Huma Recovery Protein Smoothie, 6 Sachês – 15g Colágeno Whey Bebida Pós-Treino – Shake Proteico Pronto para Beber com Frutas Naturais, Eletrólitos e Gorduras Saudáveis
O Huma Recovery Protein Smoothie é um shake de recuperação pós-treino pronto para beber que se concentra na recuperação de todo o corpo, para que você se recupere completamente para o próximo treino. Este smoothie repara e reconstrói os músculos, reduz a inflamação e restaura os níveis de eletrólitos e glicogênio, ajudando a minimizar o tempo de recuperação.
Este produto combina proteínas de colágeno e whey para fornecer benefícios para as articulações, músculos, coração, ossos e cabelos. Nossa fórmula exclusiva combina colágeno tipo I, II e III com proteína whey premium para uma máxima reparação muscular, proporcionando o suplemento pós-treino ideal para seus treinos intensos. Além disso, possui uma textura de shake ou smoothie, sem os problemas típicos de textura do pó de proteína.
As embalagens prontas para beber não exigem nenhum preparo. Cansado de limpar o liquidificador, garrafa ou copo? Com o Huma Recovery Protein Smoothie, você não precisa se preocupar com a limpeza. Além disso, o sabor é delicioso, como o de um smoothie de frutas.
Este produto é feito com ingredientes naturais e alimentos reais. Cada porção contém 15g de peptídeos de colágeno e proteína whey isolada, 21g de carboidratos à base de frutas, bananas e sal marinho para mais de 700 mg de sódio, potássio e outros eletrólitos, além de 4g de gorduras saudáveis. É livre de glúten, sem soja e sem adição de açúcares.
O Huma Recovery Protein Smoothie possui dimensões de 7″ x 3″ x 1″ e é perfeito para corredores, ciclistas, triatletas e qualquer pessoa que pratique exercícios de resistência ou alta intensidade. Além disso, oferecemos uma garantia de satisfação de 100%. Este produto é fabricado nos EUA por uma pequena empresa de propriedade de veteranos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Recuperação completa do corpo após o treino
- Benefícios para articulações, músculos, coração, ossos e cabelos
- Textura de shake ou smoothie, sem problemas de textura do pó de proteína
- Embalagens prontas para beber, sem necessidade de preparo
- Ingredientes naturais e alimentos reais, sem glúten, soja ou açúcares adicionados
O Huma Recovery Protein Smoothie oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de recuperação. Primeiramente, ele proporciona uma recuperação muscular eficaz, permitindo que você retorne aos treinos mais rapidamente. Em segundo lugar, a combinação de colágeno e whey promove a saúde das articulações, essencial para quem pratica atividades físicas regularmente. Além disso, a presença de eletrólitos ajuda a manter a hidratação, prevenindo a fadiga. O sabor agradável e a praticidade das embalagens tornam o consumo pós-treino uma experiência prazerosa e sem complicações. Por último, a formulação com ingredientes naturais garante que você esteja se alimentando de forma saudável, sem aditivos indesejados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, consuma um pouch de Huma Recovery Protein Smoothie imediatamente após o treino. Agite bem antes de abrir e beba diretamente da embalagem. Não é necessário refrigerar. Este produto é recomendado para adultos saudáveis que praticam exercícios físicos regularmente. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de suplementação.
Sebastian –
I’ve been a Huma brand fan for years now; I’ve been using the Huma Gels for long distance running since 2016. I’ve tried other gels and always end up coming back to Huma every time. So when I saw Huma Recovery it sparked my interest. I had walked into a triathlon store the other day and the owner (a triathlete himself) had the Huma Recovery packs at his store. He was ALL ABOUT THEM, spoke worlds of them. I had to see for myself. Found this 6-pack on Amazon and went for it. Now, keep in mind as an endurance athlete I am used to hours of strenuous training on a regular basis. Century rides and 15-20 mile runs are pretty regular for me. However, I’ve never used recovery supplements. NEVER. I rely on whole foods and good sleep to recover. So I thought I would be the perfect test specimen for Huma Recovery. “Would I see a difference?” I thought to myself.
I had a two day, 150 mile ride planned last weekend and I decided to take a couple Huma Recovery packs with me. I rode 100 on day 1 and I slurped the Huma Recovery pack about 30 mins after I was done. I went about the rest of my day like I usually would after a long ride, had a good dinner and I rested. The next morning is when I felt the difference. Soreness was significantly reduced. Was there soreness still? Yes. But it felt different. I wasn’t stiff and my range of motion right out of bed was amazing. It was unlike any other century ride I had done before. I got up like I hadn’t biked 100 miles the day before. I felt great, I was ready for the last 50 of the weekend. (Saddle soreness was at a minimum, too). And I knew it had been the Huma. I did everything else the same and it was a distance that my body is used to traveling on a bike. It’s safe to say the Huma pack definitely played a major role in that night’s recovery. I’m a believer.
I do want to talk a bit about the taste and texture. Any supplement can be great on paper but if it doesn’t feel or taste good going down, you’ll likely not come back to it. The Huma Recovery packs taste great!! I got the berry flavor and loved it. Not too thick, not too watery, not lumpy. It honestly reminded me of a GoGurt experience from when I was younger. It tasted great, fit anywhere and was fun to eat. Best of all was all the good my body experienced overnight because of it. Felt like a champ the next morning. I will be stocking up on Huma Recovery on a regular basis now. They’re a part of my endurance training and nutrition regimen moving forward. Yet again, thanks Huma!!
ajs –
When I am not at home and need a good source of protein post workout this is my go too. Super yummy berry flavor and easy to have in the go
Mi nutrióloga evaluó los ingredientes y me dió luz verde para usar como recovery después de carreras largas, es perfecto para después de correr un maratón.
Me encantan los geles huma ya que son ligeros y el sabor súper Deli.
Sin embargo no le doy 5 estrellas porque el sabor de este produyem específico no me gustó, no sabe a lo que dice, sabe raro. Pero en general si cumple su función.
Briana –
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I love the convenience of this pouch, and taste of this smoothie. I like to freeze it overnight, and it keeps my water chilled while the pouch is thawing during my run. It’s a treat to have this at the end, and it helps me recover from my run like it never even happened.
Gena B –
I really wanted to like this product since there’s no artificial sweetener, but it’s SO sweet, I can hardly choke it down and it tastes artificial :/
VH Nguyen –
Great product! All the added benefit you’d expect from a product that includes collagen, stronger nails, shinier hair, less joint pain, and is a great post workout supplement to assist with recovery. The ready-to-eat pouch is super convenient too, knowing after a workout I don’t have to mix and shake and make a mess—huge PLUS.
I love the thought that went into the product and how healthy the ingredients are. I don’t have to feel bad about what I am putting into my body.
There is only one flavor option. It would be nice to see additional flavors added to prevent the monotony of eating the same flavor after each workout. Overall, the product has been beneficial and I’ll be incorporating these into my regular routine.
Have been a long time user of the Huma gels and just tried the recovery smoothie – game changer. Great taste and consistency in a pack which is easy to open when exhausted! I have really noticed a difference in my recovery since having these straight after exercise. Highly recommend
VH Nguyen –
I’ve been a Hüma fan ever since I first tried it a few years ago! I use Hüma products almost exclusively for my marathon training and love the gels and hydration. So when I had the opportunity to try the recovery smoothies, I figured, “Why not?” I prefer them refrigerated, but you can definitely drink them non refrigerated. I have never used any recovery product before, but after the first few times, especially after log runs, I could feel the difference. Often after long runs, I can feel a bit out of it for a while, but I felt energized more quickly when I had a recovery smoothie. Plus, after long runs, my body just isn’t ready to eat food even though it needed, so being able to drink the smoothie gives me the sustenance needed while waiting for my body to be ready to eat ☺️ my kids also love the flavor too (one of them is super picky, too!)