O Hidratante Facial e Corporal para Pele Sensível e com Acne é a solução ideal para quem busca uma limpeza eficaz e ao mesmo tempo suave. Formulado com Mel de Manuka, um dos ingredientes mais poderosos da natureza, este sabonete líquido proporciona uma hidratação profunda, essencial para peles secas e sensíveis. Sua fórmula inovadora não apenas limpa, mas também nutre a pele, ajudando a restaurar a barreira cutânea e a combater os sinais de envelhecimento. É perfeito para homens que desejam cuidar da pele de forma prática e eficiente, sem abrir mão da qualidade.
Este produto é especialmente desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de peles acneicas e sensíveis. Com propriedades anti-envelhecimento, ele ajuda a minimizar a aparência de rugas e linhas finas, enquanto reduz a visibilidade de manchas e marcas de acne. A combinação de ingredientes naturais, como aloe vera e óleo de laranja, proporciona uma experiência de limpeza que acalma e suaviza a pele, tornando-a ideal para o uso diário.
O Hidratante Facial e Corporal é enriquecido com Mel de Manuka da Nova Zelândia, conhecido por suas propriedades antibacterianas e hidratantes. Além disso, a fórmula é livre de parabenos, sulfatos e outros químicos prejudiciais, garantindo um cuidado seguro e eficaz. Este sabonete líquido é cruelty-free e fabricado nos Estados Unidos, refletindo um compromisso com a qualidade e a ética.
Com uma fórmula pH equilibrada, este produto imita o nível natural de pH da pele, tornando-o adequado para todos os tipos de pele. Ele não apenas limpa, mas também ajuda a manter a integridade da pele, evitando o ressecamento e a irritação. A aplicação regular deste sabonete líquido pode resultar em uma pele mais saudável, radiante e rejuvenescida.
- Limpeza suave e profunda, ideal para peles sensíveis e acneicas.
- Hidratação intensa que nutre a pele de dentro para fora.
- Enriquecido com Mel de Manuka, proporcionando propriedades antibacterianas.
- Fórmula equilibrada para o pH da pele, evitando irritações.
- Livre de produtos químicos prejudiciais e cruelty-free, garantindo segurança e ética.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Hidratante Facial e Corporal na pele úmida do rosto e corpo. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Enxágue bem com água morna. Utilize diariamente para uma limpeza eficaz, além de garantir hidratação e nutrição contínuas. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico.
ButterBean6536 –
So, I have a rare autoimmune disease called amyopathic dermatomyositis, diagnosed in 2015. It causes a red, itchy, and painful if scratched rash on certain areas of the body. Around eyes happen to be one of the areas. I have to take prednisone periodically for flareups.
I have been using Dove soap for years without issue until recently – its has been drying my skin around my eyes and my mouth. No cream would help (not hydrocortisone or Cerave) I went in search of something more in line with the pH level of my skin – which brought me to this product.
I started using it 5 days ago, morning and night. I also bought the moisturizing cream. My skin actually feels refreshed, not dry. The red flare up spot I had next to and above my left eye has calmed down. The dry skin around my mouth is finally starting to look normal again.
I have been using it now for 5 days and will continue to do so. I am hoping for continued positive results. I plan on checking back in a few weeks to update this review as well.
Susan Woodall Lane –
Seems to work well. Caused no skin irritation. No suds.
RachichiLu –
Ok, I hesitated buying this for 6 months, and I wish I had it twenty years ago!! It is a bit pricey, but OMG is it worth it. I have red skin (either cutaneous lupus or rosacea), and it can be super sensitive and flaky. I used Clinique redness solutions for a few years, and it helped a bit. It was pricey and not overly effective.
Last year for my birthday someone gave me the honey skin lotion as a gift. I was incredulous and honestly didn’t want to like it. But, one fateful day I ran out of Clinique and we were in quarantine, so I started using honey skin. I immediately noticed improvement within days. I ditched Clinique and started using honey skin in the morning and evening.
I saw they had the soap, but the price tripped me up a little so I bought an aveeno sensitive skin face wash. It was ok, but when I ran out I decided to bite the bullet and try the honey skin. I used it last night as normal, dried my face off, and when I touched my skin I literally smiled and had to keep touching it. No lies, the softest and smoothest it’s been since before puberty.
I can not recommend this enough to anyone with skin issues. I’ve spent my entire adult life trying to deal with dryness, flaking, redness, bumps. I’ve had strangers make comments about the rash on my face (idiots!), and felt self conscious when I don’t have make up on. I’ve used lots of products that only make things worse, and sometimes felt helpless in my attempt to improve my skin.
The best part is it comes in a huge bottle and you only need a pea size to wash your face. So price wise, it’s really not bad. If you’re even considering this product, and in search of a minor miracle…just click buy!!
Precise Disarray –
I have sensitive, dry skin with rosacea. It can be a challenge to find something that doesn’t aggravate my face as it is already red and sometimes tender. I have been using the face cream for a couple of years now, as well as the micro-dermabrasion (exfoliation), and recently added in the face wash into the mix. It is so very gentle. Almost no odor, and there has been no irritation at all. Not only do I really like what is in it, I am impressed by what isn’t. Quality products can be made to help the skin, and not hurt the environment or harm our bodies over time. I get a sense that I can trust these products, and it is nice to find something as there are so many products out there. I don’t know why I haven’t tried it before now. I need to buy another bottle so I have one in each bathroom. Right now I use it only on my face, but will try it as a body wash, too.
For those that might ask, it has minimal to no lather. I mean, you might be able to “work up a lather” by rubbing it back and forth in your hand (or maybe a washcloth, but right now I am only using it on my face so I massage it in).
Rebecca –
I was really excited to try this product but I haven’t noticed anything different from my usual after using it for a couple of months. I wanted something to help my acne, which isn’t terrible but noticeable, and to decrease my skin redness and texture. No changes in either. I also still have to use the same amount of moisturizer afterward so no effect in that area.
It doesn’t really have a smell and seems like it will last for a long time. I only use a squirt the size of a dime and it covers my entire face.
It is definitely more expensive than I would like and for me it just wasn’t worth it.
Vida Rose –
I don’t normally write a review. But this product is amazing and deserve one. I’ve been looking for a gentle face wash that will help with my psoriasis. Finally found one. Psoriasis can be very itchy and painful condition. It is embarrassing (people will look at you like you have a contagious disease) and it does not always respond to treatment. I bought my first bottle of Honeyskin face and body wash in May 2019. Since I started using this product, I notice changes on my face. It helps stop building scaly, flaky, redness and itchy skin. It deeply cleans and leaves my skin softer and moisturized. I can go to work now without covering my psoriasis with make up foundation. It is a little pricey but worth it. I used a small amount like a pea size to last longer. I ordered my second bottle and I ordered the moisturizing cream as well. I love this product.
Francesco –
Ottimo prodotto
Amazon Customer –
I have had rosacea for 20 years now. I have tried everything under the sun to help calm my skin and to keep it bump free. I purchased this product in April 2017 and after washing my face 2 times I noticed a HUGE difference !! My skin was less red and it wasn’t breaking out. It’s been 5 months of twice daily washing and I can’t believe how much nicer my face looks and feels! I still have broken capillaries but my skin is so smooth!!! I recently bought a larger size so I can wash my whole body with this. My chest and back have cleared up too! Buy this !!! It is a wonderful product!!! A dime size goes a long way! It doesn’t lather up much but you can feel that you have enough. I am going to save up and buy the shampoo and conditioner next! I love this product!! Thank you Honey Skin!!
Paolo –
Buon prodotto
Sydney Campbell –
Cannot comment on product as the product arrived damaged in bag. Spillage was everywhere so it was immediately binned. Much smaller size than described.