O HLTH Code Complete Meal Replacement Powder é um substituto de refeição em pó com alto teor de proteínas e sabor de baunilha cremosa. Com 15 porções, oferece uma solução conveniente e nutritiva para quem busca uma alimentação equilibrada. Seus principais benefícios incluem fornecer uma fonte de proteínas de qualidade, ajudar na saciedade e auxiliar no controle de peso. Este shake substituto de refeição é nutricionalmente completo, baseado nas últimas pesquisas em nutrição e ciência metabólica, e formulado para ajudá-lo a se sentir mais saudável. Cada porção é potencializada com ingredientes que promovem a saúde e podem fazer uma grande diferença em seu bem-estar, incluindo mais energia, sensação de vitalidade e um sistema imunológico mais forte.
Além disso, este shake substituto de refeição é delicioso e pronto em segundos. Se você deseja redefinir sua saúde ou perder peso, pode substituir até 2 refeições por dia por este shake. Sua fórmula é amigável para dietas cetogênicas, respaldada pela ciência, e contém uma combinação de proteínas, gorduras saudáveis, vinagre de maçã, probióticos, fibras, vitaminas e minerais, sem adição de açúcar, carboidratos extras ou qualquer coisa artificial. Além dos benefícios mencionados, este shake também pode proporcionar mais energia, sensação de vitalidade, um sistema imunológico mais forte, uma mente mais clara, melhora na saúde intestinal, pele, cabelo e unhas, saúde das articulações, cartilagens e ossos, músculos magros e tonificados, entre outros.
1. Nutrição Completa: Este shake substituto de refeição oferece todos os nutrientes necessários para uma alimentação equilibrada e saudável.
2. Ingredientes de Qualidade: Sua fórmula é baseada em ingredientes de alta qualidade, respaldados pela ciência, para garantir os melhores resultados para sua saúde.
3. Facilidade e Praticidade: Com este shake, você pode ter uma refeição completa e saudável em segundos, sem precisar se preocupar com o preparo de alimentos.
4. Resultados Visíveis: Muitos consumidores relatam sentir uma grande diferença em sua saúde e bem-estar após o uso regular deste shake substituto de refeição.
5. Confiança na Marca: A Vitaminer Shop é uma loja renomada, conhecida por oferecer produtos de alta qualidade e confiabilidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção deste shake substituto de refeição com 240 ml de água ou leite de sua preferência. Agite bem em uma coqueteleira ou liquidificador até que a mistura esteja homogênea e consuma imediatamente. Recomenda-se substituir até 2 refeições por dia por este shake, como parte de uma dieta equilibrada. Para maximizar os benefícios, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de substituição de refeição. Aproveite os benefícios deste shake e sinta-se mais saudável e energizado!
Carol Zhou –
I use this protein powder after my weight lifting sessions. It is nutritious and delicious, and probably does help build muscle (according to the science).
Chris from NY –
I ordered the Chocolate Macadamia Flavor and was really pleased with the taste. I was happy about that because the nutritional profile of this product is superior to any product I’ve tried, and I was hoping it would taste good. It’s really filling too, and can serve as a practical meal replacement. I also feel it’s well worth the price, given everything that’s in it. If you’re looking for a product that tastes like a McDonald’s milkshake, this may not for you. But if you want a solid product with superior ingredients that tastes great too, then you should give it a try.
Ginger Lily –
This was my first time ordering from Health Codes, so I got the Vanilla just to try it. I really like the flavor and the texture. It is very powdery (not gritty), even before adding any liquid. The scoop is bigger than other scoops in other products I have used. As such I only use one as opposed to the two they recommend, but I do add a scoop of a different product that is chocolate. I tend to prefer chocolate but it was unavailable on Amazon at the time of my purchase. Mixing their vanilla with the chocolate I have made a very nice thick drink. Plus I know the vanilla will work great for me when I add things like berries for a different flavor so it will certainly get used up. This time however, I used 2 cups of Almond milk, 2 tsp of flax seeds, plus a handful of frozen kale and a couple of ice cubes along with the Health Codes
vanilla and my dark chocolate collagen powder. I prefer using my blender rather than the shaker cups as it really in my opinion, makes shakes much thicker. It was a very very filling and super tasty drink.
The cost may seem high for a 21 day supply, but since I am only using one scoop, plus I only drink it about 4 times a week, this bag will last me a couple of months.
On another note, when I ordered this product, I inadvertently hit 2 units instead of 1. Knowing how long the one bag would last me, I contacted the seller to see if I could return the unopened bag. Their response was extremely accommodating and quite satisfactory. I don’t want to say how it was handled as I don’t know their standard procedures though I suspect they handle all customers in the same manner. I will only say if you have any questions or concerns I would not hesitate to reach out to them. Based on my experience I believe they will be very fair.
Silvia Pepperman –
Love the flavor of chocolate macadamia but too pricey to buy regularly.
Amazon Customer –
I struggle with my energy levels quite a bit. I’m always trying to get enough nutrients into my diet. I used this for a few weeks and then went a a few days without it and could tell a difference.
I don’t really care for protein drinks usually. I decided to try this one because it contained collagen, probiotics, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil, and vitamins and minerals. These are things that I struggle to get in my diet.
I was really nervous about it tasting like collagen (I hate the taste of collagen). I can’t taste the collagen in it. Overall it’s not a bad taste.
It’s hard on my stomach at it’s full dose and with water. Something about this product lingers and I can taste it all day (maybe the natural flavors?) I have a sensitive stomach. Even my daily vitamins hurt my stomach if I don’t eat them with food and the exact right time.
My fix for this has been to take half of a dose with 8oz of milk instead of water. This has worked great for me. The milk helps me digest it better and I don’t get that lingering feeling all day.
The chocolate had little white balls (maybe the macadamia nuts) that don’t dissolve. I don’t like them at all. It just chug it. I have texture issues. I use a blender bottle, I’m sure a blender would solve the issue. It’s not worth pulling out a blender to me.
Cost, it’s just way too expensive in my opinion. I’m buying it because I haven’t found anything else that helps as well. But it’s a downer that it takes up so much of by grocery budget.
While this isn’t a “perfect product” it really does help my energy levels and gives my body the nutrients that it’s needs. Overall it’s worth it for me, but I will probably keep looking at other products to see if they have similar ingredients at a lower cost.
danny –
My wife ordered this based on all the great reviews.
We have tried alot of protein drinks and meal replacements, this by far has to be the worst I have ever tasted especially for the price.
Odette –
I am an avid listener of Dr Bikman’s InsulinIQ youtube trainings, he promised excellence. The taste isn’t a problem for me, and the quality of protein appears to be good quality. My disappointment is with the poor quality – low bioavailabilty of the vitamins and minerals. Folic acid, no folate, pyridoxine hydrochloride not pyridoxal 5 phosphate activated, zinc gluconate not zinc bisglycinate as three examples. However to be fair this should be better than eating a sugar, flour and seed oils.
Christina –
I love the flavor of this protein shake. I also love that it has natural sweeteners and good ingredients. I’ve been drinking protein shakes for about 42 years and I am incredibly picky. I recently bought more than 10 protein powders to find one that I didn’t have to edit and add ingredients to. This is easily my favorite. I struggled to pay the full price for this product because it is wildly expensive but it is also one of the best I’ve ever had and I need it haha.