Hidratante Artesanal de Talo de Gado 100% Alimentado com Grama e Mel Silvestre Cru | Corpo Inteiro | 100g
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Hidratante Artesanal de Talo de Gado, uma fórmula única que combina a pureza do mel silvestre cru com o sebo de gado alimentado exclusivamente com grama. Este hidratante é ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e eficaz para a hidratação da pele. Com apenas dois ingredientes, ele oferece uma experiência de cuidado que respeita o meio ambiente e promove a saúde da sua pele.
O sebo, proveniente de vacas criadas em pasto, é conhecido por suas propriedades emolientes e nutritivas, enquanto o mel silvestre cru é um poderoso hidratante natural, repleto de antioxidantes e nutrientes que ajudam a revitalizar a pele. Juntos, esses ingredientes criam um bálsamo versátil que pode ser utilizado em diversas situações: como limpador, hidratante, tônico, loção, e até mesmo como um creme calmante para queimaduras solares. A ausência de óleos essenciais garante que o produto seja suave e não irritante, tornando-o adequado para todos os tipos de pele.
1. Ingredientes Naturais e de Alta Qualidade: Com sebo alimentado com pasto e mel cru, você garante que sua pele recebe apenas o melhor da natureza.
2. Versatilidade: O produto pode ser utilizado de várias formas, adaptando-se às suas necessidades diárias de cuidados com a pele.
3. Sustentabilidade: A escolha deste hidratante contribui para a redução do impacto ambiental, promovendo práticas de beleza mais responsáveis.
4. Qualidade Garantida: O sebo e o mel utilizados são de origem controlada, assegurando a pureza e a eficácia do produto.
5. Benefícios para a Pele: Hidratação profunda, nutrição e suavização, resultando em uma pele saudável e radiante.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Hidratante Artesanal de Talo de Gado, aplique uma pequena quantidade do produto nas mãos e massageie suavemente sobre a pele limpa e seca. Utilize-o diariamente como um hidratante corporal, ou aplique nas áreas mais secas, como mãos e pés, para uma hidratação intensiva. Em caso de queimaduras solares, aplique uma camada generosa e deixe o produto agir para proporcionar alívio e recuperação à pele. A frequência de uso pode ser ajustada conforme necessário, garantindo que sua pele permaneça sempre bem cuidada e hidratada.
Serena –
i started looking into beef tallow when i my skin started to react to a new prescription cream. i decided to quit the excess skincare routine and go down to just face wash and this tallow. it works well and i notice a decrease in redness redress and inflammation. it does smell a bit beefy (not overwhelming) and you do have to get used to the greasy, oily feeling of it in your face (think of smothering your face in vaseline or aquaphor). after a while i did start getting small bumps all over my face, especially around my forehead and temples, though im not sure if it was from this or me being outside and sweating a lot during the summer. i’ll probably keep using this at night only and a less greasy moisturizer during the day.
Denison Tilley –
This is only my second tallow product that I have used, and it is great for my sensitive facial skin. I have dry to normal skin, with minor rosacea, which is very sensitive to most products, and I have struggled to find something that works to keep my skin hydrated without irritating it. I am a flight attendant and the low humidity levels on the plane can cause excessive drying of my skin.
The bottle is the perfect size to avoid liquid/gel restrictions for flying, and the top is secure with no leaking.
Let me tell you that the tiniest amount of this goes a long way. If you rub it gently between your fingers to allow it to warm up, you can cover your entire face and neck with one finger swipe over the top of the bottle. You may even need to use the remainder for your hands.
This product is a tiny bit shinier than another tallow lotion I ordered for my body (which is scented so I don’t use it on my face), so I allow it a bit more absorption time before I apply makeup. There has been no lifting or smearing of my makeup, and this keeps my skin very nicely hydrated throughout the day. It also works great overnight and on my lips!
There is absolutely no scent and the formulation is nice and light, with almost a whipped consistency, which just melts with the warmth of your fingers. I can imagine that this little bottle will last a long time.
I have had zero negative reaction to this lotion, no clogged pores and it has definitely improved the hydration level of my skin throughout the day. I was even told by a male passenger that my skin was glowing and I appeared to have no wrinkles at 50 years of age. I do have wrinkles, but I think this lotion is somehow plumping up those fine lines to be less visible.
I would highly recommend you give this lotion a try, even if the thought of putting tallow on your skin seems like a strange concept at first.
TX java mama –
I love how this makes my skin feel. Initially it does feel a little greasy but it gets absorbed and leaves my skin feeling amazing. What I knocked a star off was that once I used a little I found that there was a huge hole of missing product. It looked like they made sure to get everything around the outside to make it look full but then it wasn’t filled completely. That is disappointing but I will probably order again and see if its always done that way. Hopefully it was just a mistake the one time.
American Woman –
This is wonderful. After I wash my face at night, I slather a whole bunch on my face and my neck . I was a little nervous at first, but it absorbs into the skin rather than sit on top of it like other products . My skin looks gorgeous in the morning and it feels amazing!! I put less on in the morning before I put on my make up. My skin has healed from a small breakout and from a dry patch. It will not make your skin break out for sure !! This was one of the best price points I found on Amazon and it only had two ingredients which I liked. I do live in Arizona so when I got it, it was liquefied, but once it sat in my air-conditioned house for 30 minutes, it was solidified. I wish the smell was like honey .. it’s not a gross smell , just a natural smell for tallow I guess, not beef … just natural . I am very happy with the results after just one week. I use a medical grade skin line and sometimes you need to take a break a go natural .
Colleen –
I like that there is only 2 ingredients. Some have olive oil added to make it more pliable which I’d rather not put on my skin. This is tallow and honey, both good for skin. My skin soaks it up. It last a while. I just scrape out a little with the back of a clean finger nail and warm in my hands and then apply to my face and hands. I have super sensitive skin and it’s been fine. I wear masks at work at a health clinic and then keeps my skin moisturized. Those mask break me out at times so I think that this product gives a barrier. It might seem slightly greasy at first and then is soaks in. I don’t use it every day on my face. It’s also great if you do a facial peel to use after rather than aquaphor which isn’t as healthy.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve always had dry sensitive skin. I was pregnant when I bought this looking for non toxic alternatives. It has already helped restore my youthful appearance and brightened my fair. My skin stayed clear (unheard of) and the dry skin looks 15 years younger and more subtle.
I leave honest reviews so here’s the pitfall:
It smells like steak. For realz. It smells like the grease leftover in your pan after cooking a steak on the stovetop. I like how well it soaks in and made my face feel plumb and healthy.
Conclusion: I use it only at night to minimize affect on others. I will be purchasing this again. Researchhow this absorbs deep in our skin and other moisturizers treat surface level.
Andrew D Gardner –
Of course I get sucked into another social media ad and purchased this product. I have really dry skin and needed something to help with the peeling and moisture. The tallow cream works well enough but didn’t do what I thought it would and left my face smelling like pork rinds. Not exactly the best.
Marie –
Tallow and honey ONLY !!! No hidden fragrances – unlike many others advertising on Amazon. This is the real natural deal. No skin irritation on my sensitive skin. Great product!!!