Descrição do Produto: Huma Chia Energy Gel, Pacote com 12 Unidades – Amigável ao Estômago, Gel de Energia com Alimentos Reais para Exercícios de Resistência
Os géis de energia Huma Chia são a escolha perfeita para atletas que buscam uma nutrição esportiva 100% natural. Com ingredientes simples e fáceis de pronunciar, como purê de frutas, sementes de chia em pó e xarope de arroz integral, você não precisa ser um especialista para saber o que está consumindo. Além disso, esses géis são livres de glúten, laticínios e adequados para veganos.
Uma das principais vantagens dos géis Huma é que eles são facilmente digeríveis, proporcionando um alívio para problemas estomacais durante o exercício. Ao optar por alimentos reais em vez de dextrose e maltodextrina, você estará fornecendo ao seu estômago o que ele realmente precisa para um desempenho ótimo.
Além de todos os benefícios nutricionais, os géis Huma também são conhecidos por seu sabor excepcional. Eles são considerados os géis de energia com melhor sabor do mercado, graças à sua composição com frutas e fontes naturais de carboidratos e proteínas, contendo todos os 9 aminoácidos essenciais.
O Huma Gel foi desenvolvido para ajudar você a alcançar o seu melhor desempenho de forma natural. Feito com sementes de chia finamente moídas, ele ajuda a modular a liberação de energia de forma constante. Além disso, possui uma proporção de 2:1 de glicose de cadeia curta e longa para frutose, o que garante uma absorção máxima de carboidratos.
Este suplemento energético é ideal para corredores, ciclistas, triatletas e atletas de resistência em geral. Disponível em diferentes sabores, como morango, maçã e canela, mirtilo, manga, chocolate, café mocha, framboesa e limonada, você pode escolher entre opções com ou sem cafeína, de acordo com suas preferências e necessidades.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Nutrição Esportiva 100% Natural
Os géis Huma Chia são feitos com ingredientes naturais, sem adição de substâncias artificiais. Você pode ter certeza de que está fornecendo ao seu corpo apenas o melhor.
2. Fácil Digestão
Adeus problemas estomacais! Com os géis Huma, você pode desfrutar de uma nutrição esportiva que seu estômago pode processar facilmente, garantindo um desempenho sem desconfortos.
3. Sabor Incrível
Experimente os géis de energia com melhor sabor do mercado. Feitos com frutas e ingredientes naturais, eles são uma deliciosa opção para manter sua energia durante o exercício.
4. Desempenho Natural
O Huma Gel é formulado com sementes de chia finamente moídas, proporcionando uma liberação de energia constante. Além disso, sua proporção de carboidratos garante uma absorção máxima.
5. Opções Personalizadas
Escolha entre diferentes sabores e opções com ou sem cafeína para atender às suas preferências e necessidades específicas. Os géis Huma têm a opção perfeita para cada atleta.
- Nutrição 100% natural, sem aditivos artificiais.
- Fácil digestão, evitando desconfortos estomacais durante atividades físicas.
- Sabor excepcional, tornando a experiência de consumo agradável.
- Liberação constante de energia, ideal para longas sessões de exercício.
- Variedade de sabores e opções com ou sem cafeína, adaptando-se às necessidades individuais.
Para obter o máximo desempenho, consuma um gel Huma Chia Energy Gel cerca de 15 minutos antes do exercício. Durante o exercício, consuma um gel a cada 30-45 minutos, acompanhado de água. Lembre-se de ajustar a quantidade de acordo com a intensidade e duração do seu treino. Experimente os diferentes sabores e encontre a combinação perfeita para você!
Cara –
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I’ve been using Huma running gel packets for years, and they’re hands-down the best fuel for my long runs! The natural ingredients are a huge plus, and they’ve never caused any GI issues, which is a big deal when you’re logging serious miles.
The flavors are absolutely delicious, and there’s such a great variety to choose from. I actually look forward to having one during my runs! The consistency is perfect—not too thick or sticky—so it’s easy to take on the move without breaking your stride.
I order these gels in bulk because they’re a must-have in my training cycle. Whether you’re training for a marathon or just need fuel for long runs, Huma gels are unbeatable. Highly recommend!
Juan Valdez –
Lo utilicé como complemento energético en carreras de entrenamiento de más de 20 KM y en maratones y me ha funcionado muy bien, no me ha generado malestar y he experimentado una mejora en el rendimiento físico.
Priscila –
Excelente producto y la entrega puntual
Sadiyah Jackson –
The Strawberry flavor of Huma Chia Energy Gels has become a staple in my workout routine. In 2016, I started training for my first half-marathon and at the time had been researching how to properly fuel for a race. On the internet, I found a variety of articles that outlined the benefits of carb-loading the night or two before a long-distance race in order to prevent hitting a wall. I also found articles offering advice on foods that I should avoid eating. I was reading a blog article from a plant-based runner and noticed that she had been incorporating Huma Chia Energy Gels into her running routine. I started researching the company and loved the fact that they were 100% natural and vegan friendly! For the strawberry flavor, the ingredients include, strawberry puree, evaporated cane juice, brown rice syrup, filtered water, milled chia seeds, strawberry concentrate, sea salt and citric acid. The fact that the ingredient label wasn’t laden with chemicals, was one of the reasons why I decided to try the product. I really enjoy the strawberry taste and it’s not too sweet so I decided test out this fuel on my Saturday morning training runs before making it a part of my half-marathon race strategy. It’s a great product, and the gels stayed fresh in the packaging while I was in training season.
Normal glycogen levels stored in the body are insufficient for fueling a half marathon. This is especially true if, like myself, it takes you more than 90 minutes to complete a half marathon. Therefore, you should plan to consume carbs at least once during the half marathon and twice if you anticipate finishing the half marathon after 2 hours. The company recommends that consumers eat one packet 15 minutes prior to exercise and then one packet, every 30-45 minutes which I find to be a bit excessive but it all depends on what works for your body. If you’re consuming Huma Chia Energy Gel, I suggest doing this between miles 6-8, aiming to fuel halfway through the half-marathon. If your stomach can’t handle too many carbs at one time, slowly consume your fuel of choice over the course of those three miles. The Amazon Customer, Lentil1, gave the product 1 star ranking and in the review mentioned that with having a very sensitive stomach, both the GU and Huma Chia Energy Gels have caused stomach pain after the race. The user consumed 5 gels during the race which in my honest opinion appears to be too much. If the user had tested out the product before race day, there’s a good chance they would’ve figured out just the right number of gels that they need to consume in order to have a successful race day.
Some organized race coordinators will provide energy gels at the water stations along with Gatorade. Another comparable brand name, GU Energy Gels, is one of the more popular brands that I find is offered to runners. I’ve tried the GU Chocolate Outrage flavor, which tastes very similar to a brownie but was a bit too sweet for me to consume during a long race. I would only recommend consuming the gels offered during the race if you have already tried the brand before. Otherwise, I would suggest that you prepare the night before and make sure to bring some fuel with you. The bottom line is to develop a hydration and fueling plan that will allow you to run a strong race and will help you maintain your energy levels!
Embracing 31 –
Not what I expected but they are a wonderful change from the typical gels that I use for my marathon training and fueling. Great flavors. some of them do have caffeine so you need to pay attention to that if you aren’t used to using caffeinated products. I don’t normally but once in a while I like them and they really give me a boost.
great product
Carli Bass –
I’ve used these training for my half marathon and they truly work. Don’t use till about 30-45 mins into workout. They truly help boost your energy during a long run! All the flavors are great and taste like jam. Very tolerable!!!
Zoe –
I used these while training for and racing in a half marathon. These are super easy on the stomach and the consistency is not as terrible as some of the other gels I’ve used that are thicker. The thinner consistency makes these gels easier to eat, but the packages that the gel comes in is a bit larger than other gels. Most of the flavors are great, lemon is probably my least favorite and more of an acquired taste in flavor.
Rachel Schroer –
I’ve bought these twice now and they are my go too! I have a sensitive stomach which is frustrating when you do endurance sports. These are relatively easy to open and my stomach agrees with them. The various flavors are yummy! I would recommend taking 20 minutes before exercise as I find that when they kick in.
natalie –
Started using gels to help support my half marathon training this past winter. Read the reviews that it’s easy on the stomach, tastes great and gives you the energy you need. Highly recommend for beginner gel users, lol.
Parkhouse –
I tried SIS gels but those upset my stomach. Switched to Huma and these work great. Zero gut issues and they taste good. WIll be using these on all my races.