Huge Supplements Fiber: O Poder do Psyllium para a Saúde Digestiva
Descubra o Huge Supplements Fiber, um suplemento de fibra premium que traz 10 gramas de pó de casca de psyllium de alta qualidade, projetado para promover a saúde digestiva de forma eficaz. Nossa fórmula é feita com casca de psyllium de grau superior, proveniente de fornecedores confiáveis, garantindo pureza e potência. Com rigorosos controles de qualidade, asseguramos um padrão consistentemente elevado, proporcionando a você o melhor psyllium para suas necessidades de saúde digestiva.
Cada porção de Huge Fiber oferece uma dose otimizada de 10 gramas de casca de psyllium, garantindo uma quantidade significativa de fibra solúvel que apoia a saúde digestiva. O psyllium é conhecido por sua capacidade de absorver água e formar uma substância semelhante a um gel no intestino, ajudando a regular os movimentos intestinais, prevenir a constipação e promover uma saúde digestiva geral, facilitando a passagem das fezes e melhorando o equilíbrio da microbiota intestinal.
Além disso, ao contrário de outros produtos de casca de psyllium que podem ter um gosto arenoso ou desagradável, nossa fórmula é desenvolvida para ser palatável e agradável, tornando fácil a incorporação na sua rotina diária. E o melhor de tudo, oferecemos um valor excepcional pelo seu dinheiro. Nosso pó de casca de psyllium proporciona uma solução acessível para promover a saúde digestiva, permitindo que você desfrute dos benefícios de uma suplementação de qualidade premium sem comprometer seu orçamento.
– Regulação Intestinal: Ajuda a regular os movimentos intestinais, prevenindo a constipação e promovendo um trânsito intestinal saudável.
– Saúde Digestiva: Melhora a saúde geral do sistema digestivo, facilitando a passagem das fezes e equilibrando a microbiota intestinal.
– Fácil de Usar: Formulado para ser saboroso e fácil de incorporar em shakes, smoothies ou receitas, tornando a suplementação prática.
– Custo-Benefício: Oferece uma solução acessível para quem busca qualidade e eficácia em suplementos de fibra.
– Apoio à Saciedade: A fibra solúvel pode ajudar a aumentar a sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle do apetite.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 10 gramas de Huge Supplements Fiber em um copo de água ou em sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para otimizar os efeitos, consuma diariamente, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante aumentar a ingestão de água ao utilizar suplementos de fibra para garantir uma hidratação adequada e maximizar os benefícios digestivos.
808_HI –
I take psyllium fiber most days, and it is difficult to find fiber supplements that actually taste decent. I have tried some good ones in the past, but often the good ones are very expensive. This supplement both tastes great and is a good value, at about $35 for 60 servings. I usually take about a half a scoop, so I think this tub will last me a long time. I got the strawberry flavor, and I like it! It does, in fact taste like strawberry and is acceptable to drink on its own or can be mixed into a smoothie and protein shake (which I prefer). Although you can drink this stuff on its own, I think it is much easier to get down when mixed with something else. Since it has a strawberry flavor, this supplement complements the taste of the smoothies or protein shakes I make. Overall, I would recommend this psyllium fiber supplement.
Nicole Tripp –
The strawberry taste is okay, but it does work very well!
Vicki –
After a recent visit to the colorectal doctor, the prognosis for my condition is that I need more fiber in my diet. While I eat veggies and a little bit of fruit (to avoid sugars), the fiber intake was deemed insufficient.
Thus, it was time to add some HUGE Elements fiber to my daily diet. The peach flavor is OK with me, but the wife doesn’t care for it. Also, there are artificial flavors and sucralose (artificial sweetener) so that’s how it claims 0g sugar.
It’s a little more expensive per Oz than the big name fiber brand. The HUGE Elements brand is a lot more creative in its buzz and hype due to its body-building roots.
It checks all the boxes for quality, and is made in the USA. Thus, it’s a brand that can be trusted.
Trinity –
Unfortunately I really am not a fan of the flavor (peach). I usually like peach flavored food or drinks, but this one has a strange flavor. The ingredients do include sucralose which never like the taste of, so that might be why. It’s not undrinkable, just not my preference.
I’m not using this for weight loss, however like most fiber supplements it is filling so I imagine it would be helpful. Especially since it only contains 40 calories a serving.
Mixing isn’t too difficult and while a bit lumpy at 1st, the psyllium husk powder absorbs the water rather quickly (depending on the amount of powder to water ratio and temperature).
It is a large container (60 servings) and it arrived well sealed. I think the value is decent compared to similar fiber supplements, but only if you enjoy the taste. Other than the flavor the overall quality is good and it works as fiber should. Made in the US and the best buy date is 02/2026.
Twins Dad –
My primary doctor wants me to add more fiber to my diet. This “Huge Supplements Fiber, 10 Grams of Premium Psyllium Husk Powder” has been a huge boost to my fiber intake. The strawberry has a very sweet fake sugar taste—almost too sweet.
Be sure to mix it well. If you don’t, when you drink it, clumps of fiber will stick to the roof of your mouth, your teeth, and your gums. This is not a pleasant feeling.
The company says this fiber is “formulated for HUGE results.” After the first day, I must agree. Huge toilet-wrecker results are just what my doctor ordered!
Twins Dad –
I’ve been taking psyllium husks for a while now, but this is the first time I’ve tried a flavored powder. Psyllium is typically plain and thickens as it sits, so not the easiest to chug down. I must say, this powder makes taking psyllium more enjoyable. I do like the peach flavor, but it’s way too sweet for me. My boyfriend on the other hand, who hates taking psyllium, absolutely loved this.
1 scoop contains 40 calories. The suggested serving size is 1 scoop in 12 ounces of water. I needed to water mines down a bit more due to the sweetness. It uses an artificial sweetener, sucralose. (same stuff as Splenda) I’m not a fan of sucralose, I feel there is an aftertaste, but this one wasn’t too bad. The powder completely dissolved in cold water. (using a frothing whisk also speeds up the process) It does thicken if you let it sit to long, so best to consume quickly after mixing. Since the powder is a light brown color, it does turn the water the same color. It might be off putting for some.
Overall, if you need more fiber in your diet, hate regular psyllium, and are willing to pay a little extra, this is a good alternative.
808_HI –
I like drinking fiber drinks for gentle help with moving things along. This flavored fiber sounded interesting so I thought I’d give the peach flavor a try. Here’s my experience- I had to work to get it well mixed. Even with using the recommended amount of water per scoop it got very thick very quickly. It was almost an apple sauce consistency. The deal breaker for me was the taste. I got the peach and it was an awful unnatural flavor. I may have made the wrong choice in flavors because I can see that people who ordered strawberry seemed to seemed to like it. After a few sips I couldn’t finish it. If you decide to try it I would recommend trying strawberry but for me personally I won’t be ordering it again.
Matt’s GF –
The one I got is a bit chalky and doesn’t mix or taste the greatest. It does work as a good fiber supplement though so atleast it’s doing it’s job. And I feel like you get a lot for the money, should last a while.