HMB e Leucina Gummies: Liqherb HMB e Leucina Gummies contém 3000mg por porção, são gomas de pectina com sabor de limão que são mais macias de mastigar, fornecendo um excelente impulso de energia. São uma alternativa perfeita para a forma em pó, mais fáceis de digerir para proteger a saúde do seu estômago.
As gomas de HMB e Leucina da Liqherb são formuladas para atender às necessidades dos adultos que buscam otimizar seu desempenho físico e acelerar a recuperação muscular. Com 3000mg de HMB e L-Leucina por porção, essas gomas não apenas oferecem um sabor refrescante de limão, mas também são uma solução prática e eficaz para quem deseja melhorar sua resistência e recuperação pós-treino. A textura macia das gomas facilita a mastigação, tornando-as uma opção agradável e conveniente para o dia a dia.
Benefícios Amplos: Estas gomas de HMB e Leucina oferecem um excelente impulso de energia, suportam o crescimento muscular, recuperação e resistência aprimorada, melhoram a recuperação pós-treino, mantêm você hidratado sem perder água facilmente e aumentam significativamente sua confiança nos treinos.
Ingredientes Saudáveis: Nossos suplementos de HMB e Leucina são veganos, não transgênicos, sem glúten e cheios de energia para repor completamente os ingredientes que você perde durante o treino. Sem adição de corantes, essas gomas fitness são um auxílio mais saudável para seus treinos.
Uso Conveniente: Ao contrário de outras formas em pó, estas gomas de treino podem ser consumidas em movimento, antes ou depois do treino. Tome quatro gomas por dia para cada treino. Basta abrir a embalagem e desfrutar de um delicioso combustível para o desempenho.
Produção Conforme: As gomas Liqherb são fabricadas em uma instalação certificada pela GMP e são testadas por terceiros. Por favor, nos informe imediatamente sobre qualquer problema com as gomas e faremos o possível para resolvê-los o mais rápido possível.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Impulso de energia excepcional
- Suporte ao crescimento muscular e recuperação
- Aprimora a resistência e a confiança nos treinos
- Ingredientes saudáveis e sem adição de corantes
- Uso conveniente em qualquer lugar
1. Impulso de energia excepcional que melhora o desempenho durante os treinos.
2. Suporte ao crescimento muscular, essencial para quem busca aumentar a massa magra.
3. Aprimora a resistência, permitindo treinos mais longos e intensos.
4. Ingredientes saudáveis, garantindo uma suplementação livre de aditivos prejudiciais.
5. Uso conveniente, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada e precisa de praticidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de quatro gomas de HMB e Leucina por dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino. É importante que o uso do suplemento seja acompanhado de uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios adequado, a fim de maximizar os benefícios. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação para garantir que este produto é adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
I ordered the wrong product. I will be returning it and getting the right one I need. –
It’s good product
Closer to 100 –
I don’t know about anyone else, but HMB has always worked for me. 30 years ago, it was extremely expensive because there was no competition. Now the prices have become more affordable, and the method of ingestion with these gummy‘s has improved drastically. Can’t say enough good things about this product.
JustlilOme –
A lot of times there are no real pictures of the ingredients on Amazon, especially for gummies – love how these are exactly as shown on the listing and so i don’t have to add a bunch of photos.
I prefer gummies because they taste good – these taste like a lemon drop – and I feel like they may get absorbed better because I am tasking time to chew them and my saliva starts the digestion process (these are a little stickier than other gummies, but not bad).
As a vegan, it’s a little harder for me to get Leucine from my diet – usually found in animal proteins including milk, eggs, chicken, fish, and meat. Leucine plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins to help build muscle. I will still need to work out for the leucine to have the best effect as muscles don’t grow by me sitting behind my laptop – typing away. Luckily I do like to work out, and these HMB L-Leucine Gummiesare a good addition to my health routine.
These gummies are good quality with cGMP certification and third party testing for contaminants. Not sure where they are made but they are distributed by a company in san Antonio, Texas and the expiration on the bottle I received is about two years from when I received them.
DG615 –
So I am not a fan that you have to eat 4 of theses every day. That makes this 2 pack a 1 month supply. $35/month to me is a little excessive for an ongoing supplement. Then there is the fact that they do not taste very good. I know its a supplement, but these just have an odd taste. Lastly, they are very gooey. I have to eat them before anything else so the next item helps get these out of my teeth. Gummies of any kind are not good for your teeth, and these are extra sticky.
I got these because I was having shoulder surgery. I recover pretty quickly anyway from most injuries but wanted something to help speed things along. 13 days after surgery I have almost full range of motion and they actually cut me back to 1 day per week until I am ready for strengthening because I am healing so quickly. I am not saying these will help you heal, but I bet they aren’t hurting.
S. Marr –
Leucine is a branch-chain amino acid (BCAA). BCAAs play a role in building and repairing muscle, so BCAA supplements have targeted fitness enthusiasts for workout recovery. HMB is produced naturally when the body breaks down leucine. As a supplement, it is targeted to older individuals who experience age-related muscle loss or wasting.
I’ve take both supplements in separate products until receiving these gummies to try. The BCAA supplement I use has leucine as the primary ingredient along with two other BCAAs. It is a powder that gets mixed in a drink, and it is the most terribly disgusting tasting supplement I take. In my opinion, I helps me, so I tolerate the taste. The HMB supplement I use is in capsule form that I take two about three times a day.
My thoughts on using these gummies instead of the my other separate supplements:
The taste is pleasant a lemon flavor. It does not taste like a masking agent of lemon on top of the bitter BCAA taste. I do not taste the BCAA at all. The suggested serving size is four gummies a day, which is fewer than the six HMB capsules currently taken. I look forward to continuing using these gummies and evaluating if the benefits hold up in this one product that I’ve gotten from separate supplements.
BG –
Nothing is easier than popping a couple of gummies before or after a workout. HMB and leucine are thought to help recovery and finding them in a gummy is another bonus. I couldn’t give this product five stars for the same reason I don’t give out a top rating to any supplement; they don’t tell us where it is manufactured and there is no third party testing for purity and quantity.
Jim –
easy product to digest
S. Marr –
I ordered these to help with my PCOS symptoms. They taste pretty good, true lemon flavor. They are a bit sticky in the teeth, but that is somewhat expected with a gummy. The biggest issue I had was that the order was supposed to be a 2 pack and only one arrived.