é conhecido por acelerar o metabolismo, ajudando seu corpo a queimar calorias de forma mais eficiente. Potencialize seus esforços de perda de peso com esse poderoso suplemento.
4. Ingredientes Naturais
O Hydroxycut Original é formulado com ingredientes naturais, como extrato de café verde, vinagre de maçã e óleo de MCT. Desfrute dos benefícios desses ingredientes sem preocupações com substâncias artificiais.
5. Fácil de Incorporar à Rotina
Com suas cápsulas de liberação rápida, o Hydroxycut Original é fácil de incorporar à sua rotina diária. Tome as cápsulas conforme as instruções e aproveite os benefícios desse suplemento sem complicações.
1. Acelera o metabolismo, promovendo uma queima de calorias mais eficiente.
2. Aumenta os níveis de energia, ajudando a manter a disposição ao longo do dia.
3. Resultados comprovados em estudos científicos, garantindo eficácia na perda de peso.
4. Fórmula com ingredientes naturais, evitando substâncias artificiais indesejadas.
5. Facilidade de uso com cápsulas de liberação rápida, que se adaptam à rotina diária.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Hydroxycut Original duas vezes ao dia, cerca de 30 a 60 minutos antes das principais refeições. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada de 2 cápsulas em um período de 24 horas. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do Hydroxycut Original com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa regular de exercícios.
Amazon Customer –
MuscleTech Hydroxycut Pro Clinical
Overall Rating: 10/10
Summary: Who is not looking to drop a few pounds of FAT before or during the Summer Season. I’m currently on a KETOGENIC Diet, and this product has been a much welcomed BOOST! Honestly, I loved using this product and would definitely use it again or tell my friends about it. I am an individual who works long shifts (10-14 hours is a NORMAL day : 4-5 days a week) so this product gives me that extra UMPFHHH that gets me to the gym, because honestly it is easier to just lay in bed and get a few more hours of sleep!
The product is in a pill, which is neither big nor small but a good and workable size even for the females out there. Two medium sized pills go down easy… The pills are white, and have no after taste which is great!
Energy: 10/10
The energy is QUICK, with GREAT STRENGTH, and LASTS! I have replaced my preworkout powders, with this product for the time that I’m using it and to be honest I have been getting better workouts! I do take a PUMP product, without caffeine, which helps with my pumps but the energy is amazing and why I love this product SO MUCH! I also like that it is NOT TOO MUCH, which causes me to have jitters or anything like that.
Thermogenics: 9/10
YOU WILL SWEAT! I could tell this increased my thermogenics as it was not long before I started sweating in the gym just when getting started to warm up! The increased heat only adds to your workout, and it is a good thing TRUST ME!
Ingredients: 9/10
Honestly, I have never heard of ROBUSTA COFFEE EXTRACT (which is the fat burning ingredient) but it seems to be working! Other fruit extracts are added, which seems to be a plus instead of weird CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS which I have no idea what they do! Lastly, 200mg of Caffeine is right in the middle of the bar park of not being TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE. Great place to place the Caffeine, because the last thing I want to feel is being jittery or sick to my stomach for the next couple hours. I take this product first thing in the morning with LOTS of WATER, it I have not had a bad reaction to it!
Price: 10/10
PRICE CANNOT BE BEAT! For a month worth of the product you can find it for about $25.00, which I find to be a very reasonable price for the quality of the product!
In closing, this product is for serious people only! And it only works if YOU PUT IN THE WORK as well! Give it a try, and see how you respond! Start with the lower dose, then slowly increase it!
Shop Aholic –
I take these for energy that lasts all day! I can do all things needed for the day! Please don’t change this formula.
Maribel BG –
It was nothing I disliked
Keyao zhao –
Maribel BG –
Son buenas siguiendo todas las indicaciones excelente
Leo –
My likes:
1. This new formula does not raise my blood pressure like the original formula.
2. Also, I haven’t gotten any chest pain or any heart rhythm changes with the New formula.
3. I’m not up all night peeing like I was with the original formula.
4. The new formula still helps with weight loss. I have experienced weight loss.
5. I don’t feel jittery after taking this new formula.
My dislikes:
1. I’ve coughed up foul smelling powder after taking this new formula, so my breath probably doesn’t smell that great to others after taking it.
2. I have experienced some anxiety with this formula but I admit it is less than with the original formula.
3. It’s expensive.
4. The new formula did not help with hunger control.
1. Read and follow the instructions on the label.
I recommend this product, because I prefer this new formula to the old, and it does help with weight loss without upsetting my stomach.
Davneth –
I purchased Hydroxycut hoping it would help me shed some extra pounds, but unfortunately, it didn’t work at all for me. Despite following the recommended dosage, maintaining a healthy diet, and exercising regularly, I saw absolutely no change in my weight or energy levels. After using the product for a full month, there was no progress, which was frustrating.
I also experienced some uncomfortable side effects like insomia, which made it even harder to stick with it. I had high hopes based on the reviews, but this product just didn’t live up to the hype for me.
I wouldn’t recommend Hydroxycut if you’re serious about losing weight. Save your money and invest in something that actually works.
HB –
I’ve been looking for something for a long time, ~ 10 years, after having 2 children & going through menopause, I found myself putting on the pounds, 60 of them! I will tell you it has been 1 week & I have lost 3#. To so many out there, that’s not a big deal but it is to me. I know those 1st 7-9 #’s are the easiest, AND I know, I am my own, worst obstacle. This Actually helps to curb my appetite, to not think of indulging in that “eating impulse”, which is most of my problem. Anyone, Anyone can lose weight if they cut their calories, for me, overeating, late night, useless caloric intake is my problem. I’m SO sick of my doctor saying, “just eat less and you’ll lose weight”…well & good, but he’s not in my house taking those pretzels from me @ 9pm, or that 2nd muffin after I’ve already had breakfast! I’m one of those people who years ago had amazing results from taking just 1/3 the recommended dose of Matabolfe, than the FDA had it taken off the market 🙁 I recommend this for folks who just need a little help managing their poor eating habits. I wish you all well!