Hot Vita Hot Gel – Creme de Suor para Exercícios Físicos e Redução de Medidas (4 oz)
FIRMEZA E TONIFICAÇÃO: Suar mais, tonificar mais! Aplique o creme pré-treino potencializador de suor no estômago ou em áreas problemáticas.
COMPLEMENTE SEUS TREINOS: Este creme redutor de medidas aumenta a circulação sanguínea nos músculos, auxilia na perda de peso e elimina a gordura abdominal, proporcionando uma barriga lisa e perfeita!
FÓRMULA COMPLETA: Este incrível Hot Gel é uma poderosa combinação de ingredientes veganos, livres de parabenos e ativos não transgênicos. Esses elementos promovem uma circulação no seu corpo para ajudar a eliminar aquela gordura abdominal indesejada.
APROVEITE AO MÁXIMO: Aplique uma quantidade generosa do creme queima gordura nas áreas problemáticas, como celulite, estômago e braços. Massageie o gel quente em movimentos circulares para espalhar uniformemente. Aplique antes do seu treino ou ao usar sua cinta Hot Vita e comece a suar.
PROMESSA HOT VITA: A Hot Vita se compromete a desenvolver produtos que facilitem a transição para um estilo de vida mais saudável. Mulheres motivadas são nossa inspiração e, por isso, nosso objetivo é capacitá-las a dar o primeiro passo para mudanças de estilo de vida mais saudáveis e duradouras. Se por algum motivo você não amar o Hot Vita Hot Gel, basta entrar em contato conosco e substituiremos ou reembolsaremos seu pedido. Sem perguntas!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Firmeza e tonificação: O Hot Vita Hot Gel ajuda a tonificar os músculos e proporciona uma sensação de firmeza na pele.
- 2. Redução de medidas: Com sua fórmula poderosa, este creme auxilia na queima de gordura abdominal, ajudando a reduzir medidas.
- 3. Aumento da circulação sanguínea: Ao aplicar o Hot Gel, você estimula a circulação sanguínea nos músculos, o que contribui para um melhor desempenho durante os exercícios físicos.
- 4. Ingredientes de alta qualidade: Este produto é feito com ingredientes veganos, livres de parabenos e não transgênicos, garantindo uma opção saudável para o seu corpo.
- 5. Garantia Hot Vita: A Hot Vita se compromete em oferecer produtos de qualidade e, caso você não fique satisfeito com o Hot Gel, eles garantem a substituição ou reembolso do seu pedido.
O Hot Vita Hot Gel oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de exercícios e cuidados com o corpo. Primeiramente, ele proporciona firmeza e tonificação, ajudando a melhorar a aparência da pele e a definição muscular. Em segundo lugar, sua fórmula é eficaz na redução de medidas, especialmente na região abdominal, promovendo uma silhueta mais esculpida. Além disso, o aumento da circulação sanguínea durante o uso do gel potencializa os resultados dos treinos, contribuindo para uma queima de gordura mais eficiente. Os ingredientes de alta qualidade garantem que você esteja utilizando um produto seguro e saudável, enquanto a garantia de satisfação da Hot Vita oferece tranquilidade na sua compra, permitindo que você experimente o produto sem riscos.
Aplique uma quantidade adequada do Hot Vita Hot Gel nas áreas desejadas, como estômago, braços ou outras áreas problemáticas. Massageie o gel em movimentos circulares até que seja completamente absorvido pela pele. Recomenda-se aplicar o produto antes do treino ou ao usar uma cinta Hot Vita para potencializar os resultados. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Brittney –
So here’s the thing I just received my Gel this past Thursday, so I can’t give a full review, but I did want to give a review on what I’ve noticed so far 🙂
I actually like that the gel has a pleasant smell and is very light weight so while I am working out, I really do not notice it being there other than the sweat that it produces (Oh Yah) lol. On a serious note, the shipment was on time. The product appears to be working, so I must say so far so good!
I will definitely keep you all updated 🙂 now let’s get ready to SWEAT in my (C+C & the Music Factory) voice okay I’m done being silly now, but you will truly love the product if the outcome I’ve been feeling continues, I definitely know you’ll love it!!!!
Kimberly –
Well it definitely makes you sweat!!! Not just Only on the areas you apply to either. I use a waist trainer that absorbs all the sweat on my abdomen area and sides which where I place it, so you can’t see much sweat there but you feel it. I’m not sure yet if it helps you lose weight or inches as it’s the second day of use. First day I didn’t put much on, because I was concerned about breaking out or itching. My skin is a bit sensitive when it comes to products. I didn’t experience that, so I put a little more on today and WOW. The smell is very subtle, and it’s not a super thick and globby feeling on your body. I’ll have to check back in to say if it actually helps with toning, or losing weight. I’m using mostly when I do cardio.
Geekchiq –
No huele mal la cream
Brittney –
Llevo una semana usando este producto que promete sudar y por consecuencia se pudiera quemar la grasa. A mi no me servido. No ha habido ningún cambio con lo que sudaba anteriormente
Rachel Judah 7 –
So I’ve been a huge fan of Abs of Steel and Buns of Steel, but when I found this I read the reviews and figured I would give it a shot. My 3rd time using was today… 1st time was for HIIT spin class, 2nd time just weight training and then today was another spin class (shorter and not as intense). I promise all three times have had my entire body sweating… a good balance of sweat, not the uncomfy annoying overly sweaty kind. (That makes sense to my HIIT peeps).
I highly recommend for the cost AND results. And this can be rubbed on in more areas, verses strictly for abs, glutes, etc. Oh, and it’s not sticky or overly greasy… the scent is pleasant and mild… so if you’re a dude you won’t be smelling like a chick! 🙂
I say try it… and if you don’t like it you can always return it… thanks Amazon Prime. 🙂
Portia Mariee –
Tried it for over a month. Doesn’t work at all.. doesn’t create excess sweat nor does it help to lose weight.. don’t waste your money. Just run harder and faster!!
Jason –
I am super impressed with this product! I am 7 months postpartum and was looking for something to help shrink my belly back to its pre pregnancy size and tighten up my skin.
Within minutes of smearing this stuff on (it’s quite thick) I could feel it beating up! Not in a omg it burns kind of way more like a yes, melt that belly fat. I used it under my sweetsweat band and went for a run.
When I took it off sweat poured out of it, kind of gross but also kind of amazing at the same time! Bonus- My skin was super soft after using this!
It smells great and it all natural 🙌🏼🙌🏼.
Highly recommend this stuff!
T –
I’ve used this for years. They changed the look but same product. I use it around the tummy area before exercising. Makes you sweat a lot, my stretch marks went down as the skin tightens. Never had issues with burning although some friends have said it stings. I’d test a bit before putting it all over if you have sensitive skin. I put a thick layer all over my torso and rub it in a little.
Just A Girl From Brooklyn –
The Hot Vita Hot Gel is a great product. I was skeptical at first, but since having to work from home, it’s been challenging to maintain an active lifestyle. I wanted something that’ll help me burn fat and sweat while I do my at home workouts and nature walks in my neighborhood park. I applied the gel to my abdominal area, arms, and inner thighs. And as soon as I massaged it onto my skin I felt my body heating up. Once I started doing my exercises, I knew the Hot Gel had been activated and after 30 seconds of cardio, my face was gleaming with sweat. After 10 minutes of cardio and calisthenics I was dripping with sweat. My body was heated up and I know I was burning fat. This product also acts as a bonus to my post work out regimen as well. I’ve noticed that after using the Hot Gel, while taking a shower, it could act as a detox. The steam from my shower caused me to sweat and since the gel was still on my skin I knew it was the cause. I know sweating in the shower seems gross but to me it felt like a way to release toxins, and once I washed the gel off my skin, and turned up the cold water, I wasn’t sweating any more. All in all, it definitely works and deserves a shot!
Kimberly –
I purchased this cream because of a personal friend whom I saw with my own eyes achieve great results. I did a test run with this cream while I wasn’t going to the gym or doing any rigorous consistent workouts. I was just working from home and taking walks on some days. I rub the cream on as per the instructions and then wrap my midsection with Saran wrap. You can feel the heat from the cream it really heats up! I put a waist trainer or belly wrap over the saran wrap. I did this for about 2-3 weeks. I wish I would have taken measurements. My belly did go down significantly because my shirts fit looser and and I can see myself slimming down. I will update my review In a few months because I’m about to start using this again with excercise. This cream definitely works If you use it constantly, and Even better with diet and exercise. I would absolutely suggest this product to assist you on your weight loss journey.