HPN PA(7) Ácido Fosfatídico – Construtor Muscular Natural Superior
O HPN PA(7) é um suplemento inovador que se destaca no mercado de nutrição esportiva, projetado para aqueles que buscam maximizar seus ganhos musculares e força de forma segura e eficaz. Com uma fórmula avançada, o PA(7) é um ácido fosfatídico que atua como um poderoso ativador do mTOR, um regulador crucial da síntese de proteínas musculares. Estudos clínicos duplamente controlados demonstraram que o uso de PA(7) pode resultar em um aumento impressionante de 200% na massa muscular magra e um ganho de 47% na força no supino. Além disso, a absorção de aminoácidos pode aumentar em até 66,7%, enquanto a produção de ATP se eleva em 18%, proporcionando um suporte energético essencial para treinos intensos.
O mTOR é fundamental para o crescimento do músculo esquelético, e a pesquisa científica revelou que a ativação deste receptor pode ser otimizada através do fornecimento de ácido fosfatídico. Ao contrário dos esteroides, que podem causar complicações de saúde ao aumentar a ativação do mTOR por meio do aumento da testosterona, o PA(7) se liga às células musculares, promovendo o crescimento muscular sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados. Além disso, o PA(7) é testado e aprovado por profissionais, sendo certificado como seguro para o esporte pela NSF, e é utilizado legalmente por atletas que competem em eventos de alto nível, como as Olimpíadas dos EUA, NFL, UFC, MLB e NASCAR.
– Aumento Significativo de Massa Muscular: Estudos mostram um aumento de 200% na massa muscular magra.
– Ganho de Força Acelerado: Melhora de 47% na força do supino, ideal para atletas e praticantes de musculação.
– Melhoria na Absorção de Aminoácidos: Aumento de até 66,7% na absorção, potencializando a recuperação muscular.
– Ativação Segura do mTOR: Promove o crescimento muscular sem os riscos associados ao uso de esteroides.
– Aprovado por Atletas Profissionais: Certificado como seguro para o esporte, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
Para treinos leves a moderados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 comprimidos por dia, imediatamente ao acordar ou 30 minutos a 1 hora antes do exercício. Inicie com essa dosagem e, se desejado, aumente para a dosagem completa de 4 comprimidos por dia. Para treinos intensos, em dias de treino (até 6 dias por semana), tome 4 comprimidos de PA(7) 30 minutos a 1 hora antes da sua sessão de treino. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para maximizar os resultados e garantir a segurança do suplemento.
Jason Vizza –
Noticing great results with the product. Just put in the hard work, nutrition, and rest. It will certainly aid in resistance training and cardio activity. Would recommend
Amazon Customer –
Great product!!
Obie Dumas –
I heard about PA7 from Mike Rashid on Instagram and that’s what he called it, claiming that increased his output in the gym dramatically and also helped with muscle building and recovery. I’m sure you’ve heard that from any fitness guru about any supplement, but I trust Mike’s word so I took the plunge and got a bottle.
In 2 days of taking it so far (as advised, 3 capsules 30 minutes before workout) along with my pre-workout, I was blowing through my program. I noticeably was hitting my rep range faster, with far less muscle fatigue than before. The second day I managed to do 5X10 deadlifts in under 30 minutes!!!
This definitely isn’t a placebo. My performance output has improved noticeably and again, I’m only on day 3 of taking these. Today is the big one as well-chest and squats. If I can power through this as fast as I have my previous sessions, I’m a customer for life!
Reggie –
I have been using this product for 6 months now and it’s just amazing… the benefits I have received from this product is energy, extra strength, endurance in heavy lifts.. having been taking this consistently has my body feeling strong and pumped even on off days… the results have me excited to go to the gym and continue pushing myself.. don’t just take my word see for yourself but just don’t take it for a couple weeks. Stay with it and you will see the difference
Cassidy Goodman –
I just now bought this, I will update with my results after a months usage. I will post strength gains, muscle gains, water retention, and weight with a comparison from what they were before and then after. I will keep updating this for months on end as well. But easy to swallow and hopefully good value. Shipping time is about A week. Good packaging.
Week 1- I’ve been using this for about a week now. I have noticed slight changes. My energy seems to be better in the gym without any pre workout. I’ve also noticed that my biceps have appeared a little bigger than normal. I was able to move almost my max bench with ease. Way easier than before taking this. I’ll update once a week or two.
-update after however long: I stopped using this because I just wasn’t as consistent with it as I should have, but I definitely saw energy, strength and a little mass. Personally for how much it costs I would probably go for a better choice but some people might react better to it. I was consistent enough to really see though, but definitely works. Give it a try! Nothing to lose
Joshua candelario –
Look I only bought this because Mike Rasheed promoted it I been following him for a minute i haven’t lifted weights with them yet but ima start Monday I only done calisthenics and cardio nothing to crazy let me take on one of my workouts I do 100 burpees not at ones I’ll do 15 then do a lap then I follow up with 200 push ups after that I do core 4 different exercises 100 reps each i usually get pretty smoked but since I started using these pills I don’t feel as tired I’m not sore don’t get as winded so take it as u want but I like them I will do another review ones I start lifting caint wait to see how there going to help I will keep yall posted
Amazon Customer –
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I try it for a month(just bought a 2nd bottle), this is only for people that workout every day, that’s the only way you will notice the difference, at first didn’t notice but after the first week I start lifting more, and my recovery time was way faster. All this combined with a good diet and good sleep will help you a lot! to gain more streng and a faster workout recovery. If you don’t work out every day don’t waste your money. To be honest this product is for people that workout 5 to 7 days a week. Also I will say it’s kinda pricey. If it wasn’t because I’m trying to achieve my goals I probably would not buy it. Hopefully they can Lower the price of this product. But it work, but it’s not a magic pill. Also a few days later I notice some of the capsules are not fill all the way in I originally give it 5 stars but after that I will lower it to 3 until they fix their problem.
Joshua candelario –
just received, so not tried it yet but; be aware this is not a 30 day ‘daily’ supply as mentioned here. as per direction on product provided, 4 a day = 24 servings. however, they do state only for workout days. let’s see how well it works, fancy bottle though.
Alex –
Absolutely incredible! These tablets have transformed my gym game like nothing else. Taking just two a day for the past six weeks, I’ve witnessed a remarkable boost in strength and physical performance. Not only am I seeing gains in the gym, but my waistline is leaner than ever before. Thanks to these tablets, I’ve hit a personal milestone—deadlifting over 300lbs! Trust me, if you’re serious about fitness, these tablets are a game-changer. My only dislike is these definitely taste and smell bad.