Produto Importado dos EUA

Himalaya PartySmart: Cápsula para uma Manhã Melhor após Beber, Suporte ao Fígado, Quebra do Álcool, Estudo Clínico, Suplemento Herbal, 10 Cápsulas

*R$261.51 Em até 6x de R$43.59 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$43.59 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$261.51 sem juros2x de R$130.76 sem juros3x de R$87.17 sem juros4x de R$65.38 sem juros5x de R$52.30 sem juros6x de R$43.59 sem juros

Himalaya PartySmart é um suplemento à base de plantas, clinicamente estudado, que oferece suporte ao fígado e auxilia na quebra do álcool. Com apenas uma cápsula, você pode desfrutar de uma manhã melhor após beber. Este produto não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e vem em um pacote com 10 cápsulas.

(9 avaliações de clientes)
Himalaya PartySmart: Cápsula para uma Manhã Melhor após Beber, Suporte ao Fígado, Quebra do Álcool, Estudo Clínico, Suplemento Herbal, 10 Cápsulas *R$261.51 Em até 6x de R$43.59 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$43.59 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$261.51 sem juros2x de R$130.76 sem juros3x de R$87.17 sem juros4x de R$65.38 sem juros5x de R$52.30 sem juros6x de R$43.59 sem juros
SKU: 5A0CFD5E Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Conheça o Himalaya PartySmart: Uma Cápsula para uma Manhã Melhor Depois de Beber

O Himalaya PartySmart é um suplemento à base de plantas que oferece suporte ao fígado, auxiliando na quebra do álcool e ajudando a processá-lo enquanto você dorme. Com ingredientes herbais cuidadosamente selecionados, este suplemento é clinicamente estudado e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM). Com 10 cápsulas por embalagem, o Himalaya PartySmart é a adição perfeita para uma noite divertida e para o dia seguinte.

Ajuda a Processar o Álcool

O Himalaya PartySmart é clinicamente estudado e ajuda a apoiar a capacidade do fígado de processar o álcool enquanto você dorme. Isso o torna um complemento importante para uma noite divertida e para o dia seguinte. Além disso, o suplemento fornece suporte ao fígado com ingredientes à base de plantas.

Uma Cápsula para uma Manhã Melhor

Acorde com um humor melhor, mais conforto e energia depois de uma noite de bebidas. As cápsulas são fáceis de carregar na bolsa ou no bolso. Tome uma cápsula enquanto bebe para obter melhores resultados e incorpore-as às suas noites de diversão.

Ingredientes Herbais

Este suplemento para noites de diversão é formulado com Andrographis, Chicória, Uvas e Tâmaras para ajudar a eliminar o acetaldeído, um subproduto da quebra do álcool, do seu sangue. Apenas uma cápsula é suficiente para fazer isso acontecer!

Feito com Qualidade

A fórmula do Himalaya PartySmart é vegetariana e não contém glúten, laticínios, milho, soja ou ingredientes de origem animal. Além disso, o produto é verificado pelo Projeto Non-GMO, garantindo que não contém organismos geneticamente modificados. A Himalaya é uma empresa familiar confiável desde 1930.

Qualidade do Início ao Fim

Os produtos Himalaya são produzidos em uma instalação certificada pelas Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMP). Eles passam por testes rigorosos de identidade, potência e segurança, para que você possa confiar nos produtos que usa diariamente.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

1. Suporte ao Fígado

O Himalaya PartySmart oferece suporte ao fígado, ajudando-o a processar o álcool de forma mais eficiente.

2. Melhora a Manhã Seguinte

Acorde com um humor melhor, mais conforto e energia após uma noite de bebidas, graças ao Himalaya PartySmart.

3. Ingredientes à Base de Plantas

Formulado com ingredientes à base de plantas como Andrographis, Chicória, Uvas e Tâmaras, o Himalaya PartySmart é uma opção natural para o suporte ao fígado.

4. Livre de Ingredientes Indesejados

O Himalaya PartySmart é livre de glúten, laticínios, milho, soja e ingredientes de origem animal, atendendo às necessidades de diferentes dietas.

5. Qualidade Garantida

Os produtos Himalaya são produzidos em uma instalação certificada pelas Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMP) e passam por testes rigorosos para garantir a qualidade e segurança.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para obter os melhores resultados, tome uma cápsula do Himalaya PartySmart enquanto estiver bebendo. Certifique-se de seguir as instruções de uso fornecidas na embalagem. Este suplemento destina-se a adultos maiores de 18 anos. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica.

9 avaliações para Himalaya PartySmart: Cápsula para uma Manhã Melhor após Beber, Suporte ao Fígado, Quebra do Álcool, Estudo Clínico, Suplemento Herbal, 10 Cápsulas

  1. Alfredo Sebastian Gutierrez

    Puede que haga algun efecto si la cantidad de alcohol es baja

  2. APF

    I first bought these from Whole Foods and not I order them online with Amazon. They are cheaper online. They work pretty well.

  3. Vince Garcia

    I have used these for several years now and they work every time! I have tried multiple other brands/products and none of them work like Party Smarts. With Party Smarts, you only have to take one pill before bed, they come individually wrapped, and are easy to take with you wherever you go. Other brands require you to take sometimes up to 6 pills and are in pill bottles which are inconvenient to carry around with you.

  4. Kathryn S

    Although the seller is wrong, he does not change the picture and just repeats that the content is the same. What an irresponsible seller.

  5. APF

    I don’t feel that this Helps that much. I take it as a precaution I usually don’t drink that much, but I don’t want a hangover next morning, so just in case, I take it when I will drink some alcohol

  6. Bianca

    I really put this vitamin through a series of tests. I wanted to see if it works for most situations rather than just my own.

    Control; without taking vitamin: I am 28 years old, I do a lot of shots, mixed drinks and Jell-O shots. My hangovers last about 3-5 days, I experience dehydration, body aches, headaches, and my eyes also feel heavy and tired throughout the week. I drink a moderate amount of water when I drink alcohol but not as much as I should (1-2 glasses).

    Results taking vitamin:

    If you are a light drinker (1-4 drinks), this product works very well, no dehydration, no headache in the morning, no frequent bathroom trips. Has you feeling pretty good and ready to go in the morning. I didn’t drink any water during this specific test, and the results were better than I could’ve hoped.

    If you are more of a mid level drinker (5-9 drinks), this product has a 50/50 chance of working, it really depends on how much water you drink. 1st attempt was good, I drank (1-3) cups of water (6oz each) along with my alcohol and I felt good in the morning and only had a slight headache. The 2nd attempt was more of a struggle, I didn’t drink any water with my alcohol and I had a headache in the morning and I was definitely dehydrated. No body aches though and the hangover only lasted (1-2) hours. Again, a better result than what I had initially hoped for.

    If you are a heavy drinker (9-13 drinks), this product will not perform as well, it still works better than if you hadn’t taken it. But in 3 separate attempts with plenty of water (3-6 6oz cups) during my alcohol consumption, all 3 attempts I had a headache the next day and I was dehydrated most of the day and had body aches. I will say, the hangover didn’t last longer than a day each time.

    I would say it worked pretty well, even for heavy drinkers, it worked better than not taking a supplement at all. Definitely drink plenty of water either way, it was the common denominator for the best results.

  7. Hydrochlorick

    It’s hard to believe. I was certainly skeptical, but these work exactly as they claim. If you drink *way* too much, they won’t completely negate the negative effects, but they will accomplish a lot! Highly recommend them!

  8. Amanda

    Pop one of these bad boys if you decide to have a few adult juices and you are good to go!! It’s so nice even if you only have a few but don’t want to wake up with either a head splitting headache and projectile vomiting or just feel icky. Worth the money!

  9. X45GY

    Short review – Amazing and frankly life changing for me. I constantly recommend this in real life and I think I give away more of these pills to people I know so they can try them, than I even use them myself with no one ever telling me it failed!

    Long review – To put things in perspective, I was forced to quit drinking ANY alcohol because of how badly my body reacted to it all the way back in the 1990s (I would literally get headaches while drinking a single beer & a “good drunk” would lay me out for 3-4 days of hell), even though I had always enjoyed alcohol in many forms up until that time.

    Sometime around 2000, I really wanted the ability to drink alcohol again at certain events so I did research and developed a strategy involving taking a lot of vitamins, hydrating and prepping my stomach before drinking for those times I wanted to drink at events/parties & making sure I took a heavy dose of Ibuprofen (800mg) with at least 8oz of water at the end of the night. This worked really well and always prevented hangovers for me, but it was actually about 2 hours of prep so 1) I only did it once or twice a year & 2) I never casually drank, it was always to party.

    One day back in early 2022 before one of these events, I just happened to be at a friend’s place and she was raving about how awesome Party Smart was and gave me a box (which contained a single pill). I was EXTREMELY skeptical to the point that I still did my prep instead of using the Party Smart on that occasion but did take the pill/box home with me to “experiment” with.

    Fast forward several weeks to the start of a holiday weekend which gave me 4 days to recover from drinking if the Party Smart didn’t work. I purposely did everything “wrong” for my body by not hydrating or taking any of my normal prep stuff (or post drinking hydration/Ibuprofen) and then purposely overindulged (not to the point of having my stomach pumped or anything but definitely enough that I was way past BAC legal limits).

    I took the pill immediately after my first swallow of alcohol (similar to what I do with Lactaid and dairy) & then went for it by drinking way too much Tequila (something like half of a fifth) AND Prosecco (a full bottle) over the next few hours with no water or other hydration either during or after I finished.

    I fully expected that I would still have a hangover the next day & even in my drunken state of mind, I was absolutely calling myself an idiot in my head for trying this “experiment” rather than at least drinking water before going to bed. My hope was that Party Smart would cut my hangover to be a single day (rather than four) but the thought that it would totally eliminate it was really just a pipedream in my head.

    Next morning I was shocked because although I felt a little rundown there was zero headache or queasiness at all and even the rundown feeling went away with a little more sleep. I was completely blown away and immediately ran here to order a box of the pills (at the time, a box of single pill boxes was the only packaging option).

    Since then I have drank alcohol a lot. Sometimes hard alcohol like Tequila, Rum or Vodka… Sometimes wine… Sometimes beer… Sometimes jumping back and forth between different types. At times I have gotten distracted by people and forgot to take it immediately after my first taste and instead took it after 3-4 mixed drinks and yet still no hangover headache or queasiness the next day (although I definitely feel worse from a “being rundown” perspective when I forget to take it with that first sip).

    The upside is that I now can definitely drink casually and on the spur of the moment instead of only on special occasions with lots of prep. As part of this, I actually have gotten to try the amazing microbrews that are now ubiquitous (vs the mass produced options I had before I was forced to stop drinking by hangovers) and am no longer hesitant to have foods that have been cooked using alcohol (yes, I am still ao paranoid about my massive hangovers that I take a Party Smart just to eat something in a beschamel or other wine based sauce).

    Because of this, Party Smart has transformed my life in many ways. Not sure that my liver is exactly happy about it or that I haven’t been drinking too often in response to having this ability again but that’s a “me problem” having nothing to do with this amazing product.

    I would rate this product as at least a 7 on Amazon’s scale of 1-5 as it is literally my favorite product I have ever bought through Amazon.

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