Descrição do Produto:
O Honest Beauty Peel Renovação Profunda é a solução ideal para quem busca uma pele renovada e radiante. Com uma fórmula poderosa que combina 10% de AHA e 2% de BHA, este esfoliante intenso proporciona uma esfoliação profunda, removendo as células mortas e revelando uma tez mais suave e luminosa. O produto é vegano e livre de crueldade animal, refletindo um compromisso com a ética e a sustentabilidade. Com 50ml de pura eficácia, o All the Feels Resurfacing Peel transforma sua rotina de cuidados com a pele em uma experiência de spa em casa.
A fórmula é enriquecida com ingredientes naturais, como o Extrato de Uva, que é rico em Ácido Tartárico, um AHA que potencializa a renovação celular. O Ácido Glicólico, derivado da cana-de-açúcar, atua na esfoliação das células mortas, enquanto o Ácido Salicílico, derivado do wintergreen, ajuda a manter a pele limpa e livre de impurezas. Além disso, a Spirulina, uma microalga rica em nutrientes, proporciona hidratação e é conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas à pele. O produto não contém PEGs, polissorbatos, fragrâncias artificiais ou outros aditivos prejudiciais, garantindo uma experiência de uso segura e eficaz.
1. Esfoliação Profunda: Remove células mortas, promovendo uma pele mais suave e luminosa.
2. Ingredientes Naturais: Com extratos de origem vegetal, a fórmula é eficaz e segura para todos os tipos de pele.
3. Vegano e Livre de Crueldade: Permite cuidados com a pele sem comprometer os princípios éticos.
4. Testado Clinicamente: Garantia de eficácia e segurança, proporcionando confiança ao usuário.
5. Auditado por Toxicologistas: Aprovado para uso seguro, ideal para quem busca produtos de qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma camada fina do All the Feels Resurfacing Peel sobre a pele limpa e seca, evitando a área dos olhos. Deixe o produto agir por 10 a 15 minutos, permitindo que os ácidos penetrem e realizem a esfoliação. Após o tempo de ação, enxágue bem com água morna. Recomenda-se o uso de uma a duas vezes por semana, conforme necessário. É importante evitar a exposição ao sol durante o uso deste produto e aplicar protetor solar diariamente para proteger a pele após a esfoliação.
Ashley Shearer –
Like others have said, this mask is gorgeous! Just be careful and read the directions. Because this mask likes its name gives you “all the feels”. If you are unfamiliar with using chemical exfoliants start out with a few mins or five minutes the first time you use it. Then work your way up. I left it on for a few mins too long and it definitely tingles and made my face red. Learned my lesson lol. But I would recommend this to anyone! Worth the money.
laurelmailcall –
This stuff is so pretty! It’s like a shiny iridescent gel with a green/pink shift. I apply it in a fairly thin layer so it doesn’t look that obvious on my face, but it still has a magical shimmer. I don’t experience any irritation or tingling at all, but my face does look slightly red after use, so I’d recommend treating your skin the night before a big event rather than right beforehand. Afterward, my skin looks visibly more even and feels softer.
clara –
I think I like this product? It was amateur of me to think it was a “peel off” mask. It is NOT. I think it is a “peel” because of the dead skin cells being cleaned off. My skin was slightly burning and tingling for the first few minutes. It also made my face hot and red after I washed it. On the label, it reads “better to use if you are more experienced in your skin car journey.”
I will Continue to Use, just Incase it does good for My Face!
JoAnne Goldberg –
My skin is the opposite of sensitive, and products that work miracles on other faces tend not to make any difference on mine. Thus, I did not have great expectations for this peel.
Honest Beauty far exceeded those expectations. I can feel a tingle while the mask is on, and it leaves my skin feeling, well, deeply exfoliated and ready to take on the next adventure. The directions say 5-10 minutes, no more than 15. I kept it on 15 minute the first time, and have experimented with leaving it on even longer. Honest Beauty says I can expect some redness after use, and so far I am not at that point.
The directions say to apply sunscreen while using the product and for a week afterward. Better yet: use sunscreen every day (I do, and wish I’d started when I was a kid, but those were the pre-SPF days.)
The peel is free from animal products, and isn’t tested on animals. The bottom half of the jar is also recyclable (the lid is not).
Tammy B. –
I love this product. I wanted a clean product that deeply exfoliates but is not harsh. I use it twice a week. The more I use it the softer my skin feels! Highly recommend for all ages!
Allison B. –
this is really pretty! it has an iridescent look to the mask, and goes on really smooth. I like to leave it on about 10 minutes and then it washes off easily. super soft, and my skin felt smooth after. will be including this product in my self-care nights going forward.
Georgina Stroh –
It’s a great product
Radar626 –
This is one of the prettier chemical facial peels I think I have ever used. I know it doesn’t make a difference in how it works, but it gives a little more oomph to the self-care feel. The actual product works just as well as it looks. Apply a thin layer to clean skin (after you’ve done the all important patch test), wait five to a maximum of 15 minutes, then rinse off. If you have sensitive skin (like me), start using this on the lower end at five minutes and work your way up in how long you leave this on. Always avoid the skin around your eyes and lips when using any chemical peel, too. If your skin ever starts to burn or feel painful before then, of course immediately rinse off this peel. Chemical peels can vary in strength, and this one has a decent amount of acids. Super sensitive facial skin might not be able to tolerate this at all. I’ve found that for some chemical peels that are too strong for my face, they work well on my upper arms to combat KP and the skin there tolerates the acids since it’s thicker and less sensitive. I ended up tolerating this peel well and used it all on my face, neck, and upper chest with good results. Skincare products always work better when skin is free of dead skin cells. I alternate between chemical and physical exfoliation which works well for me. I’ve added this one to my short list of chemical peels I repurchase.