O Hyalogic Synthovial Seven é um suplemento oral de ácido hialurônico que se destaca por sua capacidade de promover a hidratação em diversas áreas do corpo, incluindo pele, articulações, olhos e lábios. Com 30ml de HA líquido, este produto é vegano e livre de glúten, oferecendo uma solução natural e eficaz para quem busca melhorar a saúde e a aparência da pele, aliviar dores articulares, cuidar da saúde ocular e manter os lábios hidratados. O ácido hialurônico é uma substância que ocorre naturalmente no corpo humano, sendo encontrado em maior concentração na pele, onde desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da hidratação e na aparência jovem da derme.
O Synthovial Seven atua como um suporte essencial para as articulações, ajudando a manter o fluido sinovial que é vital para o amortecimento e a mobilidade saudável. A presença de ácido hialurônico no corpo é fundamental para a elasticidade e a suavidade da pele, e a suplementação com o Synthovial Seven ajuda a restaurar os níveis adequados dessa substância, promovendo uma pele mais hidratada e com menos sinais de envelhecimento. O processo de obtenção do ácido hialurônico no Synthovial Seven é realizado através de fermentação natural, garantindo que o produto seja de origem não animal e adequado para vegetarianos.
O HA Premium da Hyalogic é rigorosamente testado através do processo Hyalock de cinco estágios, que assegura a compatibilidade e a estabilidade dos ingredientes, resultando em um produto de alta qualidade. Com uma dosagem recomendada de 1 ml por dia, o Synthovial Seven pode ser facilmente incorporado à rotina diária, seja tomado diretamente ou misturado com água ou suco.
- 1. Suporte para a saúde das articulações: promove movimento saudável e fluido.
- 2. Hidratação da pele: mantém a pele suave e com aparência jovem.
- 3. Fonte natural de ácido hialurônico: obtido de forma sustentável e natural.
- 4. Adequado para vegetarianos: atende a restrições alimentares sem comprometer a eficácia.
- 5. Qualidade garantida: rigoroso controle de qualidade assegura um produto confiável.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 ml (equivalente a 1/4 de colher de chá) por dia. O produto pode ser administrado diretamente na boca ou diluído em água ou suco, conforme a preferência. É importante agitar bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da solução. Para mulheres grávidas, lactantes ou pessoas com condições de saúde específicas, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do suplemento.
Eneida –
I never heard about Synthovial Seven until two weeks ago when i was doing some research looking for answers to all
my chronic ailments. I have a chronic lower back pain due to an accident in my apartment several years ago. Over the years I also developed ostheo arthritis on my spine and hips. I also discovered a year ago that i have ostheoporosis.
I was in pain 24/7 and depending on strong drugs which i decided to stop because they made feel miserable and they didnt help much. I was seen a chiropractor several times a week when i was desperate in pain. My doctor was also suspecting that i had fybromalgia because i had such a weakness and pain on my muscles….i felt so achy and hopeless. So doing my research I found how important is the hyaluronic acid to create stronger bones, to help with muscles, ligaments etc and then looking for all kinds of supplements i came up to Synthovial Seven. I read the reviews and decided to give it try. I dont find it expensive at all, compared with all the benefits i could obtain, and praying that i could have some kind of relief. I really was skeptic at the beginning but i needed to try something. Synthovial Seven came so fast on the mail that i couldnt believe it, even though it was a free shipping. Its been six days already and I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW MUCH RELIEF I FELT ON MY SPINE!! To tell the truth, I dont know how synthovial is working but im able to sit , bend and do things that i wasnt able to do in so long without pain and I feel my spine is getting stronger. This is a miracle!!! I know is just being six days and still i have to wait to see more progress for the rest of the month. I will let every body know how much synthovial seven is helping me out. Mainly that I also have achy, cracking knees and joints.
An Author –
I used this in conjunction with other products to detox my head. I could tell right away it was working because I felt terrible from the full dose on the package. I reduced the dose a lot and was able to work up to the full dose over a month or so. It definitely works!
Sunshine –
I started this supplement January 12, 2017. Today is January 29, 2017 and I am a new person. Prior to 1-12-17, I hurt, ached, and had stiffness in my back, knees, arms, neck and legs. I am 54 years old, at 112# a female in menopause experiencing osteoarthritis and symptoms of rheumatoid as well. My x-rays showed loss of joint cushioning in my right hip, lumbar vertebrae 3 and 4 almost closed up and a worsening scoliosis on top of that coupled with numbness from Raynaud’s disease. I had a ligament in my right leg hurting bad enough that it finally prevented me from running my usual couple miles. I work out everyday with HIIT dvd’s. Almost everything I did prior to January 12 was painful. I stood up stiffly; took stairs one step at a time with effort; slept uncomfortably not even able to lie on either side; moved about my very busy day with sighs and aches. Then I started the Synthovial Seven. I documented my pain level 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest pain. Within 6 days of taking a dropper full in the morning, my pain score went from 9 to 0. I am running up the steps. Sleeping like I am on a cloud. Pulling my jeans on with ease. Exercising to my old standards. Aches are gone. I went from feeling old and ready for the bone pile to the 54 year old I am. I hope that this review helps. You may or may not have the same experience but I hope you do. I know what a mental drain it is to be in pain and disheartening life looks when a person does not feel well. It is expensive but I ordered bottle number two even though the price increased. Best wishes to those who need an answer to pain.
Lucraetia –
Avec ce genre de produits, il est évident que l’avis puisse différer selon les individus, personnellement le connaissant déjà, il a eu un effet remarquable sur les bouffées de chaleur (c’est la raison d’ailleurs qui m’a poussé à essayer cet acide). Au niveau de l’effet sur la peau, je serai beaucoup plus réservée. Néanmoins, cela reste un produit très cher.
I’m in my sixties and fairly healthy except for problems with neck mobility and neck pain, due to a couple of bad falls and a car accident. I’ve also started noticing pain in both thumbs, when bending them or moving them back and forth or grasping things. A couple of times I’ve had a flare-up with some swelling in the thumb and heel of hand where thumb connects, with a great deal of pain.
When I mentioned this to my doctor he recommended this Synthovial Seven product and also curcumin complex (containing black pepper extract also). So far I’ve been taking only the hyaluronic acid and soon will suspend its use to try out the curcumin extract.
The results so far aren’t conclusive about the acid, but I can say this: I’m not a susceptible, suggestible person. I’m more cynical and non-believing about most things. That’s why the improvement in my hands is probably not a placebo effect. Since taking the hyaluronic acid, I’m better able to move my thumbs, grasp things and open juice or water bottles more easily and with hardly any pain.
I can’t say, however, that my neck issues are noticeably improved. The pain may be slightly less but I can’t swear to it. The lack of ease of mobility is still there. But the improvement in thumbs and hands is noticeable. A side effect of the use of the acid may be an improvement in skin tone and softness, although that may also be due to a recent change I made in my nightly facial creme.
Bottom line: I’m not sure I’ve used the acid long enough to make any definite calls about it. Soon I’ll be switching to the curcumin complex to see whether its anti-inflammatory properties will help my hand and neck problems. If the curcumin works just as well (or, hopefully, even better), I’ll probably be taking it instead of this hyaluronic acid which is more expensive at a cost of over a dollar per day.
Jarani –
My friend recommended this product for skin health and I believe my skin is in much better condition after using it daily for about four months.