Horbäach Niacin | Vitamina B3 500mg | 100 Cápsulas | com Rubor | Suplemento Não-OGM e Sem Glúten
Suplemento de Niacina: Receba pureza, potência e qualidade excepcionais desta vitamina essencial!
Alta Potência: Fornece 500 mg de Niacina (como Ácido Nicotínico) por porção.
Expertamente Elaborado: Nossa fórmula profissional é respaldada pelo nosso compromisso com a pureza e potência.
Naturalmente Livre de: Glúten, Trigo, Soja, Leite, Lactose, Sabor Artificial, Conservantes e Não-OGM.
ADVERTÊNCIA: Não destinado ao uso por mulheres grávidas ou lactantes. Se você estiver tomando algum medicamento ou tiver alguma condição médica, consulte seu médico antes de usar. A niacina pode causar rubor, formigamento e vermelhidão da pele, especialmente com o estômago vazio. Não tome de estômago vazio. Não exceda a dose recomendada, a menos que prescrito pelo seu médico. Se ocorrerem reações adversas, interrompa imediatamente o uso deste produto e consulte seu médico.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Pureza excepcional: O suplemento de Niacina Horbäach oferece uma pureza excepcional, garantindo que você esteja recebendo apenas o melhor para a sua saúde.
- Potência elevada: Com 500 mg de Niacina por porção, este suplemento fornece uma dose potente para ajudar a atender às suas necessidades diárias.
- Qualidade garantida: A fórmula profissional deste suplemento é respaldada pelo compromisso da Vitaminer Shop com a qualidade, garantindo que você esteja recebendo um produto confiável.
- Livre de alérgenos: Este suplemento é naturalmente livre de glúten, trigo, soja, leite, lactose, sabor artificial e conservantes, tornando-o adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
- Recomendado por especialistas: A Vitaminer Shop é uma loja confiável que recomenda este suplemento de Niacina devido à sua pureza, potência e qualidade excepcionais.
O Horbäach Niacin oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de saúde. Primeiramente, a niacina é conhecida por contribuir para a saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol. Além disso, este suplemento pode melhorar a circulação sanguínea, proporcionando um efeito de rubor que indica que o produto está agindo. Outro benefício importante é o suporte ao metabolismo energético, essencial para quem busca aumentar a disposição no dia a dia. A fórmula livre de OGM e glúten torna o Horbäach Niacin uma escolha segura para aqueles com restrições alimentares, enquanto a alta potência de 500 mg por cápsula garante que você receba a dose necessária para atender às suas necessidades diárias. Por fim, a qualidade garantida pela Vitaminer Shop assegura que você está investindo em um produto confiável e eficaz.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula diariamente, de preferência com uma refeição. Esta prática não apenas maximiza a absorção da niacina, mas também minimiza o risco de rubor e vermelhidão da pele, que podem ocorrer se o suplemento for tomado com o estômago vazio. É fundamental seguir a dose recomendada e consultar um médico antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver alguma condição médica preexistente. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Barry Robinson –
If you’re not accustomed to the Niacin flush, it’s intense. Mine starts in my neck, moves to my ears and then my head and ends in my legs. You get hot, tingly and it feels like a sunburn at its worse. My wife’s flush starts in her fingers and then moves from there. It’s normal. Ride it out. It’s your capillaries opening up and letting the blood flow, similar to what happens after a hard massage and you’re red and itchy afterwards.
Start at 500mg and get accustomed to it. If you take an aspirin in the morning, let it sit about 15-20 minutes before taking the Niacin as that seems to remedy the intensity, although not by a lot but it does seem to shorten the flush.
I can’t say this product ‘works’ yet as far as the benefits but you darn sure can feel it go throughout your body.
Susanna Dubler –
Cholesterol control
Will purchase again.
Chris Stahlsmith –
I recommend taking this on a full stomach. I experience flushing about an hour after taking, especially if on an empty stomach or after a light meal. It’s not a horrible experience, but my face turns red and I get pins-n-needles, hot and itchy feeling that starts at the scalp and kind of moves in a slow wave down to the arms and chest, then lower torso. The experience fades after 45 mins or so.
Strangely, the first bottle I purchased several weeks ago didn’t do this.
Ryan LeValley –
I started off with the flush-free version of Niacin. After researching that the flush-free doesn’t offer as many cardiovascular benefits as regular niacin, I decided to give this product a try. I probably should have started off with 250mg from a different product and worked my way up to this product.
This stuff will make you flush hard. I feel a tingle in my ears and I know its coming. After 10-15 minutes, I look like I just got back from the beach without sunscreen. Interestingly enough, it feels JUST like a sunburn. It’s very uncomfortable, but only lasts about 45 minutes. From what I understand – the flush diminishes after a month of use. If you are not building up and want to jump in like I did, you may want to take an 81mg of aspirin 30 minutes prior to taking this for a reduced flush effect.
Update: I am almost done with my first bottle, a couple things I want to note – I shop heavily based on user ratings of products, this product is absolutely fantastic and for those leaving low ratings due to the crazy flush they got is absolutely ridiculous.
Regarding the flush – it is quite powerful and uncomfortable at first. It took about 2 weeks of muscling through it before the flush was barely noticeable. About a month in, I don’t even flush for more than 5 minutes. At the end of my supply, I don’t flush at all. I can tell that it’s hitting me because my mouth gets kind of dry and I feel a tingle sensation in my tongue.
If you can make it past the two week mark when the Niacin levels equalize in your blood stream and your liver isn’t shocked to hell from the flood of Niacin, this product is absolutely fantastic.
Lee –
I wanted to take this to lower cholesterol. I took two pills as the bottle said. I have taken Niacin in the past that had the “flush” and it was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. I got used to it and even kind of liked it as time went by. This was sooooo different! I thought I was going to die! I was not only burning all over, but I was so weak I couldn’t stand up. I kept feeling I was going to pass out. I needed to throw up, but I couldn’t. I had bad diarrhea of eveything in my stomach–couldn’t stop, even though I was so weak I could hardly stay in the bathroom! After the burning finally eased up a little, I started freezing and shaking uncontrollably. I wrapped up in an electric blanket, and it didn’t matter. My body was shaking violently, and nothing I did would stop it. Later, when the freezing calmed down some, I started aching all over–so bad that I started wondering if maybe I had Covid and it wasn’t the Niacin after all. The aching was pretty much gone the next morning, but I felt sick and weak for three days after taking this–like my body had been violently assaulted! I’m amazed nobody has actually died from taking this or that the company is allowed to sell it and hasn’t faced a lawsuit! This was torture! Not worth it! There are other brands that don’t do this!
Purchased twice now. Always a great flush when taken with warm water upon bedtime. I love the itchy prickly sensations. Brain fog, anxiety and depression begone! This is the bestest among 3 other brands that I have tried. Ribuan terimakasih. Thousands of thanks for making this amazing vitamin.
Cynde –
It says to take 2 capsules for a 1000 dose. I take 1 capsule and about 2- 3 hours later the FLUSH comes on! I have red face, tingly itchy skin…etc. After about 30 minutes, I start to cool as the flush recedes and am left feeling chilly. I take it that all this means it is working. I hope it is doing good things inside my body too. But I am glad only to be taking half the recommended dose. I do suggest taking with food.. seems to help with the itching and I applesauce seems to mitigate the worst of the flush. I think this is some good stuff if you want Niacin!
I took one pill (1/2 recommended dose) which was apparently 500mg. Within the hour my face was swollen, and my nasal cavity was completely blocked. My heart began to race out of control and I eventually became nauseous to the point of actively dry heaving. My face and hands which were once vibrant red became white as a sheet and I had to resort to sitting on the floor with my head between my legs to prevent myself from passing out. To make this pass through my system as quickly as possible, I drank a large amount of water. A few hours later, I was able to finally sleep though I was absolutely freezing in the warmest room of the house and covered with two very thick comforters. I don’t know if the pills were defective, but they are in the trash. Be careful.