KETO ELECTROLYTE SUPPLEMENT – O pó de eletrólitos Keto K1000 é um suplemento de alta concentração de potássio projetado para ajudar na hidratação, aumentar a energia celular e combater a gripe cetogênica. Com 1.000mg de potássio, essa mistura de minerais traços é feita sob medida para entusiastas da dieta cetogênica e do jejum intermitente. Basta misturar uma colher em 16 oz de água. Evite exceder uma porção a cada quatro horas ou três porções por dia. Se você é novo no produto, comece com meia porção para garantir a tolerância. Use conforme as instruções.
SEM ADITIVOS – Nossa fórmula de pó de eletrólitos é não transgênica, vegana e sem glúten, sendo um favorito entre atletas e entusiastas do fitness. Ela não contém açúcar adicionado, soja, calorias, maltodextrina ou aditivos artificiais. Elaborada a partir de sal marinho natural e minerais traços, ela ajuda a facilitar a reidratação rápida e melhora sua recuperação matinal.
HIDRATAÇÃO MÁXIMA E ENERGIA CELULAR – Os eletrólitos desempenham um papel crucial no suporte à energia celular, função muscular e saúde dos nervos. Nosso pó de eletrólitos rico em potássio pode ajudar a rejuvenescer a energia celular, garantindo que você permaneça ativo e enérgico. Esta porção solúvel de eletrólitos de desempenho fornece 1.000mg de potássio, ajudando você a atingir a ingestão diária recomendada de 4.700mg de citrato de potássio.
HIDRATAÇÃO DEFINITIVA – O pó de eletrólitos Keto K1000 atinge o equilíbrio perfeito de eletrólitos e potássio, ideal para promover a hidratação, recuperação muscular e níveis de energia sustentados. Se você pratica atividades físicas, jejum intermitente ou segue uma dieta com baixo teor de carboidratos, este suplemento produzido nos EUA é perfeito para você.
50 PORÇÕES – Este suplemento fornece 50 porções de pó de suporte de eletrólitos e minerais traços. Além do potássio, ele também contém minerais essenciais como zinco, cálcio, manganês, sódio e muito mais. Esta é uma bebida de eletrólitos com sabor de laranja – SEM AÇÚCAR! Para desfrutar dos eletrólitos aprimorados, basta adicionar água e aproveitar. A Adapted Nutrition está comprometida em ajudá-lo a transformar sua dieta e hábitos de fitness para uma vida mais saudável. A embalagem pode variar.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação eficaz para entusiastas da dieta cetogênica e do jejum intermitente
- Fórmula sem aditivos artificiais, açúcar, soja ou glúten
- Aumenta a energia celular e a função muscular
- Promove a recuperação muscular e níveis de energia sustentados
- Fornece 50 porções de suporte de eletrólitos e minerais traços
– Sugestão de Uso: Misture uma colher do pó de eletrólitos Keto K1000 em 16 oz de água. Evite exceder uma porção a cada quatro horas ou três porções por dia. Se você é novo no produto, comece com meia porção para garantir a tolerância. Use conforme as instruções.
KathleenHemrich –
I need potassium but not sodium, the others have high sodium. The taste is pleasant and it is easy to take. Great product but very expensive, due to the low sodium I will continue ordering, as I have found no other product like this.
Kindle Customer –
I take medication that makes me sweat a lot, so I drink a lot of electrolyte drinks in the summer. It’s a lot of sugar, but I can mix this with a light juice and it is drinkable. It also lasts a long time, it’s been 2 months and I’m still not finished.
Domenico –
This product I purchased is okay. The orange flavour is so so. The ingredients are low yet the calcium is quite high. The potassium amount is perfect but I would liked that the sodium and chloride to be higher as well the magnesium to be a lot more in ratio to each other.
The overall flavour is meh for me. There is an after taste i don’t know what of that lingers a little bit in the mouth. After that I actually dont want to drink it anymore.
If other are enjoying and it benefitting them then great. For me I won’t buy this product again.
High Protein –
Perfect. No real taste, so you can add to water if you want instead of a shake, which is very nice. I don’t want artificial sweetner or real sweetner in my electrolytes. So couldn’t ask for a better product.
Mrs W –
AC –
Hi, generally like healthy things. One of my Besties always says I like the taste of dirt lol that’s her way of saying that I have a high tolerance for healthy tasting things. But this…just yuck. I ended up drinking way less water today because I just couldn’t stand the Taste. I didn’t even give it a taste test because generally like I said, I like healthy tasting things. It’s hard to describe this but coming close. I think it’s like a putrid citrus taste. It’s really gross and there’s no return so there’s that. I really wanted to like this because it had all the ingredients that I was looking for, but I think I might just stick with Celtic salt.
Customer –
If you’re just interested in replacing electrolytes with no fuss, this brand is for you. It’s not sweet, has no odd flavor, and works for me throughout the day whether I’m working out or not. The powder is a pain to mix up, because it’s so light and fly-away. Here’s the least messy way I’ve found: Add the correct number of scoops to an empty gallon jug, then add filtered water. When I’ve added about half a gallon, I recap the jug and shake till the powder has dissolved. Then add the remaining half gallon, invert the capped jug a couple of times, and you’ve got most of a week’s worth ready any time you need it. The instructions say don’t chill.
Kaelin A –
I’ve developed a sensitivity to Stevia and have had to seek out multiple products to replace ones I used to use that include it. This is a replacement for the Nectar hydration packs that I’ve used for a couple years. While definitely not flavorless, it does the job. I can only manage a half scoop (1/4 serving size) in my 40oz water bottle, it’s very chalky. But, I just have that a couple times a day as needed to stay hydrated.
KathleenHemrich –
So, I have become an avid Keto way of lifer (I don’t call it a diet) and I do IF as well (Intermittent Fasting); most of all? I am a huge believer in Dr. Eric Berg who (IMO) is the most knowledgeable about Keto/IF and doing it the healthy way (yes you can slam back some burgers from McDonalds but there are healthier ways to consume high (good) fats). He recommends 4700 mg of Potassium A DAY (and don’t go saying you eat bananas because they only contain 300-400 mg depending on the banana size AND? They have too many carbs sugars). 1 cup of raw spinach leaves contain 167 milligrams of potassium, while 1 cup of cooked spinach contains 840 milligrams of potassium ( I never knew cooked made a difference but cooking releases minerals). Anyway, I was about to buy the Doctor’s electrolytes but I saw this one at a better price and with the same amount of potassium (1,000 mg!). That’s A LOT considering most (if not all) potassium supplements are only 99 mg per pill!
Okay so those are the basic facts but how does it taste? I had it today in my water and at first I honestly was like “Hmm….kinda sweet and a hint of bubblegum….not sure I’m going to take to this…” then, as I did my weights at the gym, I started to like it more and more to the point that I wish I had another water bottle to add a scoop to it.
This is not to say YOU will like it; this is to say this is why I do reviews – not everyone is going to have the same taste (whether in food or clothes etc.). So? If you don’t like stevia (this is the sweetener in it) and don’t like a rather fruity flavor then don’t get this. I personally really like the taste, the price and the fact that it has no artificial sweeteners in it and the company really seems to care about what the customers think – read the reviews, the company offers to do a refund if people don’t like the taste or say something like “Well Doctor so and so’s tastes so much better…” Um? Maybe the other doctor’s does taste better to SOME people – I can’t say, I haven’t tried, when I get more money I may try it but for now? I’m grateful for this product because before it? When I was at the gym – doing my IF (Intermittent Fasting), I would get dizzy and now? I don’t.
Also? Let me address the possibility that this will make you go number 2 unexpectedly. I specifically take 1000 mg of Magnesium Oxide at night to encourage bowel movements; that’s pretty high I know but I need it to help me go. I take Magnesium Glycinate during the day to keep me relaxed/calm (for me this doesn’t make me go to the bathroom); this product has 120 mg of Magnesium Citrate – that’s NOT likely to make you have the runs and? Don’t you think the company tested this before putting it on the market? As in why would they market something that’s supposed to help you receive electrolytes/hydrate you that would make you eliminate it out so fast? Makes no sense. So why are there some reviewers saying they had terrible diarrhea? I’d say it’s more likely that their system is off and instead of bashing the product – why not take half a scoop instead of the whole?
So? That’s it. I really like this product; the only potential negatives I can see for you (since you’re not me :-)) is that you may find it too sweet and it may act too much as a diuretic (you know what I mean….). But for me? This product gets 5 stars! I am so happy to have it help me do my morning workout routine even better!
Amazon Customer –
I’ve been doing a keto diet and one problem is not getting enough variety of foods that usually provide the necessary electrolytes. This has been very helpful to alleviate hand, feet, and leg cramps that I would often get. It’s also unflavored so can be added to just about any food or drink. I put it right in my coffee every morning.