Descrição do Produto
O Host Defense CordyChi Powder – Energy é um produto que oferece uma mistura de cogumelos Cordyceps e Reishi para aumentar a energia. Suas principais características incluem a capacidade de melhorar a resistência física, aumentar a vitalidade e promover a saúde geral. Os benefícios incluem um impulso de energia natural, suporte ao sistema imunológico e melhora do desempenho físico.
- Suplemento de Suporte Imunológico: Este suplemento herbal auxilia contra o cansaço, promove uma resposta imunológica saudável e auxilia na absorção de oxigênio.
- Suplemento Energético com Cordyceps e Reishi: Este suplemento alimentar é feito com cogumelos Cordyceps e Reishi para manter níveis saudáveis de energia e promover o relaxamento.
- Sobre a Host Defense: A Host Defense Mushrooms foi fundada pelo renomado micologista Paul Stamets; nosso micélio de cogumelo é certificado orgânico, não transgênico, livre de glúten e cultivado nos Estados Unidos.
Como suplemento alimentar, tome meia colher de chá 1-3 vezes ao dia com alimentos ou com o estômago vazio, ou conforme recomendado pelo seu profissional de saúde.
Calvin W –
As a long time buyer of Host Defense products I was super excited to test this stuff out. It’s a little clumpy but with a frother it dissolves really well and turns into a nice thick-ish, smooth drink that doesn’t taste like mushrooms. It’s…pleasant? It tastes good whatever it is. Hard to describe but it’s not mushrooms so that’s good
The effects don’t take long to start. I downed my first cup and within a half hour started to feel a little bit more awake, alert and felt as if I could think clearer. It’s a great way to start the day, has nothing but some of the cleanest ingredients ever and delivers on its promises
Well worth checking out
SocalDancer –
I love all the Host Defense mushroom products, and this should be no different. Nutrition, immune defense and energy. I usually take a teaspoon of this with my matcha tea in the morning.
High priority supplement !!!
majormusiclover –
‘Host Defense’ is refreshingly open and honest on their label =
> That this is the mycelium part of the mushroom and is grown by culturing on organic brown rice
I don’t doubt this is a quality product for what it is = but the mycelium part of the mushroom
contains significantly less beneficial properties as compared to the fruiting bodies.
((( fruiting body = the stem and cap / mycelium = under ground network of the mushroom )))
Still I give this 5 stars for quality mycelium at a fair price
And it’s not like this mycelium is nothing = it is HIGHLY active in supporting the immune system.
> Cordyceps is backed by science for it’s anti tumor properties – anti aging –
helps manage type 2 diabetes – fights inflammation – supports heart health.
> Reishi is great for the immune system – helps manage high blood pressure – high cholesterol –
reduces stress – improves sleep.
Made in USA
T. Killian –
Gives me great energy and helps me breathe deeply .
Shirley –
I guess we need to avoid buying supplements off here received this today opened it and it smells rancid no good so now I’m stuck with this crap and wasted money
Calvin W –
My wife and I use a lot of mushrooms regularly, and have used other brands of chaga, cordyceps, and reishi mushrooms before. Usually we buy whole mushrooms and blend them ourselves. We’ve burnt out many grinders over the years -mushrooms are hard on a blender or spice grinder.
This powder is very convenient. The powder is very evenly ground, and that’s hard to do at home without straining and regrinding.
With this powder it is fast and easy to make a little mushroom elixir of espresso, a little maca or cocoa, and blended with this Breathe mix. It’s definitely a power combo of mushrooms.
The powder makes it easier for people to stay consistent in ingesting it. It also tastes mild, and yet you still experience the taste (something that is considered important in Tradition Chinese Medicine and other medicinal traditions). Highly recommended.
Kelly B –
My Holistic Dr. recommended this , used it all and thinking of purchasing more. Cheaper than buying the mushroom coffees!